ugrás az oldal tetejéreAmbassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Hungary, H.E. Mr. A.H. Dimas Wahab received courtesy call delegation from the University of Sopron on 10 February 2022 in Budapest accompanied by the Head of Information and Social Culture Ms Laura Sylvia Johanna and Coordinator for Information and Social Culture Affairs Mr. Yudhi Gunawan.
On behalf of the university, Vice-Rector Dr. Tibor Alpár, Director for International Affairs Dr. Zoltán Szabó and Coordinator for International Affairs Ms Barbara Lakatos visited the Embassy.
They held wide-ranging and fruitful discussion on higher education and reaffirmed their commitment to the strategic partnership and agreed to strengthen bilateral ties in research and higher education between the University of Sopron and the Indonesian higher education institutions.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron initiated strategic meetings with the representatives of the Honorary Consulates of the Lao PDR and the Republic of Turkey in Hungary.
On behalf of the University of Sopron, Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos, Director for International Affairs Dr. Zoltán Szabó and Coordinator for International Affairs Ms. Barbara Lakatos held an online meeting with the participation of Honorary Consul Dr. László Váradi and Projectmanager Dr. István Lénárt. During the online meeting, the representative of the University of Sopron introduced the institution focusing on the English-language study programmes available for Lao students, as well as the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme. The potential agricultural and forestry partnership were also discussed and the Parties expressed their intention of enhancing the cooperation between the consulate and the university.
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Turkey in Hungary Mr. Balázs Molnár visited the University of Sopron welcomed by Director for International Affairs Dr. Zoltán Szabó and Coordinator for International Affairs Ms. Barbara Lakatos. On the occasion of the strategic meeting, the participants discussed the possibilities of supporting internationalisation at the University of Sopron provided by the Consulate of the Republic of Turkey in Hungary.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe INTI International University and the University of Sopron had an online meeting, where both institutions presented their education, research and service portfolio. Afterwards the potential mutual programs were discussed. They have also examined the possibility of the future cooperation and collaboration. The meeting was online, where Dr. Erzsébet Nedelka vice dean of the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics, Junkai Ma representative of the INTI University, Dr. Judit Pappné Vancsó and Dr. habil Zoltán Szabó Director of the International Affairs participated. The main topics were tourism, international economics and economical studies, where the relationship can be blooming and advantages between the two universities.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe Algerian Ambassador, Ali Mokrani welcomed the comitte of the University of Sopron, Director of International Affairs Dr. Zoltán Szabó and Coordinator of International Affairs Ms. Barbara Lakatos. During the meeting our representatives introduced the institution focusing on the English-language study programmes available for Algerian students, and also emphasized the importance of the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme. They have also discussed further supporting and cooperation possibilities in higher education.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreAmbassador of the Republic of Kenya to Austria, Hungary and Slovakia Robinson Njeru Githae hosted a meeting with the delegation of the University of Sopron on 16 February 2022. The university was represented by Director of International Affairs Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA and Coordinator of International Affairs Ms. Barbara Lakatos.
The aim of our representatives was to introduce the University, with emphasis on the English-language study programmes available for Kenyan students. Another focal point was the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme.
This led to a prosperous conversation about the possibilites of further cooperation and expressed intentions from both parties to strenghten their relationship.
Created: 2022.02.17
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn the 17th of February, 2022 we have attended an online fair in Africa for the first time of this year. Hungary was represented only by the University of Sopron. Our booth was in a very good place in the online space, we had a lot of inquirer. The University was represented by Ms Boróka Buzsáki, who had the opportunity to keep two 15-minute presentations about the University, the student life, the city and of course, about the study programs available for the potential international students. From the approximately 40 people who contacted us on the chat-box, we have already gained 10 direct email requests on the same day.
The experience and the contact list acquired through the online fair will help to build stronger relationship amongst the African countries and the University of Sopron, and also made our visibility vigorous.
Created: 2022.02.18
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn the 21st of February a virtual meeting was organised by the Hungarian Rector’s Conference on Academic Cooperation.
The University of Sopron participated on the online meeting about the possible cooperation between the Palestenian and the Hungarian Universities. Our university was represented by Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos vice-rector, Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó Director of International Affairs, and Ms Boróka Buzsáki International Coordinator. The 2-hours meeting gave the chance for all 10 participating Universities to introduce their study and research programs, and also meet the interested institutions from the Palestenian side. It was a prosperous meeting since we have already contacted one of the members inquiring about Tourism related programs and also applied arts.
The future collaboration started today, but it will imply a lot of discussions, further meetings and work until the agreements can born between Hungarian and Palestinian Universities.
Created: 2022.02.22
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn the 22nd of February 2022 the representatives of the University of Sopron made a visit to the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Hungary. The aim of the meeting was to strengthen the relationship and make ourselves more visible in the name of internationalisation. The Ambassador, Tahir Taghi-Zadeh and Samir Musayev, the Consul warmly welcomed our delegates Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó, Director of International Affairs and Ms Barbara Lakatos, Coordinator of International Affairs, and discussed the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship in details and also the English study programmes offered for students from Azerbaijan.
The fruitful meeting implied that we will invite the Ambassador in the fall semester as well, when the Department of International Affairs plan to welcome about 16 partner Embassies.
It is also appropriate to say that the cooperation can be even more successful after a meeting and discussion like this, because the better understanding can lead to better communication and preferable relationship.
Created: 2022.02.23
ugrás az oldal tetejéreJSC «S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University» and University of Sopron Faculty of Forestry have been cooperating in the field of education, research and innovation with the aim of expanding and strengthening the relationship between the scientific communities in both countries, supporting scientific exchanges between research groups since 2011. Exchange of lecturers and PhD students, joint scientific and research activities have been planned and realized within the partnership. We were pleased to host Karshyga Turlybekov, an enthusiastic and hard-working PhD student from our partner university from January 28 - February 23, 2022.
Created: 2022.02.25
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron participated in the seminar and held a presentation focusing on research areas and the fields of ecotourism while highlighting the potential cooperation between the University and India.
The reason for this meeting was not only strengthening the relationship between the two countries but also to celebrate the 75-year independence of India. The University of Sopron was represented by Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó Director of International Affairs, Dr. Attila Borovics General Director of Forest Research Institute, and Dr. Judit Pappné Vancsó Head of Institute.
Initiating a stronger and better cooperation was also an aim of this presentation, when the delegation could show the ways and internationalisation strategies of the University of Sopron.
Created: 2022.03.01
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn the 2nd of March the delegation of the University of Sopron, Director of International Affairs Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA and Coordinator of International Affairs Ms. Barbara Lakatos visited the The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in Budapest. They were welcomed by Ambassador Ms. Modupe E. Irele.
The main topics of the discussion were the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship program, the English-language study programs available for Nigerian students and the possibilities of further collaboration with higher education institutions in Nigeria, which is a great opportunity for both parties to form cross-border relationships and promote internationalization.
Created: 2022.03.04
ugrás az oldal tetejérePhD students of the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Wood Sciences and Creative Design of the University of Sopron, Eliyas Ebrahim Aman and Fath Alrhman Awad Ahmed wrote a short report about the experiences gained at the event.
“The Third Annual Stipendium Hungaricum Banquet was organized by Stipendium Hungaricum Mentor Network on 19th February 2022/ 6:00 pm – 20 February / 2:00 am at the capital city of Hungary, Budapest. The main purpose of this event was to meet and get to know the new Stipendium Hungaricum students and their mentors. It was a fascinating and wonderful event in which many international students participated. A team of HÖOK Stipendium Hungaricum mentors was present at the event. The president and member of the team gave an opening speech to the participants about members’ hard work and the success of the team on this program. After that, a certificate of appreciation was given to well-performed members as a token of gratitude. A delicious dinner with drinks was provided. Then after the dinner, everybody enjoyed music and dancing. At the event, there was a sense of happiness and satisfaction on the face of participants. For us, it was a great opportunity and a nice experience to participate in such a beautiful event. We meet many students from different countries which gave us a chance to know another international student’s unique culture. All in all, we had a great time and a good ambiance.”
Created: 2022.03.07
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn 5th of March 2022, Saturday, the international students studying at the University of Sopron could take part in a trip organized by the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics. Although the weather was not the best and the program started with snowfall, we still had the opportunity to observe the waking nature in the Fertő-Hanság National Park, where our tour guides not only introduced the national park, but also the birds which were just in that area.
The group, which was not spared by icy wind, arrived at the next stop of the tour at the Gránátos Restaurant, where additionally to the friendly welcome, some of us were also warmed by the mulled wine.
We ended the program with the Esterhazy Castle, where one of our former student was our tour guide and showed us the castle and the exhibitions.
We would like to say thank you for the National Park, Eszterháza and the restaurant for hosting us and contributing to the good trip.
Created: 2022.03.16
ugrás az oldal tetejére
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn the 10th of March the University of Sopron organized its very first International Introduction Webinar to its Student Recruiting International Partner Companies and potential partners in student recruitment.
All together 20 participants participated at our presentations – which were held by the international vice deans Erzsébet Nedelka, Réka Kissné Zsámboki, Kornél Czimber and Zoltán Pásztory. There were also other speakers who represented the University, Mónika Hoschek, head of institute, András Polgár associate professor and Tamás Németh international coordinator. All four Faculties were representing themselves. The webinar was opened by Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó, Director of International Affairs. After some welcoming words, he presented general information about the University, its’ history, and Sopron as well.
The presenters from the 4 Faculties had 5 minutes to share the crucial segments of their study programs offered in English, the tuition fees and other interesting facts.
After all the presentations, the Department of International Affairs broadcasted a promotion video about the life at the University, and also some international student testimonials.
The webinar ended with a Q&A session – where the representatives could ask for more information about the University’s programmes in English language, processes and requirements, eg. application policy, living conditions, etc.
This event was a great experience for our Team, making an effective part of the International Strategy.
From the gained experience and data, we can build a stronger relationship with the agents, and put more emphasis on the cooperation with them as well. It was an interesting journey for the Team of the International Affairs Department, since we have prepared this since the end of 2021.
We would like to thank here again for all the participants and speakers of this event, and hope to hold more webinars like this not just for agents but for prospective students as well soon.
Created: 2022.03.16
ugrás az oldal tetejéreFARSANG IN ÁGFALVA WITH HANA
ugrás az oldal tetejére"My name is Hana. I went to Farsang in Ágfalva and I had an amazing time. My friend who is originally from Ágfalva invited me to go with her and described it as a fun activity that happens every year and is attended by locals of the village. I dressed up in a costume and joined her. I was warmly welcomed by all the locals there. They were curious but also very happy that a foreigner had come to celebrate with them. I was trying my Hungarian language skills, as I was trying my best to communicate with the local people. It was an amazing experience and something I have not participated in before. I had a chance to eat some Hungarian food, and listen to Hungarian music as well. Since it was a smaller, more intimate event I really got to know the Hungarian culture more and take part in activities first hand."
Created: 2022.03.18
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn the 13th of March, representatives of the University of Sopron attended the first hybrid education fair of the year in Baku, Azerbaijan.
Director of International Affairs Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA and Coordinator of International Affairs Ms. Barbara Lakatos made a presentation introducing the university, our study programmes available in English and the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme. Altogether, we had more than 50 prospective students listening to the presentation and inquiring at our booth.
The hybrid approach of this fair was a new experience for everyone, therefore a really useful one looking to the future. Our representatives handled it very well, strengthening the university’s international relationships and adding new data to our expanding contact list.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreAmbassador of the Republic of Paraguay in Austria with concurrent accreditation to Hungary Dr. Juan Francisco Facetti Fernández and Second Secretary Mrs. Maria Nathalia Mujica Cameroni have visited the University of Sopron on the 16th of March. On behalf of the university, Rector Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián PhD, Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos PhD, Director of International Affairs Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA and Coordinator of International Affairs Ms. Barbara Lakatos have welcomed them.
In the 1-hour-meeting the university, its English language programmes, and the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme were introduced and aspects of potential cooperation – not only with the Embassy, but also with the National University of Asuncion and the University of San Carlos – were discussed. Afterwards, our guests had a delightful walk in the botanical garden and a reception, where the conversations continued in a less formal manner.
This strategic meeting was mutually beneficial and hopefully the beginning of further cooperation in research and higher education, as well as a conductive tool to support internationalization.
Created: 2022.03.21
1. On what purpose was the Student Support Centre of the University of Sopron established?
Living and studying abroad is rich but challenging experience. Transition to new culture, country and school environment can have many challenges. These challenges can be experienced even more difficult when the students are far away from their usual and familiar support system. That is why Student Support Centre at the University of Sopron will have an important role to help students to deal with their academic, personal, career or culture related issues.
2. What are your previous experiences in the field of student support?
I have experiences as an academic advisor and an individual counsellor at several universities in Turkey and US. Also I studied at my bachelor, master and doctoral degrees in the field of psychological counselling and guidance, specialized in career counselling.
3. In what kind of matters could the international students ask for your help?
The issues that the students ask help are the followings:
Missing home; not wanting to go home; difficulties reading, writing, or listening to lectures in a foreign language; adjusting to major differences in the educational system; problems getting help for physical illness due to difference in the medical system; not being understood when you express yourself in your usual way; roommate conflicts; family related issues; difficulties in making friends, decision making and problem solving; problems interacting with professors, advisors or employers; issues with career exploration and planning; dealing with others' misperceptions about your culture or country; finding that some people are prejudiced against others from different cultures; finding that things that were a problem at home are still a problem even though you are in a new environment; problems with sleeping, concentrating, academic performance; physical illnesses
We are trying to help students to overcome the following challenging emotions:
Feeling sad, worried, lonely, confused, frustrated or angry, overwhelmed, helpless or stuck, a lack of confidence, fearful of the unknown and unfamiliar.
4. How are the students’ cases monitored after the consultations?
Depending on the topic we will work, some of the topic can be resolved in one sessions, but some of the topics might need more sessions. If this is the case, we will agree on a working plan such as meeting once a week or every 2 weeks. After the termination of the sessions, they will be monitored with follow up sessions.
5. The international students usually have different cultural background. Is it important to you to get familiar with the given country and its culture?
Yes, it is very important to know the student’s culture to approach his or her issue in order to understand and help properly.
Created: 2022.03.22
ugrás az oldal tetejére
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn the 31st of March the University of Sopron had organized a webinar for its potential international students.
Presentations introducing our university, its faculties, important application deadlines, requirements, the VISA process, dormitories – and anything else that might be helpful for students interested in the University of Sopron –, were held by Ms Boróka Buzsáki, Coordinator of International Affairs and Ms Katalin Linda Krajczár-Sári, Coordinator of International Affairs.
Afterwards, some videos were broadcasted, giving a more detailed description of our 11 English-language study programmes and everyday life on our campus, accompanied by international student testimonials.
As usual, the webinar ended with a 20-minutes Q&A session, where the Coordinators and the Director of International Affairs Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA answered to any further questions.
We had approximately 15, really active, attendants in the webinar – every single one of them asked questions, often multiple ones and shared which fields and courses they are interested in.
This student webinar was a truly useful experience, which expanded our knowledge on our target markets and the needs and preferences of our potential students, as well as rose the university’s international recognition.
Created: 2022.04.01
ugrás az oldal tetejére
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn the 6th of April 2022 representatives of the University of Sopron Director of International Affairs Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA and Coordinator of International Affairs Ms. Barbara Lakatos have visited two embassies in order to strengthen our university’s international relationships and expand its cooperation opportunities. At the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco H.E. Ambassador Mrs. Karima Kabbaj; at the Embassy of Pakistan Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Hafeez Soomro have welcomed them.
The main objectives of both discussions were to introduce the University of Sopron and its English language study programmes with an outlook on the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme and the possible ways of sincere cooperation between the two parties.
These visits and flourishing conversations do a lot to display our university on the international stage and have closer ties with the institution’s strategic partner countries.
Created: 2022.04.08
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn the 6th of April 2022 representatives of the University of Sopon had a particularly successful strategic meeting with the Indonesian Ministry of Education. Our delegation involved Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA, Director of International Affairs, Ms Barbara Lakatos, Coordinator of International Affairs and Prof. Dr. Csilla Obádovics PhD, head of the István Széchenyi Doctoral School.
The University of Sopron is the first Hungarian university to begin cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Education. The main outcome of the meeting is that our university is preparing a tender for a program that would allow Indonesian students to spend a 2-month period at the University of Sopron in the frame of a Pre-Doctoral Bridging Course, including the construction of their PhD research plans, as well as getting familiar with the available research topics and their potential supervisors.
We hope that this groundbreaking agreement will be mutually beneficial and a beginning of a prosperous cooperation.
Created: 2022.04.12
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron provides CEEPUS or Erasmus+ grants for students fleeing the war in Ukraine
ugrás az oldal tetejéreStudents fleeing the war in Ukraine are welcome to apply for study places at University of Sopron as described at Those succesfully enrolled
may apply for CEEPUS or Erasmus+ grants.
Support within international scholarship programmes has been initiated by Tempus Public Foundation in charge of the manegement of both the CEEPUS and Erasmus+ programmes in Hungary.
Created: 2022.04.25
ugrás az oldal tetejéreA University of Sopron architecture student has won an award at the Terrán competition.
Terrán Roof Tile Manufacturing Ltd. announced the Home of the Future student competition in 2021, and the thesis Dorina Szendi (SOE-FMK-AMI) – a student of our Master of Architecture program – entered into the competition met with great success.
Dorina Szendi's project, Family House and Apartment in Pannonhalma, explores issues such as the sense of place and the power of identity. The jury – comprised of renowned architects and professionals – awarded her sophisticated approach a category prize. Her thesis supervisors were Bálint Botzheim and Róbert Jahoda.
Dorina Szendi gave the following account of the Terran architecture student competition:
"I am a Master of Architecture student at the Institute of Applied Arts within the Simonyi Károly Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries at the University of Sopron. I decided to enter the Terrán competition because my previous projects had already emphasised roof system design.
My plan provides a complex solution for the accommodation of Pannonhalma residents and visitors. My design involves a family model that operates two separate living spaces on one building lot, allowing a family and guests to live together in undisturbed symbiosis. Energy efficiency for the long-term maintenance of this multi-functional complex was an important factor during the design process. Fortunately, the TERRÁN GENERON solar roof tile offers the perfect solution for this design. Since the site is under heritage protection, the appearance and design of the roof are key considerations.
The competition winners were announced in Siófok on 3 March during an event that included a series of high-quality professional programmes. The judging panel awarded my project a category prize. Preparing for the competition and getting to know the products of the Terrán group has given me real and valuable professional knowledge, so I definitely encourage fellow students to participate in this competition.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff of Terrán Ltd. and architect András Ferenczy for their professional support, and my teachers Róbert Jahoda and Bálint Botzheim for preparing me for the competition."
Dorina Szendi
First-year Master of Architecture student
Created: 2022.04.26
ugrás az oldal tetejéreDue to the 30th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the two countries, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Hungary, Tahir Taghizadeh, his wife and Consul Samir Musayev paid the University of Sopron a two-day visit.
On the opening day of the visit, the Alexandre Lámfalussy Faculty of Economics, Prof. dr. Zsuzsanna Széles PhD dean and Dr. habil Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA, Director of International Affairs greeted the guests. During the afternoon – in the frame of an interactive English-language Wine Marketing class – His Excellency kept a lecture to the students of the faculty on the traditional grape and wine types of Azerbaijan, including remarks about the wine marketing and wine culture of the country and provided the opportunity to taste some of the most famous wines.
On the next day of the diplomatic visit, Prof. dr. Attila Fábián PhD rector welcomed the visitors, and they discussed the possibilities of future cooperation in a strategic meeting. Prof. dr. Ferenc Lakatos PhD Vice-Rector in Charge of Research and International Affairs, Dr. Habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA, Director of International Affairs, Dr. Ákos Molnár, President of the Regional Council of the Wine Communities and Barbara Lakatos, Coordinator of International Affairs attended the meeting as well. It was revealed that there are currently 1,000 Azerbaijani students studying in Hungary, and the unique courses provided by the University of Sopron may be attractive to other groups of Azerbaijani youth too.
One of the symbols of Sopron, wine, can play an important role in the joint cooperation, which can be further strengthened by the university's planned trainings on winemaking, wine culture and tourism.
A memorial tree was planted in the Botanical Garden in honour of the three decades diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Hungary, and after a pleasant walk in the botanical garden Dr. Tibor Alpár PhD Vice-Rector in Charge of Innovation and Corporate Relationships presented the special examinations and research of the University of Sopron in the Natural Resources Research Centre.
The diplomatic visit ended with a lunch and gifting, which the participants considered to be outstandingly effective and useful, and set the goals to a dynamic, planned development of cooperation.
Pictures: Tamás Pluzsik, Eszter Takács
Created: 2022.04.27
ugrás az oldal tetejére
On the 25th of April, students of the Lámfalussy Economic Faculty took part in a pálinka tasting in the frame of a wine marketing seminar taught by Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA.
Students had the opportunity to try the products of the Zsoldos Pálinka Manufacture, both from their traditional product line – involving the Irsai Olivér grape pálinka, one of the ’stars’ of the company, which won a gold medal at the International Wine and Spirit Competition in 2019 – and chili-infused pálinkas from the Capsicum product line. The products were introduced by György Vince sommelier, who talked about the company’s structure, strategy, marketing and future objectives as well and answered all the questions the students had.
