
Gyengénlátó Változat
Tartalmi elemek

Admission Process – BSc

ugrás az oldal tetejére



Study programmes


Tuition fee/semester


Business Administration Management BSc

7 semesters

1850 USD


International Business Economics BSc

8 semesters

1850 USD

Process of the application

The application period for September intake starts on March 01- with regional closind dates:
a; Middle East and Africa, South Asia( India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal): May 30.
b; Central, North,Eastern, Southeastern Asia, Latin America: June 30.
c; Europe: July 30.

Online application forms can be filled up HERE during the application period.

Required documents for application:

In case the required documents are NOT in ENGLISH or GERMAN language then a certified copy must be attached.

  • Form for Admission to the English Degree Programmes of the University of Sopron; 
  • copy of secondary school certificate in English or German language;
  • copy of passport;
  • copy of language certificates (TOEFL or IELTS (Academic) CEFR level B2), (if you are a native English speaker, please skip this section);
  • copy of the bank transfer for the application fee;
  • any other documents (recommendation letters, motivation letters, CV).

Participate in the application process requires the following:

  • Applicants must be 18 years or older to enroll.
  • Conditions for BA applications: valid high-school diploma and successful admission interview.
    The applicant will be informed by the faculty member about the date and time of language test and the admission interview .
    Admisson decision will be send to the applicant within 15 working days of the admisson interview .
    After the interview, the examiner may decide to administer an admission test, which may include reading and the use of English.

The application fee is 150 USD – this amount is non-refundable.

The applicant will be informed about the final decision by: 15th of June.

More information about the tuition fee payment will be available after the successful admission.

For more information please contact:


ugrás az oldal tetejére

Admission Process – MSc

ugrás az oldal tetejére



Study programme


Tuition fee/semester


International Economy and Business MSc

4 semesters

2750 USD

Process of the application

The application period for September intake starts on March 01- with regional closind dates:
a; Middle East and Africa, South Asia( India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal): May 30.
b; Central, North,Eastern, Southeastern Asia, Latin America: June 30.
c; Europe: July 30.

Online application forms can be filled up HERE during the application period.

Required documents for application:

In case the required documents are NOT in ENGLISH or GERMAN language then a certified copy must be attached.

  • Form for Admission to the English Degree Programmes of the University of Sopron; 
  • copy of secondary school certificate in English or German language;
  • copy of passport;
  • copy of language certificates (TOEFL or IELTS (Academic) CEFR level B2), (if you are a native English speaker, please skip this section);
  • copy of the bank transfer for the application fee;
  • any other documents (recommendation letters, motivation letters, CV).

Participate in the application process requires the following:

  • Applicants must be 18 years or older to enroll.
  • Conditions for MSc. applications: BA/BSc diploma from economics or economy-related field or at least 15 ECTS from the field of economics and methodology, basic business knowledge and a successful admission interview.
    The applicant will be informed by the faculty member about the date and time of language test and the admission interview .
    Admisson decision will be send to the applicant within 15 working days of the admisson interview .
    After the interview, the examiner may decide to administer an admission test, which may include reading and the use of English.

The application fee is 150 USD – this amount is non-refundable.

The applicant will be informed about the final decision by:  15th of June.

More information about the tuition fee payment will be available after the successful admission.

For more information please contact:

ugrás az oldal tetejére

Conversion Table for Language Certificates

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Academic Cycles
Bachelor of Art (bachelor degree) BA
Bachelor of Science  (bachelor degree) BSc
Master of Art (master degree) MA
Master of Science (master degree) MSc
One-tier master programme (master degree) OTM
Doctor of Philosophy programme PhD
Doctor of Liberal Arts programme DLA
Conversion table for language certificates to common european framework of reference for languages
Certificate A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
IELTS 2.0 3.0 3.5-4.5 5.0-6.0 6.5-7.5 8.0-9.0
TOEFL IBT na 10-15 (speaking)
7-12 (writing)
42-71 (total)
4-17 (reading)
9-16 (listening)
16-19 (speaking)
13-16 (writing)
72-94 (total)
18-23 (reading)
17-21 (listening)
20-24 (speaking)
17-23 (writing)
95-120 (total)
24-30 (reading)
22-30 (listening)
25-30 (speaking)
24-30 (writing)
TOEFL ITP na 337 460 543 627 na
Cambridge KET 45-59 PET 45-59 FCE 45-59 CAE 45-59;
FCE grade B
CPE 45-59;
CAE grade B, C;
FCE grade A 
CPE grade A, B,C;
CAE grade A
ugrás az oldal tetejére

