
Gyengénlátó Változat
Útvonal|16|en_GB|Kapcsolódó tartalmakhoz|Admissions
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Admission guide

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The final decision will be made no later than the 15th day of the month following the submission of the application.

TUITION FEE REFUND POLICY  - in the Set of Student Requirement Standards of the University of Sopron:

"...(8) Specific provisions regarding third-country nationals as defined inHungarian Law Act I and Act II of 2007: third-country nationals must pay the tuition fee before submitting the visa application. If a fee-paying self-funded student from a third country terminates or suspends their student status during the semester, they are entitled to a partial refund of the tuition fee according to the following:
a) 50% of the tuition fee if the termination of the student status occurs before October 15 for the fall semester and before March 15 for the spring semester, following being registered during the registration period,
b) the amount reduced by 30% of the tuition fee if the student's visa application is rejected by the competent authority, or other reason that may make the enrollment impossible; according to the deadline in point a)
c) no refund from the tuition fee if the termination or suspension of the student status occurs after the deadlines specified in point a)...."



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Self-financed application page

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September 2025 intake: 



Step I

PAY the application fee of 150 USD - this amount is non-refundable. NOTE: Payment link will be enabled only during the application period.

Step II

Select the level of your chosen study programme to open the ONLINE APPLICATION FORM.

NOTE: Application links will be enabled only during the application period.


BSc in International Business Economics

BSc in Business Administration Management 

BSc in Timber Industry Engineering

Online Application for BA/BSc Programs

Applicants to the University of Sopron's English-taught BA/BSc programs must provide the following documents:

  1. Secondary School Certificate: Provide a copy in English or German.
  2. Passport Copy: Ensure the copy is clear and valid.
  3. Proof of English Proficiency: Submit one of the following:
    • A valid English proficiency certificate at B2 level or higher, such as TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge English Qualifications (FCE or higher), Oxford Test of English (OTE) or other internationally recognized English tests, or
    • Medium of Instruction Certificate (if applicable).
    • Note: Native English speakers are exempt from this requirement.
  4. Application Fee Payment Confirmation: Upload a copy of the payment receipt.
  5. Optional Documents: Include recommendation letters, motivation letters, or a CV to strengthen your application.

Important: If any document is not in English or German, attach a certified translation.

In case the required documents are NOT in ENGLISH or GERMAN language then a certified copy must be attached.

Note that:

    • Applicants must be at least 18 years old by the start of the semester (1 September).
    • The applicant will be informed by the faculty member about the date and time of the admission interview.
      After the interview, the examiner may decide to administer an admission test, which may include reading and the use of English or testing professional skills.
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MSc in International Economy and Business
MSc in Environmental Engineering
MSc in Nature Conservation Engineering
MSc in Geobioinformatics - NEW!

MSc in Timber Industry Engineering 

MSc in Used Furniture Designer - NEW!

MA in Education Science

Online Application for MA/MSc Programs

Applicants to the University of Sopron's English-taught MA/MSc programs must provide the following:

  1. BA/BSc Certificate: Provide a copy in English or German.
  2. Transcript of Records: Upload your academic records in English or German.
  3. Passport Copy: Ensure clarity and validity.
  4. Proof of English Proficiency:
    • A valid English proficiency certificate at B2 level or higher, such as TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge English Qualifications (FCE or higher), Oxford Test of English (OTE) or other internationally recognized English tests, or
    • Medium of Instruction Certificate (if applicable).
    • Note: Native English speakers are exempt from this requirement.
  5. Application Fee Payment Confirmation: Upload the receipt.
  6. Optional Documents: Add recommendation letters, motivation letters, or a CV.

Important: If any document is not in English or German, attach a certified translation.

Note that:

    • Applicants must be at least 18 years old by the start of the semester (1 September/1 February).
    • The applicant will be informed by the faculty member about the date and time of the admission interview.
      After the interview, the examiner may decide to administer an admission test, which may include reading and the use of English or testing professional skills.

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PhD in Economics and Management

PhD in Forestry and Wildlife Management

PhD in Wood Sciences and Technologies

Online Application for PhD Programs

Applicants to the University of Sopron's English-taught PhD programs must submit:

  1. MA/MSc Certificate: Provide a copy in English or German.
  2. Passport Copy: Ensure it is clear and valid.
  3. Proof of English Proficiency:
    • A valid English proficiency certificate at B2 level or higher, such as TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge English Qualifications (FCE or higher), Oxford Test of English (OTE) or other internationally recognized English tests, or
    • Medium of Instruction Certificate, if your MSc or BSc was completed in English.
    • Note: Native English speakers are exempt from this requirement.
  4. Application Fee Payment Confirmation: Upload the receipt.
  5. Research Plan and Proposal: Provide a detailed research plan.
  6. Scientific and Publishing Activity: Submit documented evidence of prior academic contributions.
  7. Optional Documents: Include recommendation letters, motivation letters, or a CV.