The tasting had a special guest too: Tahir Taghizadeh, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Hungary made a presentation introducing the wine culture and some aspects of wine production in Azerbaijan and provided the opportunity to taste some Azeri wines prior to György Vince’s pálinka tasting,
The students really enjoyed this unique opportunity – and the Zsoldos products; and the feedback of such and international group was truly useful to the company as well.
Created: 2022.04.27
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn the 27th of April the Centre of International Affairs represented the University of Sopron on an online fair, which was held in the Central Asia region.
There were plenty of presenters in the online space, so 5 live presentation rooms were streaming during the 4-hour long fair. 3 other Hungarian Universities presented their study programs, and many other countries like France, USA, Lithuania, Italy and Cyprus also appeared.
Even before the presentation of Boróka Buzsáki, the Coordinator of International Affairs, there were questions asked in the chat room.
These online fairs helps to gain more contacts and of course strengthen the visibility of the University of Sopron on the market. Since we have the application period right now, it was more than useful to give information for the countries located in Central Asia about our study programs in English, about Sopron and the possibilities here. Around 200 prospective students were online listening to the presentation, and some of them asked questions afterwards as well.
All in all we can say, that these kind of fairs deeply supporting us on an international scale.
Created: 2022.04.29
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn the 22nd of April Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián rector, Dr. habil. Szabó Zoltán and Dr. habil. Tóth Balázs István represented the Universtity of Sopron at the D-COLLAB’s Multiplier Event, which was held at the University of Economics in Bratislava.
The topic of the event was ‘How to use digital technologies effectively in teaching and learning?’ and it brought together several professionals from many different higher education institutions, including universities in the United Kingdom, Cyprus, Turkey, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, Poland and Germany. The program opened with the introduction of the D-COLLAB project and opportunities provided by Erasmus+ scheme.
Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián was the 2nd keynote speaker, he talked about ‘The digital education and innovation possibilities in Hungary during the COVID-19 pandemic’.
This event was a truly useful experience with a lot of research and best practice in the presentations to learn from – with many different perspectives on the topics, and it provided great networking opportunities as well.
Created: 2022.04.29
ugrás az oldal tetejéreDear All!
After the two-year break due to pandemic, we were happy to invite our international students, their mentors and other Hungarian students to our traditional semester ending outdoor party for the third time.
We cooked a special Hungarian „pörkölt/gulyás” (stew/goulash) on campfire and a vegetarian version without meat, with mushrooms too.
Location: Lake Salamandra, near Sopronbánfalva
Date: 6 of May 2022 from 3.00 p.m.
Chef: Jenő Káli (Faculty of Forestry)
Kitchen boys/girls: volunteers
Dinner was delicious and ready according plan at around 6.30 p.m. and all appreciated drinking the water from the well. :)
Thanks a lot for complying with our „green” suggestion: many of you had a flask or water bottle and some of you had even reusable bowls to eat from with you.
We all appreciated having a bus to ride us there and back and enjoyed the surprise team building activities conducted by Dr. Didem Kepir Savoly, member of University of Sopron Student Support Centre! :)
We were afraid the rain might ruin our programme, but luckily it stopped early enough and we had a great afternoon and evening together!
Márta Sándor
senior international officery
„Although I was initially hesitant to join this trip, especially when we are heading into the final days of the semester, which means a lot of tests, presentations, etc., I eventually agreed, and I believe it was one of my best semester-ending trips because of the refreshing impact it had on my mood, and the experience itself was a great adventure.
In addition, I am able to give some ideas about how it might be described literally:
-A chance to spend an afternoon surrounded by the enchanting nature surrounding the lake.
-Having an opportunity to play, eat, laugh spontaneously, talk with people, and be in harmony with nature.
-Having fun, taking pictures, and creating memories with other students.
During this trip, thanks to Mrs. Sándor Márta along with her husband, Mrs. Didem and her beautiful family, and the mentors, I had a very joyful and memorable experience.
And in any case, I would be delighted to join again if I were invited.
As a final note, time flies by so take the initiative and make wonderful memories.”
Halima Kaa
Faculty of Economics
„On the 6th of May, Friday, sorrounded by the nature and the delicious smell of goulash, the international students studying at the University of Sopron had the opportunity to spend an afternoon together at Salamandra lake.
After a short bus ride and a fantastic walk through the forest, we arrived at the Salamandra lake where Áron, the media student, took some beautiful photos of us, freezing the memory of that day forever.
We also had the possibility to drink from a fountain, a very good mineral water. Near there, some friends of ours were preparing everything needed for the typical Hungarian dish: the goulash.
In the meantime, guided by the Psychological Counselor & Career Counselor Dr. Didem Kepir-Sàvoly, we improved our relationships through some very interesting teamwork activities, which also helped us to get to know each other better. Those activities were a great starting point for breaking the ice and overcoming shyness. (Riccardo’s suggestion for a kind of „touch and freeze game” was also a success. – Márta Sándor)
Afterwards, some of us spent time hiking, chatting and playing party games together. We shared some of our experiences and specifics of our cultures.
The day ended with a walk back into the forest. The interesting thing was to see how the groups mixed on the return journey, as each of us met new people and made new connections.
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this experience, Sándor Márta, Dr. Didem Kepir-Sàvoly and the cooks, because we think that these types of events are like 'windows on the world' and it is very important and fun to participate in them because it allows us to make new friends and broaden our horizons.”
Riccardo Quacquarelli
Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries
Created: 2022.05.03
ugrás az oldal tetejéreHYBRID EDUCATION FAIR IN BAKU
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron was represented at the Unibroad’s hybrid education fair for Azerbaijani students on the 30th of April in Baku.
One of the agency’s employees was trained about all the important aspects of our university and English language programmes and they had transmitted the information to the students interested in studying here. The event had more than 400 participants and the booth of the University of Sopron was fairly busy the whole time.
Our various opportunities, colorful programme palette, the beauty of the surroundings and the affordability have seemed to attract the Azeri students very successfully, so we can put down this fair as another prosperous opportunity for popularisation and internationalisation of the University of Sopron.
Created: 2022.05.06
ugrás az oldal tetejéreRepresentatives of the University of Sopron Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián PhD rector, Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA director of International Affairs and Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles PhD dean of the Alexandre Lámfalussy Faculty of Economics have visited the University of Economics in Bratislava that was represented by Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Daňo PhD rector, Dr. habil. Boris Mattoš PhD vice-rector, .Dr. Rudolf Kucharčík PhD dean.
The goal of the strategic meeting was to find common research and programme opportunities and to synergize. BIP – Blended Intensive Programme – in the framework of Erasmus+ that can be a significant focus point of cooperation as well.
This meeting was another important milestone in the networking and internationalization efforts of the University of Sopron.
Created: 2022.05.20
ugrás az oldal tetejéreColleagues of the Student Support Centre organized a Well-being Day for international students
The Student Support Centre organized its first international workshop under the highlight of Well-Being with a theme of Needs which was led by Dr. Didem Kepir Savoly who is international student advisor at the Centre. During the workshop, Dr. Didem Kepir Savoly focused on the importance of well-being and psychological needs as one of well-being’s influencer. The workshop covered a brief lecture and many self-reflective activities in which the international students were able to identify their current needs by playing games. These games also encouraged them to help each other to gain different perspectives and insights to fulfil their needs in a genuine and supportive atmosphere.
The colleagues of the Student Support Centre care about delivering meaningful and useful services to foreign students of the University of Sopron. They are open to receive recommendations about the themes of upcoming well-being days.
Dr. Didem Kepir Savoly
International Student Advisor of the Student Support Centre
Guest Lecturer at the Benedek Elek Faculty of Pedagogy
Read the feedback of one of the participating students below:
“I had a dual role in this event – I said some opening words as a representative of International Office and was involved in the implementation a little bit; but after Dr. Didem Kepir-Savoly’s presentation started, I was mainly a student participant.
Her presentation about needs had the perfect balance of being informative and useful and still fitting for such a light hearted event. It was also very interesting as a student in an economic field to experience this new perspective on needs and particularly the Maslow pyramid of needs, since this is a crucial part of our theoretical knowledge, but with a really different approach and interpretation.
The ice breaking activities at the beginning helped us to get to know each other a bit better and be more comfortable diving into more serious topics. I feel like thanks to this and the tranquil environment we created together, the self-reflecting activities connected to the presentation topic could truly reach their goal. I loved the physical part of these activities, the complete lack of pressure to share anything (but room to do so when we felt like), the personal feedback we got from Didem and the discussions we started with each other as well.
I am very grateful that I could be part of this all, I gained a lot from taking part and I hope the International Well-being Day is a tradition about to begin.”
Klaudia Gortva
Student at the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics
Colleague of the Centre for International Affairs
Created: 2022.05.27
ugrás az oldal tetejére
ugrás az oldal tetejéreRepresentatives of the University of Sopron –Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles PhD dean of the Alexandre Lámfalussy Faculty of Economics, Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA Director of International Affairs - and Dr. Ákos Molnár, President of the Regional Council of the Wine Communities – had attended a very special ambassadorial event.
The occasion was the commemorating celebration of the 30 years of diplomatic relationship between Azerbaijan and Hungary. The event took place on the 27th of May in the Buda Castle.
Tahir Taghizadeh, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Hungary and Sándor Lezsák Vice-President of the Hungarian Parliament both made celebratory speeches. Ambassador Tahir Taghizadeh said special thanks to the University of Sopron and expressed his intention to continue the prosperous cooperation with our University.
Created: 2022.06.03
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn the 25th of May Rohan Nanayakkara Honorary Consul for Hungary in Sri Lanka had paid a visit to the University of Sopron as part of his one-month trip to Hungary. On behalf of the university, His Excellency and his accompaniment – Education Coordinator Dr. Sherini Abeysuriya, Personal Assistant and Security Officer Mr. Hirantha Jayasinghe and Coordinating Officer of the Budapest Office and Translator Ms. Boglárka Bus – were welcomed by Director of International Affairs Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA and Coordinator of International Affairs Ms. Barbara Lakatos.
On the 26th of May representatives of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia: Head of Political Affairs Mrs. Hastin Bakti Asih, Second Secretary Ms. Laura Sylvia Johanna and Coordinator for Information and Social Culture Affairs Mr. Yudhi Gunawan had visited our university. Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián Rector, Dr. Tibor Alpár PhD and Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos PhD Vice-Rectors and Director of International Affairs Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA had greeted them.
The main objectives of both visits were strengthening our international relationships and embracing cross-border cooperations. In the case of the Indonesian delegation, these were complemented by further discussions on the Pre-Doctoral Bridging Programme and by a visit to the Human and Natural Resources Research Centre.
These diplomacy visits are crucial parts of the international strategy of the University of Sopron and give a great basis to networking, market positioning and therefore, more successful student recruitment.
Created: 2022.06.07
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics participated in an Erasmus KA2 project called ENINEDU between 2017-2019. Within the project, we had the opportunity to cooperate with more kazakh and russian universities. One of the renowned and respected partner institutes was Al-Farabi Kazakh National University that is Nr. 175 on the QS World University Rankings. We are glad that we can maintain the good partnership with them. In March, we hosted 15 students who spent two weeks in Sopron and participated in short term courses and between 30th of May and 3rd of June, Prof. Dr. Rimma Sagiyeva and Dinara Kalmakova honoured us with their visit.
They had a meeting with Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó Director of International Affairs and Barbara Lakatos international coordinator on Tuesday and with Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles Dean of the Faculty of Economics on Wednesday. Both meetings were about educational and research cooperation. Barbara Lakatos explained the Stipendium Hungaricum programme to our partners, Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó briefly introduced the bachelor and master programmes of the faculties.
On Wednesday, the discussion with Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles focused on the exchange opportunities at academic level and collaboration in doctoral programmes. The meetings continued on Thursday, when our guest could discuss an interesting research field, namely the feasibility of circular economy and Kazakhstan, with Dr. Judit Pappné Vancsó and Dr. László Koloszár.
We hope to have the opportunity to implement an academic exchange program, collaborate in doctoral programmes and support the circular economy project.
Created: 2022.06.09
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn the 15th of June, 2022 Sainnyambuu BAATARJAV, Ambassador of Mongolia to Budapest had paid a visit to the University of Sopron.
His Excellency and his accompaniment were greeted by Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos PhD, Vice-Rector in charge of Foreign Affairs and Research. At the meeting, the University was also represented by Dr. Kornél Czimber PhD, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, György Szili-Török, Head of the Centre for Corporate and Innovation Relations and Dr. Péter Köles PhD Deputy Consultant.
Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos PhD introduced the organizational units of our university and gave more detailed information about the structure of the foundation to the ambassador's interest.
During a previous visit to the Ministry of Agriculture, His Excellency received a proposal to contact the University of Sopron an implementing partner for the "Billion Tree Planting Program" initiated by the Mongolian government.
At the meeting, we were pleased to inform the Ambassador that the University of Sopron has already held several discussions on the matter with our Ambassador to Mongolia and the authorities in charge.
Afterwards, our representatives proposed the planned schedule of the English-language webinar held on the 21st of June. The topics of this webinar, to which a representative of the embassy was invited, would form the basis of participation in the project.
During the meeting, the Vice-Rector and Vice-Deans had also touched on the details of further university research opportunities.
Another focal point of the discussion was the topic of educational opportunities related to and supporting the program on the long term, which also proved to be truly important for the Ambassador among the range of services offered by the University of Sopron.
Created: 2022.06.23
ugrás az oldal tetejére
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe representatives of the Vietnam National University of Forestry (Hanoi, Xuan Mai) paid a visit to the University of Sopron on the 23 June 2022.
The delegation – President of the University Council Prof. Dr. Cao Quoc An, Director of the Office for International Cooperation Prof. Dr. Hoang Van Sam, Director of Finance and Accounting Mr. Dao Duy Phuong, Associate Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Wood Technology and Interior Design Dr. Ly Tuan Truong and Associate Professor and Deputy Director of the Office for International Cooperation Dr. Le Xuan Phuong – was welcomed by the management of the University of Sopron including Rector Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián, Vice-Rectors Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos and Dr. Tibor Alpár, Head of the József Cziráki Doctoral School Prof. Dr. Róbert Németh (Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries), Associate Professor and Head of the Institute of Wood Technology and Technical Sciences Dr. Sándor Fehér (Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries), Associate Professor and Vice-Dean for Research and Foreign Affairs Dr. Zoltán Pásztory (Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries), Associate Professor and Vice-Dean for Research and Foreign Affairs Dr. Kornél Czimber (Faculty of Forestry).
The Vietnamese visit and the joint work of lecturers/researchers in Hanoi and Sopron are part of the Erasmus+ KA107 teacher and student exchange project, funded by the European Union to promote cooperation in training and scientific research.
During the meeting, Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos introduced the structure and operation of the University of Sopron, the study programmes and the main research areas. Prof. Dr. Róbert Németh, as the Hungarian leader of the project at the University of Sopron, summarized the decades-long perspective of the relationship between the two institutions and the results so far.
The most important outcomes of the meeting involve the formal signing of the extension of the cooperation agreement and the widening of cooperation to include industrial partners, a common consensus on the need to develop and launch joint training programs in natural resource management and wood industry studies, development and joint submission of a new Erasmus project proposal, increase in the number of Vietnamese students studying in the Stipendium Hungaricum program, and compilation of R&D project proposals on climate change, biodiversity, wood industry innovation, respectively in relation to their interaction.
Created: 2022.06.30
ugrás az oldal tetejére
ugrás az oldal tetejéreIntroduced/invasive species (plants, fungi, insects and vertebrates) have a significant impact on European forests. Many of them caused the complete elimination of a tree species (e.g. Dutch elm disease), while others caused significant tree mortality (e.g. chestnut blight). In the last two decades, many insect species linked to felled or weakened trees have also appeared in this group. The detection and monitoring of these species is a complicated and particularly challenging task. For facilitating it, the FAO, the Forest Invasive Species Network for Europe and Central Asia (REUFIS) and the University of Sopron organised a conference where the latest results of detecting and monitoring of invasive species linked to wood materials were presented. 20 participants from 11 countries joined the conference, but thanks to the hybrid mode, experts from other countries were also involved the conference held between 27 and 30 June 2022. During the three-day conference, the foreign specialists participated in a webinar, field trips, and laboratory work as well.
Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos said:
"Many people don't even know about the different ways in which insects from other continents can be introduced in the country, which can then cause serious problem in their forests. The purpose of this conference was also to detect and find these insects in time, so that action could be taken against them in time to eradicate them or to reduce their damage. Identification at the right time is crucial, the earlier we act, the greater the probability of success and the less damage caused. At the conference, it was said several times that it is very important to involve the general public, since people are interested in their own environment, and in many cases we can also get valuable information from them."
The interview made by Sopron TV can be seen at the following link:
The pictures were taken by Tamás Pluzsik, Ildikó Buglyó (FAO), Dr. Dimitrios N. Avtzis, and Prof. Boris Hrašovec PhD.
Created: 2022.07.05
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe National Coordinators' Meeting organized by the Tempus Public Foundation was held in the city of Pécs this year between the 29th of June and the 1st of July. On this three-day national event, the University of Sopron was represented by Dr. Réka Kissné Zsámboki PhD and Tamás Németh from the Benedek Elek Faculty of Pedagogy, Vera Tolvaj from the Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries and Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA, Márta Sándor and Boróka Buzsáki from the Centre of International Affairs.
On all three days, in addition to the round table discussions, presentations and sharing of best practices, the organizing committee of the University of Pécs prepared various cultural programs for the participants from all over the country.
Besides discussing the novelties of the Erasmus+ mobility program, everyday challenges were also on the table, as well as discussions about the CEEPUS program.
The 6-person delegation representing the University of Sopron shared its efforts and was able to participate in all presentations and round table discussions and returned home with a lot of information and ideas.
Created: 2022.07.06
The award is supported by the United Nations Environment Programme and curated by the British-based Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC) since 2004. The organization, which has more than two hundred institutions as members, aims to support sustainability in higher education.
The title of the competition of the University of Sopron is "Climate + hat-trick steps towards a sustainable future", which already reached the finals was coupled with enormous glory, since as the only domestic competition, the final was among the 56 finalists from 19 countries in all entry categories, including English, French, Australian, Bangladeshi , ahead of competitors from India and Zimbabwe to win.
This prize represents an exceptionally high level of professional recognition for the sustainability-oriented professional work at the University of Sopron.
Created: 2022.08.03
ugrás az oldal tetejére
ugrás az oldal tetejéreAlmost 3000 students had arrived to the campus of the University of Sopron this September for the first semester of the 2022/23 academic year. Approximately 150 of them are international students.
Our Erasmus+ relationships are blooming: more than 20 students are arriving to the Benedek Elek faculty of pedagogy in the frame of Erasmus+ exchange this semester and more than 20 of our students have already applied for an exchange (still counting) – Spain and Austria are the most popular destinations.
Warm welcome to the almost 1000 Hungarian and 57 international students, who have just began their studies at our University. We wish all of them great success in their academic careers.
Created: 2022.09.09
ugrás az oldal tetejére
On the 7th of September a Diplomatic reception and Cultural Event took place on the occasion of the 77th Anniversary of the Independence if the Republic of Indonesia. University of Sopron was represented by Dr. habil Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA.
Invitations were made on behalf of the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Hungary H.E Mr. Dimas Wahab and Mrs. Dewi Wahab. The event was held in the National Theatre of Hungary. After remarks from His Excellency and the Guest of Honor, the guests had the pleasure to watch an arts and cultural performance, Wonderful Indonesia.
This reception and cultural event was yet another great diplomatic and networking opportunity for our University.
Created: 2022.09.14
ugrás az oldal tetejére
ugrás az oldal tetejéreMore than 60 international students had attended the Information Day on 21st of September 2022 that was organized with the intention of providing them with some basic knowledge on Hungarian legislation and making their administrative duties easier.
Representatives of the Western Transdanubia Regional Directorate of the National Directorate-General for Foreigners Policing, Director Pol. Col. Dr. Csaba Borsa, Head of the Admission Affairs Unit Pol. Maj. Dr. Judit Bartók, and Lieut.-Col. József Kovács from the Sopron Police Station had visited our university. Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos had greeted the guests and opened the event.
Lectures took place in the University’s main building, the two main topics were ’Foreign students’ legal stay in Hungary’, presented by Dr. Csaba Borsa and ’General duties of the Hungarian police’ presented by József Kovács.
After the lectures students had the opportunity to submit their requests for their first residence permit, to extend their expired residence permit and to registration certificate for EEA Nationals, uniquely, in the mobile customer service bus that parked in front of the main building.
The first international program of the semester achieved both goals, as the foreign students were enriched with useful information, and the students were able to start the administration of the residence permit on the Campus.
Created: 2022.09.23
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn the 24th of September - Saturday, with the cooperation of the Stipendium Hungaricum mentor students, the new international students studying at the University of Sopron went hiking.
"This was a great opportunity for them to meet each other and form some kind of bond. Fortunately, the weather was nice that day so they could enjoy the sun, the sights and sounds of nature. They passed by the Sörházdombi Lookout Tower, where they were impressed by its architecture, then the Károly Lookout Tower, which provided a wonderful view of Sopron and allowed them to see nature in various moods and colours." Khouloud Challouf
Created: 2022.09.27
ugrás az oldal tetejéreIn September 2022 three students of the University of Sopron have graduated recently in a cross-border PhD programme with the FH Burgenland University of Applied Sciences. Daniel Binder, Viktoria Petsch and Erwin Schlögl took part in an International Joint Cross-border PhD Programme in International Economic Relations and Management.