Admission Process – Stipendium Hungaricum

ugrás az oldal tetejére

If you are interested in the scholarship programme, you can submit your grant proposals to Tempus Public Foundation and sending partners (https://stipendiumhungaricum.hu/partners/) in your home countries. Applications shall not be submitted directly to higher education institutions.

For futher information please visit the following website: https://stipendiumhungaricum.hu/scholarship-holders/

After successful nomination and online application each applicant will take part in an admission audition via Skype. The interview will be coordinated by the vice-dean for the International Affairs of the Faculty. In this interview the applicant has to prove a good level of English proficiency and his/her motivation regarding the studies. The colleagues of the International Office will fix the date and time of the admission interview by e-mail. They will also send to the applicant the possible categories of the economic questions. The result of the admission audition will be sent to the Tempus Public Foundation, who will announce the applicant about it.

The study programmes will be launched for Stipendium Hungaricum students in case of sufficient number of successful interviewees (miniumum 15). In case of the PhD in Management and Organisational Sciences there is no minimum number of applicants required.





ugrás az oldal tetejére

Admission Process – Erasmus+

ugrás az oldal tetejére

Conditions of participation

  • The applicants must be enrolled in a course of study at their home university, which leads to a university degree.
  • The applicants must have sufficient knowledge of the English/German language.
  • The course duration at the host university must last at least three months and may not last longer than one year.

Information: If you are interested in studying at the US please speak about the organisational process with the Erasmus coordinators at your home university. For your application please use the application form given at the link Required documents. After being chosen by your home university, please send your complete documents to the Erasmus coordinator of the US Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics.


Nomination deadlines

Spring/Summer term
1st of May

Autumn/Winter term
1st of November

Application deadlines

Spring/Summer term
31st of May

Autumn/Winter term
30th of November

For further information about the programme, please visit the official website of the Erasmus+ programme.

ugrás az oldal tetejére

Admission Process – CEEPUS

ugrás az oldal tetejére

If you have been selected for the CEEPUS programme by your home university, you must complete two application procedures:

  1. Register and apply for the CEEPUS scholarship (CEEPUS – ask your coordinator for specific instructions).
  2. Send the required application documents (Required documents) for the University of Sopron Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics and apply for dormitory accommodation (Required documents).

Please remember to complete the University of Sopron application procedure before the deadline (1 June for winter semester, 15 November for spring semester).
Do not wait for the CEEPUS grant decision, it may come later. Make sure you send us the required application documents so that we can book your dormitory accommodation
As a CEEPUS grant holder you will be exempt from tuition fees and you will be receiving a monthly grant of 100 000 HUF – in cash or paid into your bank account.


Even if your home university does not offer a CEEPUS scholarship to study at the University of Sopron Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics, you can apply for the scholarship as a CEEPUS Freemover.

CEEPUS Freemovers are exempt from tuition fees and receive a monthly grant of 100 000 HUF – in cash or paid into a bank account.
If you would like to study at our university as a CEEPUS Freemover, you must complete two application procedures:

  1. Register and apply for the CEEPUS scholarship (CEEPUS).
  2. Send the required application documents (Incomig Students/Required documents) for the UWH Faculty of Economics and apply for dormitory accommodation (Required documents).

Please remember to complete the University of Sopron application procedure before the deadline (1 June for winter semester, 15 November for spring semester).
Do not wait for the CEEPUS grant decision, it may come later. Make sure you send us the required application documents so that we can book your dormitory accommodation.

ugrás az oldal tetejére

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