Important: If any document is not in English or German, attach a certified translation.

Note that the applicant will be informed by the faculty member about the date and time of the admission interview. After the interview, the examiner may decide to administer an admission test, which may include reading and the use of English or testing professional skills.

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The final decision will be made no later than the 15th day of the month following the submission of the application.

Further information concerning the first tuition fee payment deadline will become available after successful admission.

For more information please contact:


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Afghanistan  Bright Ford Educational Consultancy Services  Sayed Temor Shah Sadat  +93702181370 info@brightford.af  www.brightford.af
Africa Bubble Vergo/BlackSwan Educational Consultancy Ogheneruemu Precious Esiokugbe +2347026761133 ogheneruemuprecious@gmail.com https://www.blackswaneducation.com
Armenia Master Plus International Liana Achikyan   agreement@masterplus.us https://masterplus.us/
Bangladesh EDUMIG Mr. Amranur Rahman Tushar    tushar@edumig.com https://edumig.com/
China Shenyang EU-SINO Education Information Consulting Co., Ltd. Kelly   kelly@eu-sino.cn www.studyinhungary.com.cn
China Hope Education Group (Hong Kong) Company Limited Jessica Y.   zhouxiaoqin@hopeedu.com  
China Magyar-Kí­nai Oktatási És Mobilitási Egyesület Dr. Yang Zijian Győző  +36205357968 info.mkome@gmail.com  
China iStudy / Nanjing Shuangri Education and Technology Co., Ltd a.k.a iStudy Rico   marketing@istudyedu.com www.istudyedu.com
China Beijing zhong yi qihang educate science and technology co., ltd., also known as Wisdom Pilot Katherine LIU (LAU), Ted QI +86 13501126927, +86 13141230236 wpkatherine@qq.com, wpted@qq.com http://www.wpglobaledu.com/
Cyprus, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka Victoria Educational Services Sawinder Singh  +35796668831 info@victoriaimmigrationservice.com victoriaimmigrationservice.com
DR Congo, Rep. Congo, Guniée, Gabon, Angola, Cote d'Ivoire Fondation Pour l'Afrique France Mutombo
'+3630 262 1032
Ghana, Nigeria Hungary Education Gateway Yasameen Al-jboury   yasameen@hungaryeducationgateway.com https://www.hungaryeducationgateway.com/
Ghana GKB Educational Consult Ltd Bright Gyapong +233598877771    
Ghana Mai Education Consult MUSAH ABDULAI, MBA    meconline@yahoo.com https://maieducation.com/
Ghana Easy Travel Consult Mr Stephen Oppong; Frederick Acquah ;   manager@easytravelconsult.com; info@easytravelconsult.com  https://www.easytravelconsult.com/
Ghana DIIET Global Roni Lawson +233 (0) 30 293 7383 Whatsapp: wa.me/233593772401 roni.lawson@diietglobal.com www.diietglobal.com
Ghana Obinana Travel and Tour Kofi Adusei Amankwah   obinanatravelandtour8@gmai.com www.obinanatravelantour.net
Ghana/West Africa Maas Adventure Travel and Tours Kwaku Bamfo-Boateng    maasadventuretours@gmail.com  
AFRICA (mostly Ghana), JAMAICA and ASIA SECTION 20 CONSULT CLEMENT KOJO ACQUAH +36 705 780 067 ckacquah@section20consult.com www.section20consult.net
Globally BRIVE PRIVATE CAPITAL COMPANY Irene Stavrou   is@brive.com https://brive.com/
India Turning Point Navneet Thakur / Mr    marketing@turningpoint.in http://turningpoint.in/
Iran, Canada Canada International Study Group Inc.  Ghazal Dara   daramehdi@gmail.com; gdara.cis@gmail.com www.cis3000.com
Iraq Foresight Agency Mohammed Zir +36703193061 zheerf.qadir90@gmail.com  
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, India DRAMEX Kereskedelmi és Tanácsadó Kft. Szilvia Lőrincz  +36307199430 info@studiesinhungary.com www.studiesinhungary.com/
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan ALUMNI HU Ms Danara Smail 77 012 725 503 alumnihu.kz@gmail.com www.alumnihu.kz
MENA (Kuwait) Education Basket Jessica Naime   info@education-basket.com https://education-basket.com/
Mohammedia / Morocco EL AZZAB ABDELFATTAH / Centre Privé de l'Étudiant EL AZZAB ABDELFATTAH   elazzab.abdelfattah96@gmail.com  
Morocco Amjahed Soufiane   +212627385647 amjahedsoufiane95@gmail.com  
Nigeria / Africa  Mgbemila Agency and Services B.T Ms. Ezeogidi Lovina Chioma +36 30 511 5032
Suite 106(1st floor), Gcl Plaza, Aminu Kano Crescent, Wuse 2, Abuja, Nigeria.
Contact No: Mr. Ifeanyi (Manager) +2349030710382,
Secretary; Ms. Josephine +2349030419624