The graduation ceremony took place in the festive halls of the Esterhazy Palace. The University of Sopron was represented by Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles PhD, Dean of the Alexandre Lámfalussy Faculty of Economics and Dr. habil Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA, Director of International Affairs.
Created: 2022.09.27
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Maribor, the second largest and oldest Slovenian university celebrated its 47th Anniversary on 20th of September in the Casino Hall of the Slovene National Theatre Maribor.
It was a special solemn event, as it was connected with the official inauguration of the rector, who entered his second mandate in June this year. Additionally, important recognitions and prizes of University of Maribor were conveyed to students and companies as well as the honorary titles Professor Emeritus and Doctor Honoris Causa.
The University of Sopron was represented by Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA, who had a personal discussion with Mladen Kraljić Dep. Secretary-General University of Maribor about strenghtening the ties between the Alexandre Lámfalussy Faculty of Economics of the University of Sopron and the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Maribor.
Partaking at this event was yet another example of the significant representation and networking efforts of the Centre for International Affairs.
Created: 2022.09.28
ugrás az oldal tetejéreWe were happy to invite you and your mentors to our traditional Welcome Day event offering the following programme:
We trust you have appreciated learning about our university, faculties and student traditions and enjoyed the chats, snacks, welcome chocolate and Ürmös Dance Group providing an insight into Hungarian folk dances.
See the photos to remember the moments of the event at the gallery below. »»
Hope to meet you at Harrer chocolate tasting in early November and at the end-of-term intercultural event in early December! 🙂
Márta Sándor
senior international officer
Created: 2022.09.30
ugrás az oldal tetejére
ugrás az oldal tetejéreInternational Students participated on Guided Sightseeing and Ice Breaker Activities
The trip began in front of the building of the Faculty of Economics and ended on Széchenyi Square. Since the weather was not the nicest that day, all the participants were gifted with University of Sopron's branded raincoats. Katalin Cséry, the tour guide was focusing on the city centre of Sopron, highlighting the beautiful historical buildings, churches of various denominations, famous museums, and, besides the cultural insight, the students received tips for their free time and practical information as well.
Afterwards, the majority of the group walked back to the building of the Faculty of Economics for some ice breaker activities led by Dr. Didem Kepir-Sávoly. They got to know each other better in a playful and encouraging environment. The beginning was really light hearted, the students practiced each others’ names while passing a ball of yarn around and by the time they formed a web, they were more confident to call each other by their names. In the next game, they dived a bit deeper and interviewed each other about favourites, which led to some lively discussions.
The students also got informed about Didem’s work in the Student Support Centre and the opportunity to discuss personal, academic, career and/or cultural topics with her in private, which raised quite some interest.
This was only the first in the colorful palette of events and programs planned for this year. The next one is going to be the Welcome Day on 6th October 2022, taking place at Ligneum Visitors’ Centre; we hope to meet a lot of you there as well.
Created: 2022.10.03
ugrás az oldal tetejére
University of Sopron participated in the 2022 ICEF Berlin B2B Educational Organization Fair
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe aim of the ICEF organization is to provide expert services to the international education sector in order to develop global student mobility. Its main activity is organizing events that help B2B networking between companies dealing with student recruitment and higher education institutions, and support their international marketing activities.
This year, between October 30 and November 1, 2022, ICEF's biggest event was held in Berlin. At the 3-day event our University was represented in person by Dr. Zoltán Szabó, Director of Center for Foreign Affairs, and Vera Tolvaj, international coordinator from the Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries, while international coordinator Katalin Krajczár-Sári joined the event online.
The importance of the event is shown by the fact that 2,500 participants representing 1,600 organizations from 100 different countries of the world showed up. On the first day of the event, in the sections following the opening, the participants could listen to high-quality professional presentations, followed by the most important 2 days of the event, when UoS representatives held personal and online negotiations with representatives of student recruiting companies (e.g. from Argentina, India, Nepal, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Morocco, etc.)
Since the University of Sopron has set itself the goal of increasing the number of international students, as a result of about 50 negotiations were conducted by the colleagues, from which new prosperous partner contracts will be obtained with student recruitment companies, in order to help future applicants from all over the world to enroll in our university's programmes in English.
Created: 2022.11.04
ugrás az oldal tetejére“Society – Economy – Nature: Synergies in Sustainable Development” was the title of the traditional international scientific conference held on 3 November 2022 by the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics at the University of Sopron on the occasion of Hungarian Science Festival.
The Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics and For the Higher Education at Sopron Foundation jointly organised an international scientific conference on Hungarian Science Day, joining the Hungarian Academy of Sciences national program series – this year marked the 19th time.
Including co-authors, this year's conference attracted nearly 150 participants from home and abroad. This year the conference featured speakers from Germany, Spain, Albania, Slovakia, Romania, Russia, Vietnam and Indonesia. A total of 110 scientific papers were presented and discussed.
Read more about the successful conference here.
Created: 2022.11.08
ugrás az oldal tetejéreMany of the international students of the University of Sopron took the opportunity and visited the Quarry and Cave Theathre of Fertőrákos on 29th October.
The program involved the ‘Avignon berry’ Nature Trail, an exhibition on Ancient seabed remains and sea creatures, backstage of the Cave Theatre, the Hall of Music and the so-called Galaxy Hall. All of the participants did really well on the short quiz, which consists of the materials shared by the tour guide and displayed on the information boards, so they all had a chance to win a gift from the souvenir shop. Lastly, they had some rest and re-charged with some hot drinks from the ‘Kőfejtő’ Café, before travelling back to Sopron.
We hope to greet our international students on the upcoming trips and programs as well.
Created: 2022.11.08
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron organised a chocolate tasting for its international students at Harrer Chocolate Factory on 5 November 2022. The event was organised in two sessions - one in the morning and one in the afternoon - since there were so many applicants to split up into two groups.
See the photos and check the summaries written by students of the
Faculty of Economics:
"Visiting the chocolate factory can be the most beneficial opportunity for me as a student and as a chocolate lover. Harrer Chocolate is not like any other type of chocolate, both because of its high quality and the fact that its factory is only available in Hungary, specifically in Sopron. It is truly appreciated that this special opportunity is being provided to international students. The Saturday afternoon visit began with a 40-minute walk from the dormitory to the factory, accompanied by supervisors Ms. Márta Sándor and Dr. Ferenc Facskó. Once inside, the visit included a video about the chocolate-making process and many chocolate sampling options, such as dipping fruit in chocolate fountains. Furthermore, students who were interested in purchasing factory products were welcome to do so. As a whole, the visit proved to be worthwhile both from an understanding of the manufacturing process and from tasting the chocolate."
Halima Kaa (Marocco)
The chocolate tasting was an interesting experience at the Harrer factory in Sopron. We had so much fun, we were satisfied as we took a lot of pics, tasted different chocolates, and got to know how it was made from scratch. I would say I was the happiest student because I got to know that the origin of this sumptuous delicacy is from my continent (Africa).
I look forward to more exciting moments and a chocolate tasting moment again.
Ngozi Chude (Nigeria)
Created: 2022.11.22
ugrás az oldal tetejéreBetween 10th and 15th November higher education information days were organized under the auspices of the EU. Besides a general overview on the Hungarian higher education and the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme, the University of Sopron and our English language study programmes were introduced as well, plus our promotion materials were shared with the attendees and the Hungarian consulate in Laos, all thanks to Dr. László Váradi Honorary Consul.
“Forests are a significant resource in Laos and modern forestry and wood engineering require well-trained professionals. In the recent decades, there has been contact in this area, partly through the work of Hungarian experts and partly through the training of Lao specialists in Hungary, although these activities can be described as quite moderate and in my view, there are great opportunities in forestry cooperation even beyond the core study programmes in Hungary.”
Dr. László Váradi
Honorary Consul of the Lao PDR in Hungary
The booth where the promotion materials of the University of Sopron were displayed was visited by approximately 300 prosperous students, as well as Dr. Phout Simmalavong, the Lao Minister of Education and Sports and László Takács, Head of Office in Vientiane, Consul and Diplomat. Many other high-ranking international and educational representatives were also present at the event.
The entire Study in Europe panel discussion and all the presentations are available here:
As the Centre for International Affairs, we would like to express our gratitude to Dr. László Váradi and Dr. Lénárt István for their efforts in the promotion and internationalization of the University of Sopron.
Created: 2022.11.22
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn October 21, representatives of the University of Sopron and the Indonesian Universitas Negeri Malang discussed possible cooperation opportunities between the two institutions. On behalf of our university, Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó and the representatives of the Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries, Dr. habil. Zoltán Pásztory and Vera Tolvaj took part in the meeting, and the Indonesian side was represented by Ms. Vertic Eridani Budi Darmawan, lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, who is currently spending 2 months at our institution within the framework of the Pre-Doctoral Bridging program established with the support of the Indonesian Ministry of Education.
The purpose of the meeting was to find common research and educational collaboration opportunities, as a next step, on December 5, representatives of the two universities will participate in an online meeting regarding the content of the cooperation agreement.
Created: 2022.11.24
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe Pre-Doctoral Research Bridging Course Programme Science Fair took place on 17th of November, at the Conference Hall of the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics. The event had hosted more than 40 participants – 11 presenters, more than 25 Pre-Doctoral and PhD students, plus the consultants and faculty coordinators working on this special, two-month programme.
The doctoral schools of the Faculty of Forestry, Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries, Faculty of Economics and the Forest Research Institute were all represented, both by presenters and by attendees.
We also had the honour to welcome the partner organisers of the University of Sopron in the Pre-Doctoral Research Bridging Course Programme: Representatives of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology and Representatives of the Indonesian Embassy in Hungary.
The Science Fair was open not only for those participating in the Pre-Doctoral Bridging Course Programme, but all international PhD students of the three doctoral schools of the University of Sopron; many of them took the opportunity.
The program consisted of two plenary sessions, both had informative and interesting scientific presentations from the fields of Forestry, Wood Engineering and Economics; accompanied by Q&A sessions, lunch and coffee breaks in between to encourage further, less formal conversations on the topics presented.
The last momentum was handing out the certificates to the 8 students, who are close to finishing the Pre-Doctoral Research Bridging Course Programme for successfully completing the scientific and professional assessments in the course of the supervised period. We were glad to have Anis Apriliawati Human Resource Officer the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology – who had joined online – making a short speech enhancing the solemnity of the occasion.
The Pre-Doctoral Research Bridging Course Programme Science Fair was a truly successful event and a unique opportunity for scientific discussions and networking via the University of Sopron.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreWe were happy to invite you - our international students, their mentors and other Hungarian students to our traditional End-of-term International Cultural Event.
We trust you have appreciated learning about our Mikulás traditions and meeting the Mikulás just like listening to country presentations by your fellow students and the lovely song performances.
See below the photos to remember the moments of the event.
Hope to meet you again at the next intercultural event, the Spring Semester Welcome Day planned for early March!
Márta Sándor
senior international officer
Created: 2022.12.06
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn the 8th of November His Excellency Deputy Ambassador Andrew Davidson and Zsolt Maróti associate of the Embassy of the United Kingdom has paid a visit to our university. Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián Rector and Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos Vice-rector welcomed our guests.
They had a fruitful conversation about the European higher education and its future perspectives. The relationship of the United Kingdom and Hungary including the University of Sopron has been discussed too. Deputy Ambassador Davidson was particularly interested in the educational and research profile of our university and the effects of Brexit on the UK relations of the University of Sopron. Specific emphasis was aimed at the experiences our professors and students had in the last two years during the changes from the state-owned university to a foundation university.
This diplomatic visit was yet another good example of the emerging internationalization and networking efforts of the University of Sopron.
Created: 2022.12.12
ugrás az oldal tetejéreMore than 50 students took part in this international trip organized on 10th December. The students were able to vote for their preferred Christmas Market prior to the registration, the most popular destination out of the nearby Central European markets was Bratislava, so this is the one we ended up visiting.
The bus left the university by 10 AM and the first stop – for the students’ request –
was the Tripoint by Rajka, where the Hungarian, Austrian and Slovakian borders meet. Despite the cold and windy weather, everyone enjoyed the site and took many photos.
Once the bus arrived to the centre of Bratislava, there was no fixed program, the students could explore the multiple Christmas Markets spread across the squares of the city for themselves. Everyone found something for their liking among the traditional and innovative food options, various flavours of hot drinks, gifts and handmade items. The castle of Bratislava was popular as well. Many had enjoyed the warmth of a café or restaurant at some point and even the football fans did not miss anything – the victory of Morocco was celebrated all the way back to Sopron.
Thank you for everyone who attended, we hope to meet many of you at our next event as well!
Created: 2022.12.19
ugrás az oldal tetejéreIrish Embassy Delegation and the Library of the HU Academy of Sciences visited University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn 7 March 2023, Ronan Gargan, Ambassador of Ireland to Hungary, Cultural Attaché Marianna Dr. Joó Szegedi, and the Director and Deputy-Director of the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Dr. István Monok and Dóra Gaálné Kalydy visited the University of Sopron.
In the Central Library and Archives of the University of Sopron, Director General Mónika Tompa and Archivist Dr. Éva Sági guided the guests through the treasures of the Monument Library and introduced the student traditions of Selmec. After that, Rector Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián and Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos presented the English-language training programs and research portfolio of the University of Sopron. The topic of nature conservation and the results achieved by the university in international rankings were also discussed. Ambassador Ronan Gargan confirmed that through agricultural sciences, Ireland also places great emphasis on climate protection.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe first program of the Casual Connecting events of the University of Sopron was held on 18th March. The purpose of these events is to bring international and local students closer to each other, which this occassion pretty much fulfilled – the name is not for naught.
The get-together took place in the dormitory, where those interested could take part in a good atmosphere fueled by board games and pizza. Participants could try out and play many different types of board games, including classics known and loved by many, such as UNO, Monopoly or Scrabble and least known ones, like Brainbox Hungary, Dixit and Swish. In addition, to set the mood, the event included a pizza party and music. To the great joy of the organizers, the event attracted great interest, which exceeded their expectations.
The next program of Casual Connecting is planned to be egg-themed, dedicated to the imagery of Easter; hopefully it is going to be just as interesting and enjoyable for the participants as this one.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron representatives Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA and Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles PhD have (virtually) attended the latest event of “The Future You Talks” Webinar of Woxsen University, India on 14th March.
The webinar featured Ms. Caryn-Beck Dudley, President & CEO, AACSB International. Its topic was ‘The Importance of Lifelong Learning and the Rise of Micro-credentials’
“AACSB International (AACSB), a global nonprofit association, connects educators, students, and business to achieve a common goal: to create the next generation of great leaders. Synonymous with the highest standards of excellence since 1916, AACSB provides quality assurance, business education intelligence, and learning and development services to over 1,850 member organizations and more than 950 accredited business schools worldwide. The global organization has offices located in Tampa, Florida, USA; Amsterdam, the Netherlands; and Singapore.
Caryn Beck-Dudley became president and CEO of AACSB in June 2020. She previously served as dean of the Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University. Prior to that, she served as dean of the College of Business at Florida State University and the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University.
In addition to holding other leadership and teaching roles at Utah State, Beck-Dudley has taught at the University of Georgia Terry College of Business and the University of Michigan Ross School of Business. Before her academic career, she was an attorney in commercial and corporate law. Beck-Dudley served two previous terms on the AACSB Board of Directors, including as the 2018-19 board chair. She has served on numerous AACSB committees and previously chaired the Maintenance of Accreditation Committee.
Beck-Dudley works closely with leaders from education, business, nonprofits, and government to reimagine how higher education can serve future workforce needs and improve society. She holds a bachelor’s degree in political science, magna cum laude, from Utah State University and a JD from the University of Idaho College of Law.”
Attendig this webinar was yet another great opportunity for University of Sopron representatives to further their insight on international matters and extend the university’s professional network.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreRepresentatives of the Centre for International Affairs of the University of Sopron Katalin Krajczár-Sári and Klaudia Gortva International Coordinators and Dóra Kulcsár Student Ambassador have attended three major student fairs at the end of February – beginning of March.
On 28th Feburary there was a fair for ‘the Americas’, so the regions targeted were Northern, Central and South America; on 3rd March, the next one’s target regions were Asia and Oceania and lastly, on 7th March there was the final fair for Europe, Middle-East and Africa.
All three of the fairs were held from 4 PM to 8 PM local time, which seemed to be ideal timing for the students interested. Our well-designed virtual booth involved all the important promotion materials from the University’s introduction and detailed information on the English-language study programmes to photos, videos, downloadable brochures and more.
There was a separate platform to broadcast pre-recorded webinars in order to share more information about the University, its programmes and to highlight some important points regarding the application process and requirements. The fair came with a live chat opportunity and representatives had the option to audio and video call the attendees as well.
The University of Sopron was the only institution representing Hungary on each and every one of the fairs, and not many other universities made it from the Central/Eastern European region altogether, which was quite advantageous from our side.
On the busiest day our booth had more than 400 visitors, our pre-recorded webinar was watched more than 250 times altogether and we gained a great list of programme and scholarship leads. This is going to lead to more successful and targeted marketing campaigns and many potential students interested in the upcoming student webinars of the University of Sopron.
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Dear All!
We were happy to invite our international students, their mentors and other Hungarian students to our traditional Spring Semester Welcome Day on the 9th March 2023.
It was a joyful afternoon, where our students had the opportunity to get to know each other and listen to several interesting presentations.
Below you can read some students's reports and access the complete album of pictures taken during the event.
"It was an event, firstly to meet new people and learn about their traditions. There were presentations about Ghana, Bangladesh, Estonia, and Germany, and a surprise song at the end as well. All the people who came here to the University of Sopron with Erasmus, Ceepus, and Hungarian students gathered in the LIGNEUM building. I have met a lot of new friends, and that's why I am glad I was there."
Gábor Cseh - CEEPUS exchange student
"Welcoming new students is a great way to promote integration and help them get to know one another, and that's how we started our spring semester at the University of Sopron. The welcome day event began with a warm greeting from Mrs. Márta Sándor, who welcomed everyone with open arms. As we settled in, we were honored by the presence of Professor Dr. Ferenc Lakatos, Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations, who provided a captivating introduction to the University of Sopron.
The presentations by the students from Bangladesh, Ghana, Estonia, and Germany were a remarkable opportunity for us to appreciate and learn about their unique cultures, traditional foods, and customs. It was impressive to see how they passionately presented their countries. The presentations sparked our curiosity about the students' cultures and demonstrated the importance of cross-cultural communication and understanding, which are essential for promoting harmony and unity among diverse communities.
In addition to the informative presentations, the event was further enriched by the captivating performance of the Ürmös Dance Group. Their graceful movements, synchronized steps, and typical Hungarian costumes left us mesmerized. It was a delightful addition to the event that left us feeling energized and uplifted.
There was also a delicious selection of snacks and drinks, including traditional Hungarian dishes. The Rákóczi cottage cheese cake was particularly popular among attendees and left a lasting impression with its delicious flavor and unique texture. Overall, the food and drinks added to the enjoyment and satisfaction of the event.
The day ended on a high note with a surprise performance by the students, who sang a mix of Hungarian, Arabic, and French songs for the attendees. Their powerful and emotional performances took us on a cultural journey and immersed us in the rich diversity of the students' backgrounds. The performance was met with thunderous applause and left everyone craving more. It was a perfect way to end the event on a high note and left a lasting impact on all those who attended.
The welcome day was a huge success, thanks to the hard work and dedication of the organizers and volunteers. We are truly grateful for their outstanding efforts and look forward to the next event they organize."
Khouloud Challouf - Stipendium Hungaricum PhD Student
ugrás az oldal tetejéreIn the previous semester international students of the University of Sopron participated in various events and study/leisure trips organised by the Centre for International Affairs. The main objective of these occasions is to help our students getting to know Sopron and the Hungarian culture better, to encourage their integration outside of the classrooms as well and, of course to improve the student experience at the University.
To get an idea whether the students enjoyed these programs and in order to be able to plan better for the upcoming semester, all the international students received a short but comprehensive questionnaire: „Feedback, Preferences and Suggestions - International Events of the University of Sopron”. To encourage responders the survey came with a sweepstake; students had the chance to win ’University of Sopron’ gift packs.
The organisers were happy to receive a great number of replies and to learn about the students’ predominantly positive experiences with the events and trips of the last semester as well as their preferences for the thematics, location, layout and information mediums, all which they will be able to incorporate in the organisation and implementation of the future programs.
On behalf of the Centre for International Affairs we would like to thank all the students who filled out the survey and we hope you remain active participants of our events and trips – you guys give meaning to our work. Lastly, congratulation to the three winners.
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ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron was represented online at the ICEF Eurasia Hybrid Executive fair between 13th and 15th of March.
These three days were all about networking with the professionally pre-screened student recruitment agents attending. The fair was focusing on recruitment from over 20 countries in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia – hence the name.
Representatives of the University of Sopron Dr. habil Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA, Katalin Krajczár-Sári, Barbara Lakatos and Klaudia Gortva managed 21 virtual meetings with agents from the above-mentioned regions including Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbegistan, Greece, Cyprus, the Kyrgyz Republic, Ukraine and Azerbaijan, as well as agents working worldwide.
The online opening of ICEF Eurasia was at 1:50 PM on 13th March, seminars and webinars started at 2 PM; there was a flood of useful information and blooming conversations up until 7 PM. The next two days were filled with one-on-one meetings from 9 AM to 7 PM, scheduled for 25 minutes each.
This was a draining, but decidedly useful experience that further improves the international visibility and executive network of the University of Sopron and hopefully boosts our upcoming international application period.
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‘Internationalisation in the Model-changing Universities’ Event of the Tempus Public Foundation
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe Tempus Public Foundation hosted an event on 10th February 2023 for the higher education institutions that have been involved in the recent model change. The University of Sopron was represented by Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA Director of International Affairs and Barbara Lakatos International Coordinator.
The three main topics of the prosperous conversation were the institutions’ shared and independent experiences throughout the model change, the objectives of internationalization and the procedures of credit approval. 14 of the Hungarian model changing universities appeared at the event, in person or online.
The event topic of credit approval was discussed thoroughly, which is one of the cornerstones of the ERASMUS+ program. In general, the credit recognition ratio is the best in economics education and it is the most difficult in the field of pedagogy.
During the event the participants could share their experiences, which were very useful in terms of model-changing and for further development in cooperation.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreMeetings with Potential International Recruitment Partners of the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreAs an important part of our international strategy, the University of Sopron works with agencies in order to increase the number of foreign students. Recently two members of the Centre for International Affairs, Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA and Katalin Krajczár-Sári have represented our University at a series of meetings with professional travel and international education agencies:
DIIET Global Limited and ReGGitel are both based in Kumasi, Ghana, both have a wide scope of international travel-related activities, but are clearly focused on student recruitment. Ustudy Global, which is based in Melville, United States is one of the industry leaders in international education, with a separate Agency Division dedicated to this segment of student recruitment.
The key points of all three of these meetings were to introduce the University and its environment in details, highlighting the benefits of studying in this region of Hungary, as well as our strategic goals, teaching and research objectives focusing on the 11 English-language study programmes and complementary information, such as the dormitory, student life and other opportunities for students. All agency representatives were distinctly intrested and asked heaps of of questions, primarily about the application process, the admission requirements and the experiences of our previous international students.
A wider network of international partners, particularly education agencies is crucial to the success of our upcoming application period – from 20th April to 20th May – so our representatives’ positive experiences with these meetings mean a great step to the right direction. Hopefully it is going to result in long-term cooperation with the above-mentioned agencies.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreStudents of the University of Sopron participating in the Erasmus+ BIP of Prigo University
ugrás az oldal tetejéreFive students of the Alexandre Lámfalussy Faculty of Economics of the University of Sopron are participating in the Summer School of PRIGO University between 19th and 23rd of June, within the framework of an Erasmus+ BIP (Blended Intensive Program). The main organizer of the event is Tomasz Czapran PhD. The topic of the Summer School is “Economic and Social Aspects of Migration in the European Union”.
Baán Gréta Mária, Helbert Enrique, James Olivér Márk, László Márton and Trinkl Márk have already been through the application and selection process and participated in the first online lecture in March, all with the mentorship of Dr. Erzsébet Nedelka PhD and Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA.
Participation in programs like this one is not only beneficial for the students involved, it supports the internationalisation and networking goals of the University as well. Good luck for the students!
ugrás az oldal tetejéreIn the days before the Easter holidays, Désiére Bonis, Dutch ambassador, honored the University of Sopron with her personal presence.
The main purpose of the visit was to create and nurture relationships, to introduce and get to know the University and Sopron. On behalf of the University, the Vice Rector for International Affairs, the Director of International Affairs, and another employee of the International Affairs office also participated in the meeting. On the ambassador's side, Éva Szabó, Senior Advisor for Economic and Trade Development, paid her respects at the University.
During the conversation, which lasted almost an hour, the University was introduced. In addition to the basic information, the historical background and student traditions were also discussed, the uniqueness of which really caught the attention of the ambassador. Many technical details were clarified during the presentation. As, for example, about the model change and its practical operation. In addition to student traditions and their origins, the delegation's attention was drawn to the steps taken to make the university "greener" and sustainable. In addition, the visitors were impressed by the University's own botanical garden, in which they managed to find time for a small walk.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreDirectorate of Foreign Affairs joins efforts with the Faculties to increase student's satisfaction
ugrás az oldal tetejéreBy the end of March, the usual half-yearly meeting took place between the 4 Faculties' management and international coordinators and the Directorate of Internatioanl Affairs of University of Sopron. The discussions took place partly online and partly in person.
The management of the University always has placed great emphasis on effective communication and collaboration, not least for the sake of the students. The main goal of the Directorate of Internatioanl Affairs is to increase the satisfaction of current and future International students. Thus, the main topic of faculty discussions was no different.
The main topic, in addition to the aforementioned increase in student's satisfaction, was sahring the current and successful statistical data of activities related to international students, and the presentation of future developments. The improvements included not only technical things, but also personal changes, also in order to increase student satisfaction - for example, the Directorate of International Affairs now has dedicated collageague for event organization as well.
The joint future plans of the University, the faculties and the Directory of Internatioanl Affairs were defined. These plans have one main goal in mind. Increasing the number of International students in large numbers, mainly through partnership relations and their development. It should not be forgotten that the University of Sopron participates in more and more International student fairs, and aims to increase international visibility by collaborations with recruitment professionals.
Thanks to all efforts, the number of International students succeeds to increase every semester and year.
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Casual Connecting VOL 2. - Egg-celent party took place during Easter weekend
ugrás az oldal tetejéreCasual Connecting appeared with a new episode during Easter weekend. True to the festive period, eggs came to the fore as the main theme. Those interested, who otherwise showed up in good numbers, were able to get to know a slice of Hungarian Easter customs.
This section was mainly about egg painting. Using their dexterity and creativity, the participants could paint egg-shaped cookies using colored frosting. There was no lack of interest in the unusual program and more than 150 colored eggs were made. Everyone gave their best, so no two eggs were born the same. Some people painted the flag of their country, made inscriptions, or even decorated the cookies with typical Easter designs. In addition, of course, programs were also available that was also unusual or that provided relaxation and focused on getting to know each other. Many people got into the game and brought their own national or favorite egg-based dishes, which they shared with the others. In addition to the main programs, there was also the opportunity for the aforementioned pure relaxation, and board games, which can almost be considered traditions, enhanced the experience.
The organizers were very pleased that despite the holiday, when the dormitory is almost empty, a large number of people showed up and took part in the programs. This only further increased the enthusiasm and courage of the organizers to organize future similar programs.
Application period for international students is open at the University of Sopron
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We would like to raise your attention that applications for the Bachelor, Master and PhD programmes of the University of Sopron for September 2023 intake are open now!
Apply until 20th May 12:00 (CEST) and study Economics, Pedagogy, Forestry or Wood Engineering at a Green University in the heart of Europe.
Study programmes available:
- BSc in International Economy and Business
- BSc in Tourism and Catering
- BSc in Timber Industry Engineering
- MSc in International Economy and Business
- MA in Educational Science
- MSc in Environmental Engineering
- MSc in Nature Conservation Engineering
- MSc in Timber Industry Engineering
- PhD in Economics and Management
- PhD in Forestry and Wildlife Management
- PhD in Wood Sciences and Technologies
Click here for our step-by-step guide to the application and let the adventure begin.
For more information whatch this webinar video about us:
Check out what some of our students say about studying here:
If you are still uncertain about the process, you can raise your questions anytime at
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron was represented at the Georgian student recruitment fair
ugrás az oldal tetejéreInternational coordinators Ms Barbara Lakatos and Ms Klaudia Gortva participated in the student recruitment fair and high school visits organized by the recruiting company LEAF.
On the occasion of the fair held in Tbilisi on 8 April 2023, as well as the 5 visits to secondary schools that preceded the fair, the delegation actively promoted the institution's training portfolio, putting emphasis on the self-financed study programmes held in English, the student services, and the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme. In the Georgian secondary schools, 9th-12th-grade students showed the greatest interest in the university's bachelor degree programmes, while the master and doctoral programmes were also popular among the fair visitors.
More than 100 of the participants visiting the stand of the University of Sopron signed up for the contact list, who can become potential applicants of the self-financed admission period from 20 April to 20 May 2023.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreSuccessful Well-Being Day for International Students of the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreStudent Support Center organized second Well-Being Day for the international students of University of Sopron on 19th April. The event started with the guided tour of the Esterhazy-palota and continued with Communication skills workshop that was led by Adjunct Professor Dr. Didem Kepir Savoly. During the workshop, Kepir Savoly focused on communication within ourselves, body language, mindful listening and speaking as well as “I” language in order to resolve conflicts in communication. The students were enthusiastic to engage interactive and self-reflective activities. They reported that these activities made them more aware of themselves and their dynamics regarding their communication styles and skills. Here are some of the participants’ feedbacks about the workshop.
“The activities that took place at the workshop gave me the opportunity to discover new people from the dormitory, and also to talk about topics that I would never have thought to talk with a completely new person. Also, I realized the importance of body language and that sometimes it might be better to let the people talk and express themselves instead of interrupting them consistently. Just looking to the eyes of someone would give you the opportunity to understand how they are feeling. This workshop really helped me. I hope these kind of events would take place more often."
“The communication skills workshop has been one of the most interesting and helpful events I have attended in a long time. The first thing we did was brainstorming to create a mind map of “communication”. We also mentioned some communication problems we can usually find. The next thing we talked about was the communication with ourselves. I think it was a great choice to put this right after because it was something I was not expecting, and it made me realize how most times we don’t really communicate with ourselves, or we don’t do it the way we should, because we don’t pay attention to the words we used on the mind map when it comes to ourselves. Working with a partner I did not know was something I really liked, since I had seen my partner many times but we had never spoken before and I felt like the different activities made us connect so deeply and realize we have many things in common and we can easily help each other and ourselves at the same time by being together. We realized that self-talk can impact our relationships with others, so it was good that we learnt that information. The next exercises made me realize the importance of body language. The first part helped me know my partner better (how they use her body language in different situations, the body language traditions they have acquired from her culture and how that can affect other people’s image of her, etc). Later, we had to talk about something we struggle with and about something we enjoy to our partner and they had to listen without showing any expression, without using body communication and with no verbal communication either. This activity touched and shocked a lot. It was so frustrating. When I was the speaker, I felt so uncomfortable talking because the lack of reactions made it seem like there was no interest and that made it so hard to continue talking. However, the hardest part was being the listener. My partner opened up about a serious topic and I really appreciated their trust in me. Having someone tell you something so important to them and not being able to show any reaction or offer them any kind of help is so painful. What they told me almost made me cry and I could feel my emotions strongly inside them but I felt like I could not let them out. This helped me understand that body language has a much bigger worth than we tend to think. Afterwards, we had to speak about something else but filtering our words, thinking before speaking, choosing the words wisely. We decided to talk about our self-regulators. It felt much easier than the previous activity, but it helped me organize my ideas better before speaking and realizing some expressions we tend to say are not really useful. Both exercises helped me connect with my partner a lot and thankfully after the activities we talked more about it and it made us feel much better. I feel like we might have the tools to help each other and it is a good chance to meet someone nice. Lastly, we talked about how important it is to think before speaking so we can focus on the “I” instead of the “you”, in order to make the other person understand how their actions made us feel without them feeling attacked by us. I think this is an important thing we should try to remember in overwhelming situations when we are under pressure so we can make communication easier.”
ugrás az oldal tetejéreBosnian, Brazilian and Turkish Embassy relations at the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreBeing a highlighted part of the international affairs' strategy, University of Sopron gives continuous emphasis on nurturing relationships with embassies.
Representatives of the Embassy of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Brazil in Hungary welcomed Director of International Affairs Dr. habil Zoltán Szabó and International Coordinator Ms. Barbara Lakatos on 29 March 2023 in Budapest.
The university delegation presented the institution's portfolio concerning the English-language study programmes, the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme, and the university services offered for foreign students.
Ambassadors Biljana Gutić-Bjelica and Susan Kleebank expressed their support in terms of reaching out to the potential Bosnian and Brazilian students, disseminating the marketing materials of the University of Sopron, as well as identifying opportunities for inter-university cooperation.
The embassy representatives were mostly interested in the opportunities offered by the Faculty of Forestry, as well as the results achieved by the university in international sustainability rankings.
Turkish Ambassador Gülsen Karanis Eksioglu visited Sopron on 19 April 2023, when the Turkish delegation was received by the Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos and the Director of International Affairs Dr. habil Zoltán Szabó at the University of Sopron, where potential cooperation opportunities were also discussed.
The University of Sopron conquered the Őrség
ugrás az oldal tetejére’Student satisfaction is a matter of heart’ for the Centre for International Affairs, and the team is making every effort to fulfill this mission. So the organization of a larger-scale trip for international students began.
The journey took place on April 22, 2023 and the destination was Őrség. One of the main elements of the excursion was that the International students of the University of Sopron could get to know Hungarian culture better and some of it’s heritage.
For this, the venue and all its elements satisfied the needs of both the organizers and all the participants. The participants, who otherwise took part in the event in large numbers, joined from all faculties and sectors of the University. Apart from the students, there were, of course, the head of organizers, coordinators and mentors of the Centre for International Affairs, as well as the dean of the Faculty of Economics. The trip was facilitated by the University of Sopron's own 52-passenger bus.
One of the participants described the journey as follows:
On 22nd April, more than 40 students gathered to get to know a wonderful part of Hungary, Őrség.
With a wonderful weather and a joyful company, students have met in front of the dormitory at 9AM and took a 2-hour-long bus ride to Szalafő, which is believed to be the most authentic settlement of Hungary. Here, they had the chance to see the first steps of the traditional method of pumpkin seed oil making.
Then, with a tour guide on their sides, they walked through the area where 200-year-old buildings showed them how the people of the past were living.
Students also had the chance to meet some friends on the way – from poultry to goats and rabbits, they got to know some members of the traditional Hungarian farm animals.
After a short walk through the historical houses, they got back to the first stop of the programme and volunteered to finish the process of creating pumpkin oil – the pressing. After the hard work, they even had the chance to taste the famous pumpkin seed oil of Őrség.
Then, they could try out traditional archery which was the final stop of the programme at the Open Air Museum.
After a delicious traditional meal, students played some football and had some delightful conversations before walking through the Quaking Aspen Nature Trail and came back to Sopron where they had arrived around 9PM.
We hope to see you on such and similar trips in the future!
Special Lecture about Online Marketing at the A. Lámfalussy Faculty of Economics, in Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreCEO at Marketing Professzorok Ltd and online marketing consultant Balázs Máté held a lecture about Online Marketing for the students of the Alexandre Lámfalussy Faculty of Economics of the University of Sopron.
Balázs Máté and his company have worked on the online marketing of various healthcare-related companies, travel agencies, catering companies such as the Eventrend Group operating the New York Café, Salon Restaurant and catering of the Hungarian Science Academy, Symbol Budapest, the Zsidai Group which involves companies like Jamie’s Italian in Budapest and Vienna, Pierrot and the Spíler network in Hungary and Spain, as well as hotels – Zichy Park Hotel, Residence Hotel Balaton, Dunarelax Hotel, Aranysas and Fenyves Yacht Club, just to mention a few. He has a highly successful online marketing blog with approximately 80.000 monthly visitors and a strong fan base across social media. He also works with multiple universities as a researcher, teacher, thesis and TDK supervisor or opponent and head of committee.
His lecture at the University of Sopron was focusing on Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Marketing. According to Balázs “Meeting of the practical side of profession and university education is always very rewarding, both from the point of view of innovation and young marketing students as well.”
In order to make his visit at our University even more successful, he had a promising meeting with Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles PhD dean of the Alexandre Lámfalussy Faculty of Economics. They discussed the potential cooperation opportunities between Marketing Professzorok Ltd and the Faculty.
Celebrating the End of the Semester at the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe International Semester Ending Party at “Károly Hill Ecotourism Visitor Center” was held on May 12th 2023, to celebrate the end of the academic year for the students who have studied at the University of Sopron including all faculties. The party was organised to provide a fun and engaging environment for students to relax and unwind after a long semester of hard work. This report should provide an overview of the event and highlights its successes and areas for improvement.
The event was held at the “Károly Hill Ecotourism Visitor Center” and started at 3 pm, running until 7 pm. Firstly the Party was planned to be held at the Lake Salamandra, but because of the rainy weather the location was finalised to the “Károly Hill Ecotourism Visitor Center”. For that reason everyone had to bring their appropriate clothes to not get wet and stay warm. The dress code for the event was casual and students were encouraged to wear comfortable clothing. We got on the bus which was parked before the dormitory building “VUK” and rode for about 5 mins. We got out and walked for another 15 mins to get to the “Károly Hill Ecotourism Visitor Center”. The event featured various activities to keep students engaged and entertained throughout the after, including music and games, food and drinks and as well some photoshoots. After the party ended we walked back for 15 mins to the bus and rode for 5 mins to get back to the dormitory.
The event was well attended, with approximately 40 students from various countries in attendance. The organisers for this event were firstly Ms. MÁRTA SÁNDOR and secondly Ms. Didem Kepir Savoy. The turnout was higher than last semester's ending party so the organisers were pleased with the attendance.
The activities provided at the event were a success. There was a wide range of music played that appealed to everyone. Some students danced and even sang along throughout the afternoon. The drinks were also well received, with a range of options available for students to choose from. The food that was cooked with the help of some students had a vegetarian as well as a non-vegetarian option which received positive feedback from the students. Throughout the afternoon there were also enough opportunities to click pictures with their friends and create memories. The get-to-know-each-other games were a good experience to share information about their culture and knowledge as well. For the first game the participants got chocolate as a reward for answering correctly on the picture quiz about Hungary. These games were enjoyed by many students and there was a friendly competition between the groups. On the 1st and 2nd floor there was also a museum for animals which many students liked.
Feedback from students who attended the event was overwhelmingly positive. They appreciated the opportunity to come together and celebrate the end of the academic year, and the activities provided were well received.
The International Semester Ending Party at “Károly Hill Ecotourism Visitor Center” was a success. The event provided students with an opportunity to come together and celebrate their achievements, share experiences and create memories.
Great thanks to Kevin Mathuppurathu and Reyfahdel Alief Prasetyo this report.
Further gratitude to:
Márta Sándor for the general organization, coordination and the Hungary Puzzle & Quiz,
Dr. Didem Kepir-Sávoly for the activities "taking participants to different countries",
Ákos Kovács for providing music and photographing,
Students taking care of the food: Jenő Káli, Anna Horváth, Bettina Dedics, Viktória Lippai and James Kudjo Govina,
International Coordinators taking care of the food: Csilla Csipkó and Klaudia Gortva.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreInternational Picnic in the Pan-European Picnic Park for Students of the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn the 20th of May, the students of the University of Sopron had a chance to explore and learn about a very important historical event, the Pan-European picnic.
The event was organized drawing inspiration from the historical event itself, and included a symbolic picnic, as well as an escape room.
Moreover, interactive team building, and games were organized by Crazy Garage Sopron, encouraging students to actively engage and learn from one another. Apart from this, the students were also given the chance to explore the area with two student tour guides Dóra Kulcsár and Hana Sosic where they were able to hear the history behind the monuments, as well as some interesting facts about European history. Following the tour, students participated in a quiz about the Pan-European picnic, and the best three players were awarded a prize.
Apart from the organizers, coordinators and mentors, the number of attendees reached forty. The chosen venue perfectly catered to the needs and desires of both the organizers and the participants, creating an ideal setting for an enriching experience. Throughout the day, laughter, joy, and a sense of belonging filled the air, as new friendships were made, and memories were created. The student picnic trip to the Pan-European picnic place became a remarkable event that not only allowed the participants to explore Hungarian culture but also brought them closer to the diversity of European heritage.
University of Sopron holds Wine marketing event for students
ugrás az oldal tetejéreA wine marketing presentation was recently held at the University of Sopron organized by the Economics Club, headed by Dr. Richárd Resperger. The presenters were Dr. Balázs Tihamér Sipos and Dr. Mihály Konkoly, both experts in the field of wine marketing. The event was moderated by Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó. Prof. Dr. Zsuszanna Széles dean of the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics opened the event with her welcome speech.
The presentation covered various topics related to wine marketing, including market trends, branding strategies, and consumer behaviour. The presenters shared their insights and experiences in the wine industry, providing valuable information to the students.
After the presentations, the students could ask direct questions and taste different types of wines from Badacsony. This was a great opportunity for them to apply the knowledge they gained from the presentation and learn more about the different types of wines available in the market.
Overall, the wine marketing presentation was a success, providing students with valuable insights into the wine industry and its marketing strategies. It was an excellent event for them to learn from experts in the field and gain practical knowledge that they can apply in their future careers.
University of Sopron is Strengthening Scientific Relationship with Azerbaijan
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn the auspicious occasion of the National Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Hungary, Tahir Taghizade, and Mrs. Irada Rustamova hosted a reception and concert to celebrate the cultural and economic ties between Azerbaijan and Hungary.
The University of Sopron was represented by Prof. Dr. Zsuszanna Széles, Dean of the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics and Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó, Director of the Centre for International Affairs. The event was held on Friday, 26th of May 2023.