Vicon House, 3rd floor 80 Stadium road, Port Harcourt. Rivers State.
Ms.Godwin +2347038394990
mgbemilaservices1975@gmail.com; Ezeogidi@yahoo.com mgbemilaservices.com
Pakistan, UAE Future Falcon International Pvt LTD Syed Azeem Ali 00923114647242 info@feg.org.pk,
Rwanda United Scolar Center Ismael Niyomurinzi Ph.D   uscworldeducation@gmail.com https://uscworldeducation.com/
Sri Lanka Beverley International (Pvt) Ltd Ms. Venuka Sathiyanandan   info@beverleyint.co.nz; venuka@beverleyint.co.nz https://beverley.lk/
Sri Lanka RonanGroup Kft.  Sherini Abeysuriya   legal@rgroup-intl.com www.rgroup-intl.com
Sri Lanka  AIMS Education Services (Pvt) Ltd Nilusha De Silva   info@aimscollege.lk; nilusha@aimscollege.lk www.aimscampus.edu.lk 
UK, Canada, Uzbekistan,CIS countries, Middle East OIP Education & Professional Services Kft. Adel Pecsi  +36 20 422 1140 apurva@oipeducation.com; adel.pecsi@oipeducation.com https://oipeducation.com/
United Arab Emirates, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, India, Sri Lanka Eduscope International FZ LLC, Dubai Jubel Jaison Thomas  +97143635420; +971523977814 admission@eduscope.me; jubel@eduscope.me; jolly@eduscope.me www.eduscope.me
UAE Active Mind Educational Consultancy  Rand Saleh Khreis  9.72E+11 apply@activemind.ae www.activemind.ae
Viet Nam DC Handel Kft. Nguyen Minh Tuyen   +36303547973 dchandelkft.tuyenminh@gmail.com www.dchandelkft.com
Worldwide M Square Business Solutions Inc, dba MSM Unify Avinav Sharma +919872370075 avinav.sharma@msmunify.com www.msquaremedia.com
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Tuition Fees

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We require the tuition fees to be paid semesterly.

BSc Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics BSc in International Business Economics 6+2 1850 USD


BSc in Business Administration Management 6+1 1850 USD SEPTEMBER
Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries BSc in Timber Industry Engineering 7 3000 USD SEPTEMBER
MA/MSc Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics MSc in International Economy and Business 4 2750 USD SEPTEMBER/FEBRUARY
Benedek Elek Faculty of Pedagogy MA in Educational Science 4 2500 USD SEPTEMBER
Faculty of Forestry MSc in Environmental Engineering 4 2750 USD


MSc in Nature Conservation Engineering 4 2750 USD


MSc in Geobioinformatics 2 2750 USD SEPTEMBER
Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries MSc in Timber Industry Engineering 4 3000 USD SEPTEMBER/FEBRUARY
MSc in Industrial Product Design Engineering 4 3000 USD SEPTEMBER/FEBRUARY
MSc in Used Furniture Restorer 2 3000 USD SEPTEMBER/FEBRUARY
MSc in Eco-Designer 2 3000 USD SEPTEMBER/FEBRUARY
MSc in Business Informatics 4 3000 USD SEPTEMBER/FEBRUARY
PhD Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics PhD in Economics and Management 4+4 2000 USD SEPTEMBER
Faculty of Forestry PhD in Forestry and Wildlife Management Sciences 4+4 1850 USD SEPTEMBER
Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries PhD in Wood Sciences and Technologies 4+4 3000 USD SEPTEMBER
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