The University of Sopron and Tahir Taghizade the Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Hungary share a common vision of promoting cultural exchange and economic cooperation. This event was an important step towards realizing this vision. It provided an opportunity for both sides to exchange ideas and explore new avenues for collaboration.
The University of Sopron looks forward to further strengthening its ties with Azerbaijan in the years to come.
University of Sopron cooperating with PRIGO University in the Czech Republic
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe Erasmus+ BIP provides a great opportunity to work and collaborate with other universities in a very efficient way by sharing the offline and online parts of the scholarship. This achievement makes students possible to utilise the Erasmus grant for a shorter abroad period but gaining the same educational advantages.
The PRIGO University in Ostrava organises a Summer School with the topic of various elements and impacts of migration. The organisers Tomas Czapran PhD and Lenka Fabíková Head of International Office created a valuable programme on the topic of migration with the opportunity that Czech, Turkish, Cypriot and Hungarian students can work together.
The University of Sopron is represented by Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA Director of International Affairs and Erzsébet Nedelka PhD Vice-Dean at the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics with 8 students from the Faculty – Ádám Artner, Gréta Baán, Anett Cziklin, Oliver James, Dóra Kulcsár, Albert Szabó, Patrícia Szaksz, Márk Trinkl.
The Erasmus+ BIP also makes possible to deepen the professional and scientific relations between the two universities and work of other progressive programmes.
University of Sopron held empathy event for Sudanese students
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe colleagues of the Student Support Center of the University of Sopron organized an empathy event for the Sudanese students whose families are deeply affected by civil war. This event was led by Dr. Didem Kepir Savoly and she provided safe and understanding environment for the students to share their concerns as well as to brainstorm possible solutions. The finance and safety were the two pressing concerns that the students had.
Offering part-time summer jobs and legal help, organizing fundraising/charity events and follow-up meetings were discussed. The students reported that they felt heard, understood, and supported by this event. Some of their feedbacks are the followings:
“It was a pleasure meeting you. We are grateful for your concern on the situation in Sudan. We appreciate you listening to our accounts of the Sudanese civil war. Although my family is safe, food and water are still in short supply. I wish security for Sudan.”
“First of all, I want to express my gratitude and thanks to the student support center and the international students for this good initiative and for such warm feeling and understanding in a time in which ourselves and families are experiencing challenges and difficulties due to the ongoing war in our country. Personally, the meeting was a relief for me as I felt I have those who listen and care and support, which is a tremendous psychological and emotional push for me. It was also a nice opportunity to brainstorm solutions and discuss possible actions to take in order to help alleviate the occurred damages and harms. Especially, there are friends who have been affected the most and the worst as they have their families where severe and devastating battles are going on, thus they need to be evacuated to safe place. It is also worth to mention the married friends who are supporting dependent families have lost their livelihood meaning as the institutions had failed to pay wages and allowances. The effects are enormous but here is not the place to list them all. but I am fully confident that further discussion would end up with worthwhile actions to aid those had been adversely affected.”
University of Sopron was represented in a Vientam ’roadshow’
ugrás az oldal tetejéreDr. ZOLTÁN PÁSZTORY PhD, vice dean of the Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries and Ms. Katalin Krajczár-Sári, international coordinator represented the University of Sopron during an intensive ’roadshow’ in Vientam – in November 2022.
The 1 week tour included 3 visits at Vietnamese Universities and 2 Education Fairs. Details of the roundtrip can be read in this article.
The fairs and the travel was supported by the RRF-2.1.2-21-2022-00011 project.
Read about the participants' experiences below.
November 11, 2022 (Friday) Vietnam National University of Forestry – city of Xuan Mai
November 14, 2022 (Monday) Hue University
November 15, 2022 (Tuesday) Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
At the three Vientnamese universities we were given the opportunity to present the university, our professional acitivites, and student life in Sopron. The discussions also affected the possibilities of cooperation, such as joint research programmes and student or staff exchange. During the first programme in Xuan Mai, the representatives of our university participated in a students and company meeting workshop, organized by the local university, where a short introduction about our institute was held and also the scholarship opportunities in Hungary were presented.
Later we also introduced the engineering field, where Hue University’s leadership showed great interest in natural building materials, as well as in the development of wood and bamboo-based building materials. They expressed their strong desire to submit a joint Erasmus application.
At the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, the dean of the Faculty of Applied Science also participated, where the the foundations of cooperation agreement between the two Universities were set.
November 12-13, 2022 (Saturday-Sunday) Educational Fair in Hanoi & Ho Chi Minh City
During the weekend our University was represented on the Educational Fair, organized by Beging Group, in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City – where potential students and parents could learn about the programmes offered in English by our Faculties, just as the self-financed or shcolarship funded opportunities.
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University of Sopron partner institution is celebrating 20 years at Sapinetia EMTE
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe representatives of the University of Sopron Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles PhD Dean of Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics and Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA Director of International Affairs had the privilege to participate at a special event at the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania to celebrate together with the colleagues the book presentation of the 20th Anniversary of Csíki Közgáz - Csikszereda Economic Education.
The University of Sopron representatives had the opportunity to participate in this year's finance and marketing final exams of the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania as part of the cooperation between the two institutions. The members of the committees - Dr. Ede Lázár PhD Dean, Dr. Attila Szőcs PhD, Dr. Beáta Kádár PhD, Dr. Bíborka Eszter Bíró PhD, Dr. Gergely Fejér-Király PhD and Prof. Dr. József Varga PhD - agreed that the students chose extremely interesting and valuable topics for their diploma thesis.
In addition to the final exams, Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles PhD Dean and Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA Director of International Affairs, discussed with Dr. Ede Lázár PhD Dean and Dr. Benedek Nagy PhD Head of Department about the framework for possible further collaborations, in which ERASMUS+ BIP and other professional and cultural collaborations were also planned in the near future.
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Africa concert at the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOne of the best choirs in Sopron, the Fidelissima Mixed Choir, gave a so-called Africa Concert with pieces of music from and about Africa, the second-largest continent of the world at the Aula of the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics.
As many of our international students were still in Sopron in mid-July and quite a few of them come from Africa, we thought they might be interested in attending this concert. So, we decided to invite them and were happy to accompany them. The management of the choir was also informed about our coming to the concert well before and they were excited about having special guests who might know the songs they would perform. They have even taken care of the English translation of the words of the director of the choir and provided a QR code so that the English-speaking audience had access to the information about the songs.
The concert was a great success. We stayed there after the concert to take a group photo and to chat with the choir members. They were pleased with our students' participation, wearing traditional African shirts and showing appreciation for their performance. They have also expressed gratitude for our students' help with rearranging the aula and for singing with them some of the songs they liked and knew the best. It felt really good to learn how some of the students were impressed and touched to listen to songs in languages they know!
Here we share the words of appreciation written after the concert by one of our Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship holders from Nigeria, Omabuwa Sholayemi Caleb who has had musical education and plays more than one instrument:
"On behalf of Myself and the African student who were present at the Afrika concert, we sincerely appreciate the opportunity to witness such a heavenly event with angelic voices. Despite being in Sopron we were allowed to travel thousands of miles back to our motherland. The songs and voices of the choir were beyond our imagination, especially because not one of them is from Africa regardless everything was pitch-perfect and amazing, what I listened to that day is something I’m willing to pay a million amount just to witness again so I hope we have the opportunity to experience it a second time. To summarize the event in a single word I’ll say it was UNBELIEVABLE."
Let's hope there will be more concerts like this we can attend with our students in the future!
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOpening ceremony at the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron held its opening ceremony on 13 September 2023. Rector Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián welcomed both the first-year Hungarian and international students. Representatives of foreign students Alex Morris (Faculty of Economics), Souliphone Menvilay (Faculty of Forestry), Kishaija Noel (Faculty of Forestry), Randa Mudar Ahmad Khries (Faculty of Wood Sciences and Creative Industries) took the oath at the sceptre on behalf of their fellow students. As part of the ceremony, international students also joined the “surprise singing” of a traditional Hungarian song of Selmec. In the end, Mr. Rector opened the 288th academic year at the University of Sopron. The opening ceremony served as the first official event where the first-year international students gathered together.
University of Sopron - International Corner at SEN
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOrganised for the 2nd time, SEN, the very own Festival of the University of Sopron is becoming an annual tradition.
On 14-15th September 2023, besides quality music and tasty food, several thematic booths were available for the participants to visit. One of these booths was built by the International Office and international student representatives. This “International Corner” was organised around the topic of internationalisation at the University of Sopron.
There were two different games available at the booth. One of them was a questionnaire which, after filled in, could tell the participants which country they should travel to next time based on their priorities. This was also available by scanning the QR codes placed all around the festival.
The other game was a complex quiz of regions of the world. After throwing an oversized dice, participants got a region with 3 different countries. They had to connect flags, greetings, and snacks to these countries, then they got a quiz question about the region.
All the countries involved in these games were ones with international students coming from or connected by partnerships to the university. Beforehand, students were asked to give information about their cultures, so that the information used could be more factual and relevant. They provided possible quiz questions and snack options.
Students also had the opportunity to give song requests which then the DJ at the Red Bull booth played. This way, international students could choose to enjoy familiar music besides the Hungarian concerts.
This programme provided a great opportunity for Hungarian visitors to get to know of the international relations of the university and for international students to meet new friends and feel more involved by participating in a programme in English language.
Thank you for all of those helping and participating in this fun programme!
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron PHD graduates in Eisenstadt in 2023
ugrás az oldal tetejéreIn September 2023 four students of the University of Sopron have graduated recently in a cross-border PhD programme with the FH Burgenland University of Applied Sciences.
The graduation ceremony took place in the festive halls of the Esterhazy Palace. The University of Sopron was represented by Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles PhD, Dean of the Alexandre Lámfalussy Faculty of Economics and Dr. habil Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA, Director of International Affairs.
Information Day for international students
ugrás az oldal tetejéreMore than 40 international students attended the Information Day on 20th of September 2023 that was organized with the intention of providing them with some basic knowledge on Hungarian legislation and making their administrative duties easier.
Representatives of the Western Transdanubia Regional Directorate of the National Directorate-General for Foreigners Policing, Director Pol. Col. Dr. Csaba Borsa, Head of the Admission Affairs Unit Pol. Maj. Dr. Judit Bartók and colleague of the Admission Affairs Unit Ágnes Horváth visited the University of Sopron. Vice-Rector for Innovation and Corporate Relations Prof. Dr. Tibor Alpár had greeted the guests and opened the event.
In Ligneum, Mr. Director held a presentation about the ’Foreign students’ legal stay in Hungary’ and the general duties of the Hungarian police. Before and after the presentation, students had the opportunity to start the administration process related to their stay in Hungary in the mobile customer service bus that parked in front of the main building.
The above-mentioned event achieved its goals, as the foreign students were enriched with useful information and were able to start the administration process of the residence permit on the Campus.
University of Sopron has recently made its mark on the European stage
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron has recently made its mark on the European stage, securing a place in the prestigious QS ranking of the best universities in Europe. Among Hungarian institutions, the University of Sopron proudly claims the 12th spot, a remarkable achievement for this esteemed higher education institution.
The 2024 QS University Rankings saw the inclusion of the University of Sopron for the first time, an acknowledgment of its academic prowess and commitment to excellence. This regional ranking by Quacquarelli Symonds encompassed 668 out of the 2,706 higher education institutions across Europe, with our university securing the 81st position among Eastern European counterparts.
One notable aspect that sets the University of Sopron apart is its dedication to producing outstanding professionals whose contributions are recognized through their scientific citations. This success highlights our institution's ability to compete with some of the most renowned scientific universities.
Quacquarelli Symonds took various factors into consideration when compiling the rankings, including the lecturer-to-student ratio, sustainability initiatives, academic quality, and international collaborations. The University of Sopron's commitment to these areas has undoubtedly played a significant role in its recognition.
While the QS ranking is a significant achievement, we also place great importance on world sustainability rankings. Year after year, the University of Sopron consistently ranks among the best in the Green Metric world ranking. This recognition further solidifies our institution's place in the historical and scientific landscape of European universities.
At the heart of our university's mission is a dedication to innovative and high-quality education and research. This commitment extends to our students and staff, who strive to meet the highest standards. As Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián, rector of the University of Sopron, aptly stated, "We are proud to be recognized for our alma mater's historical past and scientific achievements in the competitive realm of European universities."
The University of Sopron's inclusion in the QS ranking serves as a testament to our unwavering pursuit of excellence and reinforces our position as a leading institution in higher education and research.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreWe are inviting our international students and their mentors to our traditional Welcome Day event offering the following programme:
The organizers reserve the right to initiate changes in the programme.
It will be an event where photography, video and audio recording may occur.
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Researchers’ Night at the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreLast weekend of September is the time for the annual Researchers’ Night event. Where science, art and history come alive within the walls of many institutes, including our very own alma mater.
The Researchs’ Night draws in people from every age group year after year, with it’s varied programmes and activities. This year we offered close to 50 activities, including presentations, workshops and exciting experiments at the chemistry lab!
Over a hundred people came from town and the university as well. Many of the programmes were accessible for our international students too, who took active part in the event.
Take part in team building excercises organised by our Faculty of Pedagogy, or watch their drone show.
Gaze into the world of the tiniest creatures, under the microscope. Bugs, ticks or bacteria, noone stayed hidden!
Or take part in the exciting, and only mildly dangerous experiments at the chemistry lab held by Eszter Visiné Dr. Rajczi where the main course were dry ice and luminol.
Scroll down for the Gallery of pictures.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreCasual Connecting at the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn 7th October, the first Casual Connecting event of the semester was launched with a great success.
International students in two groups could compete their intellectual knowledge and creative energies.
The event is traditionally organised in the dormitory where students have easy access to these fun get-togethers where this time, different quiz types, such as Activity and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? were played.
Besides the atmospheric music and various snacks, the general great mood also made this afternoon one full of laughter and friendly conversations.
The organisers would like to thank every participant for the help in making this programme successful and are looking forward to seeing all of you on their following events!
ugrás az oldal tetejéreDear All!
We were happy to invite our international students, their mentors and other Hungarian students to our traditional Fall Semester Welcome Day on the 5th October 2023.
It was a joyful afternoon, where our students had the opportunity to get to know each other and listen to presentations about the University, the Faculties, Selmec student traditions.
Below you can read the short report of a participant and access the complete album of pictures taken during the event.
"On October 5th, the University of Sopron held a Welcome day, where I was happy to take part. As a student who came for one semester, the atmosphere of the university I was coming to was very important to me. At the Welcome day I felt at home in a multicultural environment! At this event, we were able to meet students from other faculties who came on the same program as me, and also, the best part, we put flags on our countries on the map, which speaks of great friendship, tolerance and mutual respect for each other’s cultures. I would like to highlight the performance of the guys with the national Hungarian dance, who simply amazed me with their skill and dedication to their culture. I was very pleased to learn something new about the culture of the country in which I am.
I would like to express special gratitude to our coordinators, with whom you really feel like you are at home."
Aida Toktarova - Erasmus exchange student
University of Sopron took part in the education fair by the Ministry of Education of Indonesia
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron recently participated in an online international fair organised by the Ministry of Education of Indonesia for prospective students, attracting over 70 attendees from Indonesia.
The fair focused on the PhD programmes offered by the University and provided an opportunity for students to learn more about the institution and its significant fields of scientific research areas.
Prospective students from Indonesia can apply for the Indonesian BPI scholarship at the University of Sopron as the only Hungarian university honoured this opportunity. Besides BPI scholarship students may use the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship as well.
In addition to the doctoral programmes, the fair showcased the various Faculties of the University that cater to international students. The University of Sopron was represented by Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA Director of International Affairs, Prof. Dr. Csilla Obádovics PhD head of doctoral schools, Dr. habil. Balázs István Tóth PhD head of Lamfalussy Research Institute, Dr. habil. Csilla Csiha PhD vice-dean provided information and answered questions from prospective students.
Overall, the online international fair was a success, providing a valuable opportunity for Indonesian students to learn more about the University of Sopron and its offerings. The institution looks forward to welcoming new students from Indonesia and around the world in the future.
Azerbaijan Technological University and University of Sopron: Strengthening Ties Through MOU Signing
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn 17th October, the Azerbaijan Technological University and the University of Sopron demonstrated their commitment to international collaborations by coming together for an online signing ceremony to establish a Memorandum of Understanding.
The ceremony began with the greetings of Prof. Yashar Omarov, Rector of Azerbaijan Technological University, and the greetings of Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián, Rector of University of Sopron.
Following the opening greetings, participants were treated to detailed introductions of each university by the representatives of the two institutions.
The centrepiece of the ceremony was the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding by both universities’ rectors.
The ceremony concluded with an official photoshoot, capturing an important moment in the joint work of the two universities.
Azerbaijan Technological University (AzTU) is a leading educational institution of Azerbaijan, which University of Sopron became a proud international partner of.
Application period for international students is open at University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreDear Prospective Student!
We would like to raise your attention that applications for self-financed Master programmes and English Language Preparatory course for February 2024 intake are open now!
Apply until 20 November 12:00 (CEST) and study at a Green University in the heart of Europe.
Study programmes available:
- MSc in International Economy and Business
- MSc in Environmental Engineering
- MSc in Nature Conservation Engineering
- MSc in Timber Industry Engineering
- English Language Preparatory Course
Click here for our step-by-step guide to the application and let the adventure begin.
For more information whatch this webinar video about us:
Check out what some of our students say about studying here:
If you are still uncertain about the process, you can raise your questions anytime at
ugrás az oldal tetejéreStudents of the University of Sopron participating in SCYP Opening Ceremony
ugrás az oldal tetejéreFrom the academic year 2022/2023, the University of Sopron is receiving students in the framework of the Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People (SCYP). Two scholarship holders of the students of the University of Sopron, George Maksoud and Maya Elias participated in the central Opening Ceremony organised by the Hungary Helps Agency on 20 October 2023 in Budapest.
Maya Elias, our first year SCYP student’s short report can be read below.
“The Annual Gathering for Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People holders is an event of great importance in the academic calendar of Hungary, where students from across the nation congregate in Budapest to recognize and celebrate their academic accomplishments.
The event unfolds as follows:
Student Arrival: Students travel from different cities in Hungary to attend the gathering.
Holy Mass: The event commences with a Holy Mass at the St. Anthony of Padua Church, creating a spiritually enriching atmosphere and setting the tone for the day.
Welcome Speech by Mr. Peter Kovacs: The General Director of the Hungary Helps agency, Peter Kovacs, delivers a welcoming speech. His address serves to inspire and motivate scholarship recipients to continue their educational journeys with commitment and dedication.
Highlight: Welcoming of New Scholarship Holders: The focal point of the ceremony is the recognition and introduction of the new scholarship holders. As each recipient's name is announced, they step forward to receive their certificates. This symbolic moment underscores the acknowledgement of their scholarly achievements and marks the commencement of their tenure as scholarship recipients.
Buffet Reception: Following the formal proceedings, a buffet reception is held. This segment allows students to relax, interact, and forge connections with their peers. It fosters a sense of camaraderie and support within the scholarship community.
The Annual Gathering for Scholarship Holders in Budapest plays a pivotal role in recognizing and honoring academic excellence. It serves as a platform for new and existing scholarship recipients to come together, connect, and celebrate their accomplishments. The event carries both a spiritual and communal significance, fostering a sense of belonging among the students.
The Annual Gathering for Scholarship Holders is a remarkable event that embodies the values of education, recognition, and community. It offers scholarship recipients the opportunity to celebrate their achievements, connect with peers, and gain inspiration from distinguished speakers. This annual tradition not only motivates current students but also serves as a testament to the commitment of Hungary to support and acknowledge its academic talents.
This report aims to provide an insight into the key aspects of the event and its significance in the academic life of Hungary's scholarship recipients. It highlights the importance of recognizing and celebrating academic accomplishments and fostering a sense of community among scholarship holders.”
Scavenger Hunt All Around Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn October 20th international students of the University of Sopron had the opportunity to discover the town from a new perspective: thorugh the very first University Scavenger Hunt.
The first program was a 45-minute ride with the iconic Sightseeing Train of Sopron introducing the Old Town and parts of Lőverek.
The rest of the afternoon was dedicated to the game, in which students had to go through various challenges to receive poins with the help of a special Game Master, Boo:
„I am Boo, also known as the Spirit of Selmec.
Students just like you brought me here from the first home of the University of Sopron, called Selmecbánya.
For Hungarian students, I shortly became the image of Selfless help, Honest fellowship, Love, and Respect.
Now I will hunt YOU, too, by making you go through difficult challenges, so I can see that you are worth giving my precious gifts and valuable friendship to.
I warn you; these tasks will be impossible unless you can get others to help you.
Join me on this adventure…if you dare!”
The challenges involved looking for certain sights and making observations about the most famous landmarks of Sopron; photo challenges with specific prompts dedicated to the different places; and 3 stops with more complicated tasks: ’1 minute to win’ games, ’Sopron Activity’ and ’Cup of positiviTEA’. Harder challenges come with greater rewards of course, so the participants had the opportunity to win coupons to the game’s Refreshment Points - Baranka Dessert and Coffe, Cézár’s Cellar and Koffer Winebar - here.
Two of the above-mentioned games were designed and executed by members of the Student Support Team – special thanks to them!
„Several members of the Student Support Team were part of this program. We carried the ’Activity’ and the ’Cup of positiviTEA’ games. In the first one, students had to act out different terms connected to Sopron and the University’s disciplines, Forestry and Pedagogy. In the second, they had to identify teas, essential oils and other scents. Overall, this event was a very positive experience, and the students’ feedback to our games was great too. In addition, as representatives of the Student Support Team, it is particularly important to us to reach out to interational students, to let them know that they can turn to any of us if they need support during their time at the University.”
Lili Muraközy, member of the Student Support Team
You can check out Boo’s Instagram for fun facts about the Stops and the best photos of the game.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron Represented in Baku and Tbilisi – Autumn Eucation Fairs of 2023
ugrás az oldal tetejéreRepresentatives of the University of Sopron, Klaudia Gortva institutional International Coordinator and Vera Tolvaj International Coordinator of the Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries took part in Begin Group’s ’Eurasia Tour’, introducing the University of Sopron in Baku, Azerbaijan and Tbilisi, Georgia.
These two Education Fairs had more than 1000 participants altogether and presented a prominent opportunity to introduce the University’s English-language study programmes in Economics, Forestry, Wood Engineering and Pedagogy; the recently launched English Preparatory course; and further advantages, such as the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme, guaranteed dormitory placement or the growing palette of student services and free time activities. The Education Fair in Baku also came with a 30-minute presentation opportunity, which drew even more prospective students to the booth of the University of Sopron.
An unexpected – but very much welcomed – addition was the great number of recruitment agencies and local universities in search of partnerships or other forms of cooperation visiting the University’s booth in both locations. The opportunity of potential collaboration with high schools in the area have also been explored and our representatives were invited to make an introductory presentation for the final year students of the British School in Baku.
The timing of the Education Fairs was perfect in regard to the ongoing application period for international students, which is up until 20th November.
We hope to greet many new students from Azerbaijan and Georgia soon!
A delegation from Uzbekistan visited the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe Second Forum of Rectors of Hungary and Uzbekistan was recently held in Budapest, with representatives from higher education institutions in both countries coming together to discuss important topics.
The Forum emphasized the need for collaboration in key areas such as fostering innovative activities in universities, exchanging experiences in teaching technical and engineering sciences, and exploring opportunities for practical cooperation in organizing student internships. The outcomes of the Forum have been seen as a vital platform for higher education and scientific interaction between Hungary and Uzbekistan, with a road map for 2023-2025 approved by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The delegation from Uzbekistan included three esteemed members. Firstly, Anvar Erkinjonovich Zaynabiddinov, who is the Vice-Rector of Scientific Affairs and Innovations at Andijan Institute of Economics and Construction. He holds a Doctorate in Biological Sciences and is a Professor in his field. Secondly, Bakhtiyorjon Obokulovich Mirzaev, who is a Senior Teacher of Construction Sciences at the same institute. Lastly, Dilshodbek Davronbek Ugli Kadirov is a Teacher of English and Head of Foreign Affairs at the Andijan Institute of Economics and Construction.
As a guest of the University, the Delegation had the opportunity to meet with the heads of three Faculties. In order, Dr. habil. Bálint Heil the Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, Prof. Dr. Magoss Endre the Dean of the Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries, and Prof. Dr. habil. Zsuzsanna Széles Phd, the Dean of the Alexandre Lámfalussy Faculty of Economics. Also, the guests attended a presentation by the Centre for International Affairs.
During the visit, the Delegation was able to learn about the various academic programs offered by the University of Sopron and engage in discussions with faculty members. This provided an excellent opportunity for both parties to exchange ideas and gain a better understanding of each other's academic systems.
The presentation by the Center for International Affairs was particularly insightful, as it highlighted the University's commitment to global education and collaboration. The Delegation was impressed with the range of international partnerships and programs offered by the University and expressed interest in exploring potential collaborations between Uzbekistan and the University of Sopron.
These initiatives hold great potential for driving innovation, improving educational programs, and fostering cultural exchange between the two nations.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron recently met the Embassy of Kosovo
ugrás az oldal tetejéreA representative from the University of Sopron recently met with the Kosovo embassy to discuss strengthening diplomatic ties.
Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA, the Director of International Affairs attended, where the Director had the opportunity to meet with the Kosovo Ambassador, H.E. Gjeneza Budima.
The main focus of the meeting was to explore opportunities for educational and research collaborations between the two countries. Both parties expressed a strong interest in fostering a more robust relationship in these areas.
There was also discussion around the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship, intending to consolidate its position and ensure that it continues to provide valuable opportunities for students from Kosovo.
Overall, the meeting was a positive step towards building stronger ties between the University of Sopron and Kosovo. Both parties expressed a commitment to working together in the future and exploring new avenues for collaboration.
ugrás az oldal tetejére
University of Sopron recently had the honor of attending a prestigious event
ugrás az oldal tetejéreTwo representatives from the University of Sopron recently had the honor of attending the Centenary of the Proclamation of the Republic of Türkiye.
The esteemed Ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye, H.E. Ms. Gülşen Karanis Ekşioğlu, extended a gracious invitation to the University's delegates. The event took place on Friday, 27 October 2023, at the Museum of Fine Arts.
The University of Sopron was represented by two distinguished delegates, Prof. Dr. habil. Zsuzsanna Széles PhD, the Dean of the Alexandre Lámfalussy Faculty of Economics, and Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA, the Director of International Affairs. Both delegates had the privilege of meeting with H.E. Ms. Gülşen Karanis Ekşioğlu, the Ambassador of Türkiye.
This event provided a unique opportunity for the University of Sopron to engage with the diplomatic community and strengthen ties between academic institutions in Türkiye and Hungary. The presence of the University's representatives at this esteemed gathering reflects the institution's commitment to fostering international collaboration and promoting cultural exchange.
The University of Sopron expresses its gratitude to H.E. Ms. Gülşen Karanis Ekşioğlu for her kind invitation. This event served as a reminder of the shared values and mutual respect that underpin the strong bilateral relations between Türkiye and Hungary. The University of Sopron looks forward to further opportunities for collaboration and academic exchange in the future.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron has recently achieved remarkable positions in the Round University Rankings
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron has recently achieved remarkable positions in the 2023 Round University Rankings (RUR). The evaluation was based on 20 indicators, focusing on four key areas: education, research, internationalization, and financial sustainability.
In terms of internationalization, the University of Sopron ranked 4th globally in the indicator "co-authorship in international scientific publications" in the fields of technical sciences and life sciences. This highlights the university's commitment to collaboration and its contribution to global research efforts. Additionally, the university's "online visibility" placed it in the top quarter worldwide, emphasizing the importance of establishing a strong online presence to enhance international recognition.
The university's dedication to providing a student-friendly atmosphere is evident in its excellent student-teacher ratio. This commitment to personalized attention has resulted in the university securing the 27th position globally in the field of technical sciences and the 32nd position globally in the field of humanities. These rankings reflect the positive learning environment that the University of Sopron offers to its students.
The University of Sopron has also achieved notable rankings in various disciplines within the education sector. It has excelled in life sciences, technical sciences, natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences. In terms of research, the university obtained the 6th position in humanities. Furthermore, it has demonstrated financial sustainability by securing the 2nd and 4th positions in the fields of technology, humanities, and life sciences.
Overall, University of Sopron has demonstrated outstanding performance globally in multiple disciplines. Its strong performance is further supported by exceptional results in individual specific indicators. These achievements solidify its position as a leading institution globally in various fields of study. University of Sopron's excellent rankings in the RUR highlight its exceptional performance in education, research, internationalization, and financial sustainability.
ugrás az oldal tetejére“Twisted” students and UNO cards - Another eventful night of the Casual Connecting event
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn the afternoon of 3rd November, our university's dormitory came alive with the vibrant spirit of laughing students at the event of Casual Connecting vol. 2 - Board Games & Snacks, organised by the Coordinators of the International Office. This event was the second board games themed Casual Connecting, which – similarly to the first one – ended up a great success.
Playing board games at this event offered a great way to foster existing friendships or get to know new cultures and backgrounds. Of course, no board game night is complete without some music to set the mood and snacks to keep participants energized and satisfied throughout the night.
There were plenty of games which international students could choose from, including Brainbox, Cluedo and Dobble, however, the most popular ones were unarguably Twister and UNO.
To see more of how this fantastic night went, take a look at our video on Instagram or TikTok.
Thank you for those participating! We are looking forward to seeing you on our next events!
ugrás az oldal tetejéreHarrer Chocolate Tasting for International Students of the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreInternational Students of the University of Sopron have recently visited the Harrer Chocolate Factory. They learned about the origin of Harrer chocolate, the chocolate making process and the great variety of chocolate types and flavours available in Harrer.
Afterwards, of course, they had the opportunity to try some of the delicacies, including a variety of unflavoured and flavoured dark, milk and white chocolates, bonbons, fruits dipped in a chocolate fountain and a seasonal hot chocolate as well.
The experiences of Gloria, one of the particpating students, can be read below:
„I had the best experience on harrer chocolate tasting day. The weather was so nice, I enjoyed walking with others and exploring more new places in Sopron. At the factory, they explained the process they use to produce their chocolates which made more interested to try all of them. My favorite chocolate was the spicy vegetable type called sweet pointed pepper, it has an eye-catching orange color and taste very different. I had time to not only eat chocolates but also observe each small detail about them. I can indeed say that everything at Harrer is made with love.”
A Delegation from the University of Sopron recently had a meeting with the Ambassador of Israel
ugrás az oldal tetejéreA Delegation from the University of Sopron recently had a meeting with the Ambassador of Israel in Hungary, H.E. Yacov Hadas-Handelsman. He was accompanied by the Deputy Chief of Mission Moran Birman. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss various educational and research connections between the two countries.
The Director of International Affairs, Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA represented the University of Sopron.
During the meeting, the Ambassador and the Director discussed the potential for collaboration in the field of education and research. They explored opportunities for student and faculty exchanges, joint research projects, and the possibility of establishing academic partnerships.
One specific scholarship program that was highlighted during the meeting was the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship. This program offers fully-funded scholarships to international students who wish to pursue their studies in Hungary. The delegation expressed their interest in highlighting this scholarship to Israeli students as a means to strengthen educational ties between the two countries.
Overall, the meeting was productive and laid the foundation for future cooperation between the University of Sopron and Israel. Both parties expressed their commitment to fostering educational and research connections that will benefit students and scholars from both nations.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron’s wood industry researchers marking presence in ICWSE 2023, Brasov
ugrás az oldal tetejéreResearchers from University of Sopron actively participated in the international conference "WOOD INDUSTRY AND WOOD ENGINEERING SCIENCE IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM" (ICWSE 2023) in Brașov, Romania.
A scientific event dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Transylvanian University of Brașov. The ICWSE 2023 featured speakers from 30 countries, with the University of Sopron team presenting research their Faculty’s projects.
Dr. Csilla Csiha and Professor Dr. Róbert Németh strengthened our institute’s presence as session chairs.
Among the highlights 7 scientific presentations were from the Uni-Sopron team, with 6 related to the FORESTLAB project. Dr. Csilla Csiha’s study explored the strength of T and L-type corner joints using innovative metal connectors. Professor Dr. Róbert Németh discussed Hungary's poplar species, emphasizing their potential as a significant raw material source. Doctoral students of the University of Sopron also confirmed the importance of our institution in related research topics, as they presented diverse studies, including James Govina’s talk on oak wood properties, Fath Alrhman Younis’s study on two Sudanese species, Haruna Seidu’s work on juvenile eucalyptus wood in plywood production, Tamás Sajdik on wood compression and flexibility, and Maximilián Cziczer on wood from cylindrical and flutted stems of Hornbeam.
“We had the opportunity to engage with numerous fascinating and highly knowledgeable researchers and professors. Our interactions extended to doctoral students, particularly those involved in deciduous tree research. Meaningful discussions about potential collaborations took place with researchers from Korea, Romania, Austria, Switzerland, and the Scandinavian region. The hospitality was outstanding, and the conference concluded with an electrifying party. We thoroughly enjoyed the experience, found it beneficial, and highly recommend the conferences facilitated by the professors from Sopron to all our colleagues.”
The students express gratitude for the University of Sopron's support.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreInternational Food Tasting at the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreLocal representatives of the HÖOK Stipendium Hungaricum Mentor network James Govina, Deborah Kangai and Norbert Niyigena organised an International Food Tasting recently, giving a lovely opportunity of sharing cultures, working together and trying new things to everyone involved.
You can read the remarks of Stephanie, one of the participants below:
„The experience of cultural differences was amazing. It included shopping with fellow students, cooking with them and learning different skills and methods of cooking.
Similarities during cooking and in the food tastes were surprising. Same ingredients were used to prepare similar meals which was mind blowing.
International students reconnected in a warm and beautiful atmosphere with continental music and dance, games and food.
Thanks to whole Stipendium Hungaricum Mentor Network for the sponsorship and the International Office of Uni Sopron for the support.
Hoping to participate in more exciting activities the coming days”
ugrás az oldal tetejéreA recent meeting between the University of Sopron, the Counselor Mihajlo Zhevairovski
ugrás az oldal tetejéreA recent meeting between the University of Sopron, the Counselor Mihajlo Zhevairovski and the First Secretary and Deputy Head of the Mission Nenad Mladenovikj proved to be a fruitful discussion on the potential for educational and research collaborations between the two countries. Director of International Affairs Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA represented the University of Sopron at the meeting.
The Counselor and the Director explored various opportunities for collaboration in the field of education, including student and faculty exchanges, joint research projects, and the establishment of academic partnerships. The Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship program was also highlighted during the meeting, which offers fully-funded scholarships to international students wishing to pursue their studies in Hungary.
The meeting was productive and laid a solid foundation for future cooperation between the University of Sopron and Counselor Mihajlo Zhevairovski. The potential for educational and research collaborations between the partners is promising, and both parties are keen to explore further opportunities.
This played essencial roles in facilitating the meeting and ensuring its success. The University of Sopron looks forward to continuing its dialogue with Macedonia and strengthening its ties with the country in the years to come.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreInternational Coordinators' meeting in Szeged
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Szeged hosted the International Coordinators' Meeting organized by Tempus Public Foundation from November 8 to 10.
On this three-day national event, the University of Sopron was represented by international coordinators in charge of the mobility programmes CEEPUS and Erasmus+ and the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme: Vera Tolvaj from the Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries, Csilla Csipkó, Barbara Lakatos and Márta Sándor from the Centre of International Affairs.
In the opening ceremony, it was highlighted that the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme has become one of the flagships of the internationalization of Hungarian higher education over the years. Since the available CEEPUS quota has tripled for the 2023/2024 academic year, we will have more partnerships with national participation than ever before, and Hungary can host a record number of mobility participants. Our students and academics will have the opportunity to participate in study and professional mobilities, specialized courses and study trips in the higher education institutions of the 16 partner countries. 50 Hungarian higher education institutions participate in the Erasmus+ programme. As for model-changing universities, 2023 contracts have not been signed yet but with 2022 contracts, mobility is ensured in both the autumn and spring semesters, the necessary resources are available.
The meeting offered us a great opportunity to share our experiences, to review the actualities and to discuss the challenges ahead. The 4-person delegation representing the University of Sopron was able to participate in all presentations and round table discussions and returned home with a lot of information and ideas.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron provides Ceepus grants for students and university staff from Ukraine
ugrás az oldal tetejéreStudents and academics fleeing the war in Ukraine are welcome to apply for CEEPUS study and professional mobility at the University of Sopron.
Support within the Central European Exchange Programme has been initiated by the Hungarian National CEEPUS Office functioning within Tempus Public Foundation. Students may join courses offered for international students at as grantees for Student mobility (3-6 months) or Short Term Student mobility (1-2 months).
The call is continuously open until the deadline of 30 April 2024.
Details about eligibility and application procedure are described at:
For more information contact
Contact person at the University of Sopron: Ms. Márta Sándor
Email address:
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron at Stipendium Hungaricum’s 10th Anniversary Conference
ugrás az oldal tetejéreBetween 20-22 November, the Park Inn by Radisson Budapest played host to the prestigious Stipendium Hungaricum 10, a three-day international conference commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme. The event, organized by the Tempus Public Foundation, brought together a diverse assembly of students, academic professionals and coordinators. The University of Sopron was represented by Dr. habil. Zoltan Szabo PhD MBA Director of International Affairs, Barbara Lakatos International Coordinator and Vera Tolvaj, international coordinator from the Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries.
Day 1: A Warm Welcome
The conference kicked off with a Meet and Greet section, providing an invaluable opportunity for Stipendium Hungaricum partners to engage with scholars. After the registration, which at the same time provided a consultation opportunity for presenter partners, the evening concluded in a delightful Welcome Reception, setting the tone for the following 2 days.
It was a good feeling for us to meet familiar faces again, Counselor Vanitha Gopalakrishnan from Malaysia and Counselor Mihajlo Zhevairovski from Macedonia. We are very pleased that the relationship with the embassies of Malaysia and Macedonia was further strengthened within the framework of the event.
Day 2: A Busy Day
Full of presentations and thematic sessions, the 2nd was the longest and busiest day of the event. Plenaries of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Tempus Public Foundation took place, which were then followed by significant presentations, such as the one by Ambassador Toru Morikawa, executive director of Asia-Europe Foundation.
Thematic sessions about the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme were available to attend for participants, including the application system and the Alumni Network.
After these, the Marketplace and Networking Area took place, where the University of Sopron, led by the representatives Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA, Barbara Lakatos and Vera Tolvaj, international coordinator from the Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries, could showcase its academic excellence. Engaging with international partners, the University highlighted innovative programs, fostering valuable connections and collaboration opportunities.
A Gala Dinner concluded the day.
Day 3: Final Sessions and Networking
The final day featured parallel sessions focusing on regional aspects, including workshops on the Asia-Europe Education Process, insights into international cooperation in Africa and Latin America, and a dedicated meeting for CEEPUS National Offices' representatives.
The conference then transitioned into a plenary session, featuring a roundtable discussion with Stipendium Hungaricum Programme stakeholders. Notable presentations included insights from the European Institute of Innovation & Technology and The Hungarian Research Network.
The day also provided time for Thematic Networking Opportunities, allowing participants to engage in focused discussions.
Stipendium Hungaricum 10 was the worthy celebration of the Scholarship Programme, which provided valuable insights for all participants.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreWe are happy to invite you - our international students, their mentors and other Hungarian students to our traditional End-of-term International Cultural Event.
We hope you appreciate being able to learn about our Mikulás traditions and meeting the Mikulás just like listening to country presentations by your fellow students and the lovely song performances.
Also we would like to remind you about the exciting event coming up at Central Palace Sopron. And not only is it going to be a great time, but you also have the chance to win a fantastic prize! Just by attending the event, you could be the lucky winner of a prize that will come in handy during the Santa party at the Central Palace. We don't want anyone to miss out on this opportunity, so mark your calendars and make sure to join us for a night of fun and festivities.
The official program:
Get in the Holiday mood with Casual Connecting
ugrás az oldal tetejéreWinter decorations and the festive atmosphere of European Christmas are beloved by many.
The main focus of the event was a do-it-yourself (DIY) workshop, with participants creating beautiful winter decorations to add a cozy touch to their dorm rooms.
The event aimed to bring together individuals who share a passion for winter aesthetics and the joy of Christmas. It provided an opportunity for like-minded people to gather and unleash their creativity through crafting. The DIY workshop allowed participants to learn new skills while also adding a personal touch to their living spaces.
Winter decorations have the power to transform any environment into a warm and inviting haven. By incorporating handmade elements, the dorm rooms became even more comfortable and unique. The workshop featured various crafting techniques, such as creating ornaments, wreaths, and garlands. Participants were encouraged to explore their own artistic style and experiment with different materials and colors.
The Casual Connecting event was not only a chance to engage in a fun and creative activity but also an opportunity to connect with others who share similar interests. The camaraderie and sense of community fostered during the event were invaluable. It provided a platform for individuals to exchange ideas, learn from each other, and forge new friendships.
If you find yourself regretting missing out on the last Casual Connecting event, fear not. There will surely be more opportunities in the future to partake in similar activities. Keep an eye out for upcoming events that cater to your love for winter decorations and the enchanting ambiance of European Christmas. In the meantime, you can still embrace the DIY spirit and create your own personalized winter decorations to infuse your living space with warmth and festive cheer.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreIn a recent ceremony held on November 23, 2023, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) presented the IX. The 2022 Publication Level Awards to deserving recipients from its Economics Committee. This year, the subcommittees on Industrial and Corporate Economics, Marketing Science, and Management and Organizational Science of the Department of Economics Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences IX. were proud to acknowledge outstanding scientific works.
The publication-level prizes were bestowed in various categories, including international technical articles, Hungarian language technical articles, and technical books. Among the esteemed authors recognized with the level award were Dr. Dávid Harsányi, Prof. Dr. Totth Gedeon, Dr. Ibolya Brávácz, and Dr. habil Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA, for their publication titled "Examining the websites of domestic small and medium enterprises using a novel evaluation system" (Vezetéstudomány, 53(8-9):162–175), which appeared in the Journal of Management.
The award was presented by Prof. Dr. Gyula Bakacsi, Chairman of the Economics Committee, and Prof. Dr. Zoltán Veres, Chairman of the Working Committee of the Publication Level Award, during the Science Festival event series. The ceremony took place as part of the plenary session of the international conference on Leadership - Management Science in an interdisciplinary approach.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the authors for this prestigious recognition of their work!
ugrás az oldal tetejéreEnd-of-Term International Cultural Event at the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn December 5, 2023, the University of Sopron marked the conclusion of the term with an enchanting and culturally rich international event. The focus was on embracing diversity and fostering cultural understanding among students.
The event began with an insightful exploration of Hungarian Mikulás traditions as Christmas and the gift-giving season start with the Saint Nicholas feast day on 6 December after the Santa-like figure, or Hungarian version of saint Nicholas, mikulás (or Szent miklós) visits the homes of Hungarian children on the night of 5 December. Attendees had learned the Mikulás song and had the unique opportunity to meet Mikulás in person, creating an engaging and festive atmosphere. Students were delighted to receive chocolates from Mikulás, adding a sweet touch to the cultural exchange.
Students from Thailand, Morocco, and Russia took the stage to present captivating insights into their respective cultures. The presentations included country presentations by students from Thailand, Portugal, and Morocco and also vibrant descriptions of New Year celebrations in Russia. These presentations offered a glimpse into the diverse backgrounds of our international student body.
The event was further enriched by soulful musical performances. Students from Morocco, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Nigeria graced the stage with melodious songs, showcasing the diversity of musical traditions across different cultures.
The performances not only entertained but also served as a powerful means of cultural expression.
The end-of-term international cultural event received overwhelmingly positive feedback from attendees. Participants appreciated the immersive experience of learning about Mikulás traditions, enjoying delicious treats, and gaining insights into various global cultures. The event successfully created a sense of unity and appreciation for diversity among the student community.
The 5th of December will be remembered as a day of cultural exchange and celebration at the University of Sopron. The event not only provided a platform for students to share their cultural heritage but also fostered a spirit of unity and understanding. As we bid farewell to the term, the memories of this international cultural event will linger, serving as a testament to the rich tapestry of our global student community.
Noor Roziana – Stipendium Hungaricum PhD student
ugrás az oldal tetejéreMeeting with the Chilean Ambassador to Hungary.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreDr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA, Director of International Affairs, representative of the University of Sopron, recently participated in a meeting with H. E. Camilo Sanhueza the Chilean Ambassador to Hungary.
The primary objective of this significant meeting was to fortify bilateral relations and pave the way for collaborative educational and research initiatives in the future. One notable example of such collaboration is the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship program.
The meeting served as a platform to explore opportunities for joint projects that will benefit both institutions and contribute to the advancement of education and research. By fostering a robust partnership, both parties aim to facilitate knowledge exchange and create a conducive environment for academic cooperation.
The Director emphasized the University of Sopron's commitment to fostering international partnerships and highlighted the potential for fruitful collaboration between the University of Sopron and Chile. The Ambassador expressed his enthusiasm for strengthening ties with the University of Sopron and acknowledged the mutual benefits that such collaboration could yield.
The meeting concluded with a shared commitment to explore concrete avenues for collaboration, with a focus on leveraging each other's strengths in education and research.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreFAO - Scholarship announced for MSc Enviromental Engineering programme
ugrás az oldal tetejéreFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has recently announced:
FAO–Hungarian Government Scholarship Programme 2024–2025
Master in Environmental Engineering – Sopron University, Sopron
The Master of Science degree course of Enviromental Engineering, from September 2024 is offered in the scholarship programme.
Courses will be offered provided the minimum number of students is reached.
The scholarship will cover:
- application and tuition fees throughout the study period with basic books and notes;
- dormitory accommodation;
- subsistence costs;
- health insurance.
All of the above mentioned costs are financed by the Hungarian Government, according to the Agreement between FAO and Hungary in 2007.
The scholarship covers student costs only; family members are not supported within the frame of this programme.
List of eligible countries and territories
Residents (who must be nationals) of the following countries are eligible to apply for the Scholarship Programme:
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kosovo1, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, North Macedonia, Madagascar, Mali, Myanmar, Republic of Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Namibia, Nigeria, North Korea, Palestine, the Philippines, Republic of Cabo Verde, Serbia, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen.
1References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999).
Application procedure
Interested applicants should prepare a dossier to be sent by E-MAIL consisting of:
- Application form duly completed
- A recent curriculum vitae
- A copy of high school/college diploma and transcript/report of study or copy of the diploma attachment
- A copy of certificate of proficiency in English
- Copies of relevant pages of passport showing expiration date and passport number
- A letter of recommendation
- Statement of motivation
- Health Certificate issued by Medical Doctor
- Certificate of Good Conduct issued by local police authority.
All submitted documents must be in ENGLISH. Documents submitted in any other language will not be accepted. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that documents are duly translated and certified by a competent office; and that each document is saved with a name that identifies what it is.
Application and selection process
The selection process as described below applies to scholarships beginning in September 2024.
Student selection will take place in two phases:
Phase 1: FAO will pre-screen candidates and submit applications to the Ministry of Agriculture of Hungary that will send them to the corresponding University as chosen by the applicants. Students must submit only COMPLETE dossiers. Incomplete dossiers will not be considered. Files without names will not be processed.
Phase 2: Selected candidates may be asked to take a written or oral English examination as part of the admission procedure. The participating University will run a further selection process and inform each of the successful candidates. Student selection will be made by the Universities only, without any involvement on the part of FAO. Selected students will also be notified by the Ministry.
Candidates will be selected on the basis of the following criteria:
- Citizenship and residency of one of the eligible countries
- Excellent school achievements
- English language proficiency (for courses taught in English)
- Motivation
- Good health
- Age (candidates under 30 are preferred)
FAO–Hungarian Government Scholarship Programme 2024–2025
Applications should be submitted via email to FAO from 15 January to 29 February 2024.
Would you have additional questions, please contact
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe Soproni Közgáz team achieved first place in the XXII. National Financial Case Study Competition
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe students of the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics won one of the most prestigious economic-themed professional competitions of the Hungarian higher education.
The 22nd National Financial Case Study Competition took place in Győr, commencing with an online round on January 27 and followed by an in-person round on February 3-4. A total of 12 teams from higher education institutions participated in this year's competition, with 6 teams advancing to the "A" final including Soproni Közgáz „Kiwik” team. During the final round, each team was given 20 minutes to present their solution to the published case study, followed by a question and answer session with the jury. After careful consideration, the Sopron Közgáz team, known as "Kiwik” won the competition.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the team members, Norbert Benke, Major Laura, Attila Pinezits Kevin, and Hanna Zsigrai, for their outstanding performance. Their representation of the University of Sopron and the Lámfalussy Faculty was of exceptional quality, and their achievement in bringing home the winning cup to the University of Sopron is truly commendable.
We would like to express our gratitude to Dr. Aranka Baranyi PhD and Tóthné Dr. Szabó Erzsébet PhD for their significant contributions to the team's preparation. We also extend our thanks to colleagues Erzsébet Szabó and Titanilla Tevely, as well as Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles PhD, whose valuable advice greatly contributed to the team's success.
The dedication and hard work of all involved have undoubtedly brought great honor to the University of Sopron and have showcased the institution's commitment to excellence in the field of finance.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreGraduation Ceremony at the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics
ugrás az oldal tetejéreAmidst ceremonial grandeur and with the attendance of hundreds of guests, the University of Sopron's Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics celebrated the diploma awarding and doctoral inauguration ceremony for the autumn semester of the 2023-24 academic year on 9th February.
The diploma awarding ceremony was greeted by the Vice-Rector for Foreign Affairs and Research, Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos, who referenced the timeless wisdom of József Attila, a revered Hungarian poet, stating, "In life, one doesn't need to strive for much, just for everything." He stated that graduates, with support from schools and families, possess the essential tools for success: knowledge, skills, and perseverance. He encouraged them to embrace opportunities, and face challenges. This was followed by the speech of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles, who introduced the board and the special guests.
Then, several students were acknowledged for their outstanding work, and the prestigious Béres Excellence Scholarship was conferred. The award was presented by Marcell Béres, Vice President of Béres Pharmaceuticals Ltd., who expressed delight in the longstanding partnership between the company and the University of Sopron. He emphasized that the scholarship is deeply intertwined with the company's core values, focusing on scientific rigor, sustainable practices, top-notch quality, collaborative innovation, and social responsibility. He reiterated their commitment to supporting exemplary young talents, recognizing, and inspiring them, with the Béres Excellence Scholarship serving as a pivotal means towards this end.
This year, the Béres scholarship was awarded to Hanna Zsigrai, a finance and accounting student, for her outstanding professional publications.
The ceremony concluded with the conferral of diplomas to seventy-six graduates who completed various undergraduate, master's, and postgraduate specialization programs, along with the 1 habilitated individual and the 6 doctoral candidates who took their solemn oaths, including international students pursuing both MSc and PhD courses.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreGold And Silver For Sopron University Students In International Competition
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe WorldStar Student Awards is an international packaging design competition organized by the World Packaging Organisation (WPO) for university students from different countries around the world.
From the Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries at the University of Sopron, 11 industrial design and graphic design students made it to the finalists. Adrienn Barbara Varga's packaging design for tree seedlings won a gold medal in the "Other Packaging" category, while Kíra Fanni Sztaskó's tortilla chips packaging received a silver medal in the "Marketing Appeal" category.
This year's WorldStar Student Awards international competition had 253 entries from students in 25 countries, with 137 entries selected for awards across 8 different categories, who were given gold, silver, and bronze medals. A total of 49 universities participated in the competition.
Students receiving certificates of recognition:
Tímea Bereczi - tea packaging
Petra Domján - frozen broccoli
Lili Grubits - tea packaging
Dániel Koncz - cement packaging
Gerda Angyalka Lepenye - spaghetti packaging for large families
Kíra Matolcsi - packaging design for grilled chicken strips
Viktória Miklós - pastry box
Máté Somogyi - wine packaging
Boglárka Vranek - School Community Garden box
Instructor mentors: Péter Rosta, art teacher; Judit Szarka, art teacher; and Dr. Balázs Lenkei, associate professor
Congratulations to our students and their mentors for their outstanding achievements!
ugrás az oldal tetejéreSpring Semester Welcome Day - 2024
ugrás az oldal tetejéreWe were happy to invite our international students, their mentors and Hungarian students to our traditional Spring Semester Welcome Day – Intercultural Event organized for greeting our new International students, for sharing information on Hungarian carnival traditions, and for learning about different cultures and countries our students come from. It was an exciting event with presentations, surprise performances, snacks, and chats!
Srcoll down for the Gallery!
Read here a summary from Dilara Ekici (Erasmus student from Türkiye):
"On March 7, Sopron University organized a welcome day. I found myself in a loving activity. Everyone was smiling. We had the opportunity to meet many new students. We also learned about the cultures of many countries and accompanied their dances and songs. Since 2024 is the Turkish - Hungarian cultural year, I wanted to learn new things about Hungarian culture at the event and I saw the cultural dances performed by Hungarian students. Their dances were quite spectacular. We sang a beautiful Hungarian festival folk song together. Thanks to the Hungarian lesson offered by Sopron University, I was able to sing the Hungarian folk song more easily. Coming towards the end of the event, it was an event where I experienced many cultural interactions, learned new things about the country I was in, and met many new people.
I would like to thank Sopron University and the coordinators for providing us with such a magnificent event. Jószerencsét :)"
Anticipating Academic Collaboration between the Embassy of Mexico and the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreRepresentative of the University of Sopron Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA recently paid a visit to H.E. Rosario Asela Molinero Molinero, Ambassador of Mexico to Hungary. The diplomacy visit happened within the framework of the University’s Partner Program for embassies, which aims to strengthen our bilateral relationships, promote internationalisation and foster dinamic cooperations with diplomatic representatives.
Her Excellency and her respected colleagues - Mr. Javier Vázquez Paniagua Govea, Third Secretary and Mr. Armando López Trujillo, Counselor - were introduced to the University’s main disciplines, twelve English-language study programmes, research areas and the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship, with emphasis on the opportunities of Mexican students within the programme. Possibilities of cooperation regarding research or different forms of student and lecturer exchange with institutions based in Mexico were also explored during the flourishing conversation. Besides mutual understanding and both parties expressing their intentions for future collaboration, the Embassy may also become a link between the Univesity and the Mexican higher education institutions in the country.
Ambassador Molinero was invited to visit the University of Sopron this spring, which invitation was graciously accepted, so we hope to have the honour to greet her in Sopron soon to maintain the positive relationship and continue the mutually beneficial collaboration.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe 24th European Accountancy Week (EAW) took place between March 11 and 16 in Lodz, Poland. The Faculty of Economics of the University of Sopron was represented by Gréta Baán International Management student and Márk Trinkl in tourism and catering, as well as lecturer Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles.
Back in 2012, the Faculty of Ec joined the European Taxation and Accounting in Practice (ETAP), which includes practice-oriented accounting education and the exchange of experience and knowledge between teachers and students of the participating institutions, in addition to familiarization with international financial reporting standards. The working language of the organization is English, so the participating students also have the opportunity to develop their professional language.
Currently, the ETAP network has a total of 17 higher education institutions from 15 European countries as members. 89 students and 25 teachers took part in the event in Lodz. The online education of the students started already at the beginning of the year and the result of the joint work was a financial analysis, which was presented to the "investors". During the week, the participating lecturers gave lectures on the main areas of accounting based on international accounting standards, after which the students had to solve practical examples and case studies. The teams of four, which consisted of students from different countries, worked together throughout the week on tasks related to individual topics, but the presentation of the financial analysis was the real challenge, as they had to give an account of what they had learned so far.
In addition to the participation, our faculty's reputation was also enhanced: Márk Trinkl's tourism and catering student team won first place in the "Best Presentation" category, while Gréta Baán's international management student team won the "Best Financial He won third place in the Analysis" category.
The participants of the EAW were able to enrich their previous knowledge with useful information, both from a professional (accounting, financial) and linguistic point of view. For students, this is a great opportunity to compete at the international level and gain experience. There will be European Accounting Week again next year, and we hope to return home with similar successes.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreAnother successful Well-Being Day at the University of Sopron!
ugrás az oldal tetejéreStress management is a critical aspect of maintaining mental well-being, particularly in environments that demand high levels of performance and adaptation, such as academic settings. Recently, an insightful session, the Well-Being Day was held, focusing on stress management techniques. Facilitated by Anna Ujfaludi psychologist, the session brought together a diverse group, including international students, members of the student support group, and international coordinators.
"The program was about recognizing the nature of our mind. How our thoughts affect our state of being and stress levels. We learned techniques to be more mindful, to realize our inner state, feelings, thoughts. Our mind is always busy with thoughts, often uninvited! Past. Future. Worries. Plans. Lists. The opposite of this is presence and learning to manage these thoughts!" - Anna Ujfaludi, speaker of the event
During the session, participants engaged in discussions surrounding both effective and ineffective methods for coping with stress. Among the strategies discussed were the implementation of daily or weekly routines and the cultivation of hobbies as a means of alleviating stress. However, the central theme emphasized by Ujfaludi was the concept of mindfulness as a cornerstone of stress management.
Mindfulness, as mentioned by Ujfaludi, involves the practice of being present in the moment, rather than allowing the mind to be consumed by worries and anxieties. By fostering mindfulness, individuals can develop a heightened awareness of their thoughts and emotions, enabling them to respond to stressors more constructively.
In addition to the group discussions, participants were provided with resources for seeking further support. International students were encouraged to connect with Anna Ujfaludi via Messenger or phone to get access to personal consultations in need of help.
The session served as a testament to the importance of addressing stress within academic communities and the value of equipping individuals with practical tools for managing their well-being. By fostering a supportive environment and promoting mindfulness-based approaches, initiatives like Well-Being Day contribute to cultivating resilience and holistic wellness among students.
In conclusion, the Well-Being Day session on stress management, led by Anna Ujfaludi, provided participants with valuable insights and strategies for navigating the challenges of academic life. Through discussions on effective coping mechanisms and the promotion of mindfulness, individuals were empowered to take proactive steps towards enhancing their mental well-being. Moving forward, continued efforts to prioritize mental health within educational institutions are essential for fostering thriving and resilient communities.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreProf. Dr. Demeter Márton, university professor at the National Public Service University and director of the Science Strategy Center of the NKE, presented in detail the importance of successful publication in the international scientific environment.
He emphasized the importance of knowledge of research methodology and individual mentoring, as well as the different research ethics and styles of publications in a foreign language. During the discussion, the possibility of future partnerships for the practical application of the mentoring program was raised, which will hopefully help educators and researchers participate more effectively in international academic life.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreFirst online introduction of Education Hungary in Kenya
ugrás az oldal tetejéreTwo employees of the University of Sopron, Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA, Director of Foreign Affairs and Katalin Krajczár-Sári, Coordinator of Foreign Affairs, held the first online presentation for prospective Kenyan students. The Kenyan office of Education Hungary organized the event in order to give African students information and motivation to study in Hungary and at the University of Sopron.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreAPPLY NOW AND START IN SEPTEMBER!
Here you can find every information you need.
Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at
or by WhatsApp: +3630 633 8419
Looking forward to see you in Sopron!
Scientific Cooperation Between The University Of Sopron And The Shangdong Forestry Science Academy
ugrás az oldal tetejéreA Chinese delegation, led by executives from the Shangdong Forestry Science Academy, visited the University of Sopron.
The guests were welcomed by Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos, Vice Rector, who then presented the rich history, current operations, future plans, and outstanding international achievements in sustainability of the University of Sopron, which won recognition from the Chinese delegation. Prof. Wu Dejun, Vice President of the Shangdong Forestry Science Academy, provided information about their institution's daily activities, its unique characteristics, and outlined the potential opportunities for cooperation.
The bilateral partnership agreement signed by the parties, which focuses not only on exchange programs and joint research but also on innovation, highlights the University's active participation in the planned China-Central and Eastern Europe Industrial-Educational Integrated Development Center. The Chinese delegation received detailed information from representatives of the University's faculties and institutions about the diverse range of educational offerings, their uniqueness, and the potential for connectivity in cooperation.
The collaboration between the University of Sopron and the Chinese Shangdong Forestry Science Academy represents an important milestone in establishing closer ties between the two institutions. This provides an opportunity for sharing knowledge in education and research, joint innovations, and expanding cooperation in additional areas, thus promoting sustainable development based on broader international relations.
The Hungarian national television channel’s report from M1 News can be viewed from 12:50 onwards at the following link (Hungarian):
ugrás az oldal tetejéreBus Trip to Bakony-Balaton Geopark
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe Center for International Affairs organised an educational bus trip on April 13, 2024 for international students from the University of Sopron to Bakonybél and Veszprém.
Below, you can find the report of one of our students, Oleksandra Khvorostianova from the Faculty of Economics:
"Our journey commences at the morning as we gather all the participants by the dormitory, and once everyone is on the bus, our travel can begin.
Students had already arrived as guests at Pannon Observatory in Bakonybél by early afternoon. Once the students were split into two groups, the exhibition began. The observatory was extremely engaging with maps, interactive screens, a cinema room, and a large telescope that amazed all the students by allowing them to observe the sun. Astronomers also delivered a captivating presentation and responded to all the students' inquiries.
The lunch happened at the Vadszőlő Restaurant, which is a gorgeous and traditional location. Every participant had the chance to select a menu for themselves beforehand. For the appetizer, all guests enjoyed a wild garlic cream soup, followed by a choice of grilled vegetables, chicken breast, or pork for the main course.
Students were given the option to participate in Wild Garlic Day, organized by the citizens of Bakonybél, after lunch.
At the evening, the bus was en route to Veszprém for a leisurely program in the city.
Students went to the Lászlo Vass Collection at a Modern Art Gallery, where they also took a photo by the Fire Tower of Vészprem and strolled across Heroes' Gate to admire the scenic view of the lovely city.
Following the students' visit to the city center, a bus was awaiting them to transport them back to Sopron. By the late evening, all the students had been safely and securely brought to the student hostel.
The positive atmosphere and enjoyable day put together by the Centre of International Affairs will always hold a special place in the students' hearts."
Thank you for this great description!
We are looking forward to see you all on future trips like this one!
ugrás az oldal tetejéreStudent Experiences: A trip to the University of British Columbia, Canada
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOne of our PhD students, James Kudjo Govina has recently visited the University of British Columbia, gathering useful knowledge and new contacts. Below, you can find his report about his experiences:
James Kudjo Govina
PhD Student
Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries
University of Sopron.
16th -19th April, 2024.
The advantages of professional networking for career development motivated me to initiate a discussion with my Supervisor, Professor Robert Nemeth, for a trip to the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada. Upon approval, I visit the UBC-Faculty of Forestry between 16th -19th April. Historically, this Faculty and the University of Sopron have a strong and positive connection. Some evidence of this relationship includes a street named 'SOPRON' and a plaque on UBC campus, both close to the main building of the Faculty. It was awesome to personally see these landmarks.
The Head of Wood Sciences Department, Professor Stavros Avramidis warmly received and generously showed me around, covering some laboratory and workshop facilities supporting their teaching and research. I had the opportunity to attend the Department's weekly morning coffee/tea gathering event between Faculty members and graduate students. I met welcoming, kind and enthusiastic personalities. Later, Dengcheng Feng, a PhD Candidate working with Professor Philip Evans hosted and introduced me to their fascinating research that incorporates CT scan and VR. I also had the chance to see high-tech VR associated equipment for training professional sprayers.
The purpose of my trip was fully achieved, and I hope it will lead to collaboration in the future. I am grateful to Professors Robert Nemeth, Stavros Avramidis, and Philip Evans. Moreover, I appreciate the time of Dengcheng Feng."
Thank you for sharing your trip with us!
Pictureshow at the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreDuring this event our students had the opportunity to watch Blade Runner 2049, a philosophical cyberpunk piece of cinematic art.
The movie is centred around “K” a blade runner, who decommissions replicants (androids) that went rogue. It delved into the questions of personhood, what it means to be a human, and posed the question of what makes us human?
Since the audience was rather diverse, and the movie is set in a western setting, some participants might not be familiar with, the moderator of the event, Csilla Csipkó international coordinator, held a short recap of the history of science-fiction, cyberpunk and the Blade Runner franchise.
The film was rather long, spanning a hefty two hours and forty-three minutes, which our students sat through engaged in the happenings. After the screening, we held a short discussion about the impressions the movie left with the participants. Students had the opportunity to voice their questions, comments, and opinions about the movie. According to their feedback they enjoyed the event, and the Centre for International Affairs is looking forward to organising future events like this one. If you have suggestions on movies to watch message us on Instagram @unisopron.
2024 Spring Semester Ending Party
ugrás az oldal tetejéreDear All!
We are happy to invite our international students, their mentors and other Hungarian students to our traditional semester-ending outdoor party for the fifth time.
We plan to cook a special Hungarian „pörkölt/gulyás” (stew/goulash) on campfire using venison offered by TAEG Zrt., the university forest company. It will be served with white bread. Of course, there will be a vegetarian version without meat, with mushrooms too.
Location: Lake Salamandra, near Sopronbánfalva
Date: 10 of May 2024 from 3.00 p.m.
Chefs: Szabolcs Sziklai and Szabolcs Salamon (Faculty of Forestry)
Kitchen boys/girls: volunteers
Dinner should be ready at around 6.30 p.m.
There is a well near there, so we suggest you to bring a flask or water bottle with you to help yourself when thirsty.
We will have a bus to ride us there and back. Other options are to take the bus N3 or No10 getting off at Kertváros-felső, or ride a bike or walk there.
For the bus timetables check:
Bus N3 from and to Lidl (stop „Bánfalvi út, Falco Kft.”)
Bus N10 from and to stop „Ady Endre út, Erzsébet-kert”
Be prepared and open for some surprise team building activities! J You might need some warmer clothing and shoes when it is cloudy or the sun sets.
Let's have a great afternoon and evening together and contribute to „internationalization at home”!
Márta Sándor
senior international officer
FYI: It will be an event where photography, audio and video recording may occur which might be used for marketing purposes by the university.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreValete - Farewell Ceremony at the University of Sopron, 2024
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe 2024 graduates of the University of Sopron bid farewell at one of the most beautiful Selmec traditions.
The ceremony traditionally began on Saturday evening in front of the University of Sopron campus, where after the torchlit procession and the singing of the anthem, Salamon Szabolcs alias Iron Fist, V. year forestry graduate president gave his farewell speech. Following the handover of the university flag, Fekete Gellért alias Montit, IV. year forestry graduate president bid farewell to the graduates, and then after the presentation of the graduation baton, the deans of the faculties - Dr. Bálint Heil from the Faculty of Forestry, Prof. Dr. Endre Magoss from the Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries, Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles from the Alexander Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics - addressed the graduates.
Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián, rector of the University of Sopron, emphasized in his speech: "Life is eternal learning and renewal! Do not be satisfied with your current achievements. There is always higher and higher, because the right path on your racetrack leads to the heights! The university needs additional knowledge and we need your strong shoulders, as these are the solid foundations for the education of future generations." The head of the University of Sopron also addressed the large number of family members who were present: "Thank you to your parents and grandparents for navigating you here and helping you achieve your goals. When your family members soon see the graduation procession, they will surely be happy to note that their child or grandchild was able to be a student at an institution with such a rich history, where not only the successful completion of studies but also the appreciation of human values was of paramount importance."
Then, the rector opened the gates of the University of Sopron to the ceremonial procession, and then the graduates set off after the salamander to sing farewell to the streets of the city that is home to their Alma Mater.
Dr. Ciprián Farkas, mayor of Sopron, gave a speech in front of the City Hall, in which he emphasized: the late town leader Dr. Mihály Sopronyi-Thurner played an indelible role in the relocation and acceptance of the Selmecbánya Academy. The mayor of Sopron added to the students: when you step under the ancient town tower, I wish you to take the first steps of your fulfilling, rich and happy life. Do not forget that the gates of Sopron, Civitas Fidelissima, are always open to you.
Following the speeches of the graduate presidents, the students laid a wreath on the statue of Dr. Mihály Sopronyi-Thurner, and the evening was concluded by the traditional graduation ball.
Photos: Tamás Pluzsik
ugrás az oldal tetejére"Leaf Your Mark" campaign at the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreA vibrant display featuring 17 trees has sprouted on the 4th floor of the Baross street dormitory, thanks to the "Leaf Your Mark" initiative!
International students came together during this event to bring their culture to Sopron. They chose trees, representing their home countries, through suggestions on Instagram. From the majestic Iraqi date palm to the delicate Japanese cherry blossom, these individual paintings create a beautiful symbol of the University's global community.
This initiative is just one of many designed to help international students feel welcome and integrated at Sopron. By celebrating their cultures and traditions, the University fosters a sense of belonging for students far from home. Local businesses and high schools also joined the "Leaf Your Mark" program, further strengthening the ties between the University and the wider local community.
Students of the Faculty of Economics on the podium in Riga
ugrás az oldal tetejéreStudents from the Alexander Lámfalussy Faculty of Economics have become the most profitable company creators in Latvia.
Pictured from left to right: Helbert Enrique, András Potyondi, James Olivér, and Firat Sahin
Student Report on the Success:
"Between April 14-20, 2024, me and my two fellow students, James Olivér and Helbert Enrique, along with our guide Firat Sahin, had the fortunate opportunity to travel to Riga, the heart of Latvia, as part of the Erasmus+ program to represent the University of Sopron at a so-called Merkis: Strategic Management/Financial Simulation Game.
But what is Merkis? Merkis is a manufacturing company simulation game that serves as an evaluation and development tool. Participants manage their companies in teams, modelled in a physical business environment, while competing against each other. Participants take on different roles that change throughout the game. Students participating in the International Business Week acquire skills such as proactivity, positive thinking, creative problem-solving, and leadership. During the program, participants learn tactical management and planning, as well as corporate finance and negotiation skills.
The key to the first team division is that we should not know anyone, not even speak a language other than English very well. So, we had to work together as a team with complete strangers to steer our companies in a positive direction. In the second round, however, the teams and roles were again divided up, but here it was essential to form teams with people we knew, so the three of us ended up in the same company. The competition was actually scored based on the companies' revenue, so the winning team was the most profitable company. Unfortunately, the company we ended up in was not in the best position at this stage of the game, generating a loss of over 300,000 euros, which we, together with our colleagues from other countries, managed to turn into the most profitable team in the competition by the end of the game, thanks to our teamwork and perseverance. We were able to achieve this by investing a lot of money in automation in the final stage of the game, which greatly accelerated our processes, and by accepting contracts that required larger quantities of products, racing against time. Fortunately, we finished and delivered the products in the last 10 seconds. Instead of the average of 100-300 pieces, we managed to deliver 400 pieces to our customers, thus closing the competition with a profit of over 3,800,000 euros.
There was time to have fun and explore the city of Riga besides work and study. I think I can speak for all three of us when I say that this week was one of the most memorable experiences of our lives. The wealth of knowledge we were able to gain there will take us in a positive direction in our careers, and we will remember the time spent there for a long time to come.
Special thanks to Dean Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles, who drew our attention to this competition and supported our travel, and to Firat Sahin, who accompanied us to Riga. This was my first time on an Erasmus BIP program, and I am very happy that I could spend it with my friends and enrich the reputation of the University of Sopron with our results.
I can recommend the "International Business Week" event organized by BA Business and Finance in Latvia to everyone, I have no regrets at all!
I am grateful for the fantastic opportunity and the lifelong experiences!”
András Potyondi, Student
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron at the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn 15th May, a networking meeting took place at the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Budapest. Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó, Director of International Affairs for the University of Sopron, met with Mr. Kairat Kambarov Counselor of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Hungary.
The meeting served as an opportunity to discuss potential collaboration between Kazakhstan and the University of Sopron. The University's long history, dating back to 1735, was highlighted during the discussion, showcasing its established position within Hungarian education. The diverse academic programmes offered by the university were also presented.
Areas that particularly interested the Kazakh delegation were forestry, wood sciences, and creative industries which were further discussed during the meeting. The university's international recognition was also mentioned, further demonstrating its commitment to academic excellence.
By fostering connections and presenting the University's profile, the visit opens doors for potential future collaborations with Kazakhstan. These collaborations could encompass student exchange programmes, joint research initiatives, or even the development of new educational programmes that benefit both Hungarian and Kazakh students.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron started collaboration with Shandong Jiaotong University
ugrás az oldal tetejéreRepresentatives from the Shandong Jiaotong University, Mr. Zhao Dejian, Vice President of SDJTU; Mr Fu Daochun, Director of Campus Development Office; Mr Ma Jianhui, Sector Chief of International Office and the President of Central and Eastern Europe - China Cooperation Developmet Association, Mr. Tian Rui visited the University of Sopron on the 16th May 2024.
The aim of the meeting was about the initiative of fostering international exchange and cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries in education and industry. Shandong Jiaotong University has initiated the creation of the “China Central and Eastern European Countries Industry Education Integration Development Center”.
The Center aims to promote resource sharing and cross-regional collaboration among universities, enterprises, research institutes, and other institutions in China and Central and Eastern European countries, focusing on "educational exchange, technological cooperation, industrial development, and education-industry integration." Through amicable discussions, the University of Sopron has voluntarily joined the Center, embracing the principles of “equal exchange, pragmatic cooperation, mutual benefit, and sustainable development.” The University of Sopron actively participates in the Center's construction, engages in exchanges and cooperation with member units in areas of shared interest, and collectively advances innovative and integrated development in education, technology, talent, and industry.
University of Sopron was represented in China, Educational Global Partners Conference
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe representatives, Dr. Tibor Alpár, Vice Rector, György Szili-Török, Centre and Sales Manager at Centre for Business Relations and Innovation and Ms. Katalin Krajczár Sári, internationl coordinator at the Centre for International Affairs participated on the Educational Global Partners Conference, in Nanjing, during the end of April 2024.
The iStudy Education Group has long been a partner of the Hungarian Rectors' Conference (MRK) in promoting Chinese higher education cooperation. This year, their annual conference, the Educational Global Partners Conference (EGPC), was held for the 13th time from April 22 to 24 in Nanjing. The event was attended by more than 150 Chinese universities, as well as international partners, students, and agents associated with iStudy.
As part of the conference, the ‘China-Hungary Education Forum’ and Education in Hungary events were also organized, along with agent workshops for international student recruiters, personal meetings, and numerous other activities focused on fostering collaboration. Additionally, a special bilateral conference with universities from Guanxi Province took place on the last day.
Currently, the second biggest number of international students comes to Hungary from China. The goal of the Hungarian Higher Education institutions is to significantly increase the presence of Chinese students in the Hungarian higher education, offering them world class educaiton programmes, in a safe and liveable environment. Providing globally recognised degrees, with excellent career opportunities.
The University of Sopron offers 3 Bachelor, 6 Master programmes in English, also offering several options in it's 3 doctoral schools in the topics of Economics and Management, Forestry and Wildlife Management and Wood Engineeting and Creative Industries.
The representatives of the University of Sopron also visited the campus of Shandong Academy of Forestry Research Institute, during their meeting they could change thoughts about the potential collaboration opportunities among our institutions.
The Ambassador of Pakistan Visits the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron welcomed H.E. Asif Hussain Memon, the Pakistani Ambassador to Hungary, and Mr. Mirza Sameer Baig, Deputy Head of Mission on Tuesday, May 21st, 2024.
The visit included a luncheon where discussions centred on potential collaborations between the University of Sopron, particularly its Faculty of Forestry, and universities in Pakistan. The conversation also highlighted the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship programme, a Hungarian government scholarship opportunity for international students.
During their visit, H.E. Ambassador Memon and Mr. Baig had the opportunity to meet with Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos, Vice Rector, and Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó, Director of International Affairs at the University of Sopron. This meeting suggests a growing interest in academic exchange between Hungary and Pakistan.
The Faculty of Forestry at the University of Sopron, known for its excellence in forestry education, could be a valuable partner for Pakistani universities. The Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship program could further strengthen these ties by providing Pakistani students with the opportunity to study in Hungary.
This visit signifies a positive step towards building stronger academic ties between Hungary and Pakistan.
ugrás az oldal tetejére
University of Sopron Explores Collaboration with Egyptian Embassy
ugrás az oldal tetejéreDr. habil. Zoltán Szabó, Director of International Affairs at the University of Sopron recently paid a visit to H. E. Mohamed Ibrahim Abdelkhalek Elshinawy at the Egyptian Embassy in Budapest as part of the institution’s Ambassadorial Program. The meeting, marked by warm hospitality and a genuine interest in collaboration, yielded several promising opportunities for the university to strengthen ties with Egypt.
The discussion centred on several key areas of potential collaboration:
Pre-Doctoral Program: The Ambassador expressed enthusiasm regarding the Pre-Doctoral Preparatory Course opportunities. He also offered to facilitate connections between the University of Sopron and the Egyptian Ministry of Education to explore the possibility of adapting the program for Egyptian students.
Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs): The Ambassador was open to collaborating on MOUs with Egyptian universities and research institutions, which could provide a framework for joint research projects, student exchanges, and other academic cooperation.
Industry Partnerships: The Ambassador offered to assist the university in establishing connections with Egyptian businesses, creating opportunities for internships, research collaborations, and other forms of engagement that benefit both students and researchers.
Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship: The Ambassador pledged support for the effort of the University of Sopron to increase the number of Egyptian Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship recipients. He offered to arrange a meeting with the Egyptian Ministry of Education to discuss this further.
The meeting between Dr. Szabó and the Egyptian Ambassador has laid a solid foundation for future collaboration between the University of Sopron and Egyptian institutions. By building strong partnerships with Egyptian counterparts, the institution can further enhance its international reputation, expand its global reach, and provide valuable opportunities for academic and professional growth for its students and researchers.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreProspective ERASMUS+ Partner’s Successful PhD Defence at the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn 28th May, Mrs. Arjana Kadiu successfully defended her PhD dissertation titled "Marketing Strategies Promoting Sustainable Tourism Development in the Country of Albania" at the University of Sopron.
Mrs. Kadiu pursued her studies in the Joint Cross-Border PhD program at the István Széchenyi Management and Organization Sciences Doctoral School, Faculty of Economics, University of Sopron. Mrs. Kadiu is also a lecturer at Aleksandër Moisiu University of Durrës, a prospective ERASMUS+ partner institution of the University of Sopron.
The defence was chaired by Prof. Dr. Csilla Obádovics PhD, with reviewers Dr. habil. Judit Grotte PhD associate professor and Dr. Katalin Dióssi PhD assistant professor.
The members of the committee were Prof. Dr. Irena Zavrl PhD professor, also Head of Consortium of the Joint PhD Programme and Dr. Judit Pappné Vancsó PhD associate professor.
Kadiu's scientific supervisors were Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA and Dr. habil. Árpád Papp-Váry PhD.
Kadiu's well-structured presentation and thorough responses to questions demonstrated her expertise and the significance of her research. The committee unanimously supported awarding her the PhD degree with a summa cum laude result.
Congratulations to Dr. Arjana Kadiu on this remarkable achievement!
Special thanks are extended to Prof. Dr. Irena Zavrl for her valuable contribution.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron Achieves Outstanding Results in the 2024 Round University Rankings (RUR)
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron is proud to announce its continued climb in the 2024 Round University Rankings (RUR), breaking into the top 1000 universities globally. This significant 62-place jump from last year's ranking reflects the university's unwavering commitment to excellence and continuous improvement.
The RUR, established in 2010, is a comprehensive international ranking system that evaluates nearly 1200 leading universities from 82 countries. It assesses university performance based on 20 unique indicators encompassing four crucial areas: teaching, research, international diversity, and financial sustainability. The ranking utilizes raw data provided by Thomson Reuters, ensuring objectivity and reliability.
The University of Sopron excelled particularly in the teaching category, ranking 6th among Hungarian universities and 582nd worldwide. This recognition underscores the university's dedication to high-quality education and fostering a unique learning environment for its students.
The university also demonstrated progress in research, international diversity, and financial sustainability. These achievements collectively showcase the University of Sopron as a dynamically developing institution, solidifying its position as a leading educational and research center in Central Europe.
The 2024 RUR ranking results fill the university's leadership, faculty, and students with immense pride. These achievements reaffirm the university's commitment to excellence and serve as an inspiration for further growth and innovation.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreHungarian Rectors' Conference – Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián Remains Vice President
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn May 30, 2024, the Hungarian Rectors' Conference held a plenary session to elect its president and vice presidents. The heads of higher education institutions entrusted Dr. László Borhy, Rector of Eötvös Loránd University, with another two-year term as president of the conference. Dr. Borhy has held this position since July 1, 2022.
The conference also re-elected Dr. Attila Fábián, Rector of the University of Sopron, as a vice president. Dr. Fábián Attila previously held this position as well and will continue to represent higher education institutions on the conference's presidency for another two years. Dr. Levente Kovács, Rector of Óbuda University, was elected to the third vice president position. Dr. Kovács Levente previously participated in the presidency's work as a delegate of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference's Model Change Committee.
Dr. István András, Rector of the University of Dunaújváros, also remained among the vice presidents. Dr. András István represents universities of applied sciences and previously held the vice president position as well.
Following the leadership elections, the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference's Model Change Committee held a meeting and elected Dr. Tamás Sterbenz, Rector of the Hungarian University of Physical Education, as its delegate to the presidency.
The Hungarian Rectors' Conference is the most significant organization in Hungarian higher education, aiming to preserve and develop the autonomy and quality of higher education institutions. Representing the institutions, the conference participates in the development of higher education legislation and formulates positions on current issues affecting higher education.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron and Kasetsart University Sign Landmark Memorandum of Understanding
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron has officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Kasetsart University from Thailand. This agreement marks a significant step forward in fostering international collaboration in higher education, research, and cultural exchange.
Kasetsart University, one of Thailand's leading institutions, is renowned for its excellence in agricultural sciences and environmental studies. With a strong focus on research and innovation, the university is dedicated to advancing knowledge and addressing global challenges.
The delegation from Thailand included distinguished representatives from Kasetsart University: Associate Professor Dr. Kampanat Pensupar, Vice President for International Affairs; Associate Professor Dr. Tanee Sreewongchai, Dean of Faculty of Agriculture; Associate Professor Dr. Tunlawit Satapanajaru, Dean of Faculty of Environment; Assistant Professor Dr. Donludee Jaisut, Associate Dean for International Affairs, Faculty of Agriculture; Associate Professor Dr. Ratcha Chaichana, Vice Dean for International Affairs, Faculty of Environment; Assistant Professor Dr. Onanong Phewnil, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Environment; and Assistant Professor Dr. Pasinee Worachananant, Vice Dean for Research and Corporate Communication, Faculty of Environment.
The partnership between the University of Sopron and Kasetsart University is expected to provide a robust platform for academic excellence. Both universities have a strong focus on research and innovation, making this collaboration a natural fit. By pooling their resources and expertise, the institutions aim to advance their respective research agendas and contribute to global knowledge in various fields.
International collaborations in higher education are crucial for advancing global knowledge and innovation. They allow institutions to leverage diverse perspectives and expertise, leading to more comprehensive research outcomes. Such partnerships also enhance the academic experience for students and faculty, providing opportunities for cross-cultural learning and professional development. Ultimately, these collaborations contribute to solving global challenges by fostering a more interconnected and cooperative academic community.
In conclusion, the MoU between the University of Sopron and Kasetsart University represents a promising venture into international collaboration. By joining forces, these institutions are poised to achieve new heights in academic excellence, research innovation, and cultural exchange, paving the way for a brighter, more interconnected future.
The University of Sopron was represented at the event by:
Prof. Dr Tibor Alpár, Vice President for Innovation and Corporate Relations
Dr. habil Zoltán Szabó, Director for International Affairs
Dr. Csilla Csiha, Vice Dean for International Affairs of the Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries
Dr. Judit Pappné Vancsó, Vice Dean for International Affairs of the Alexandre Lámfalussy Faculty of Economics
Dr. Kornél Czimber, Vice Dean for International Affairs of the Faculty of Forestry
Bíborka Kui, PhD Student, Faculty of Forestry
The delegation from Thailand also participated in guided visits at the Botanical Garden, the Museum Library and the House of Forest.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron Celebrates Graduation Ceremonies for 545 Students
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron is proud to celebrate the graduation of 545 students across four faculties during its annual graduation ceremonies held throughout June and July. These ceremonies mark the highlight of years of dedicated study and represent a significant milestone in the lives of the graduates.
- Benedek Elek Faculty of Pedagogy: Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 10:00 AM, Novomatic Arena (279 graduates)
- Faculty of Wood Science and Creative Industries: Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at 10:00 AM, Sándor Lámfalussy Faculty of Economics Auditorium (85 graduates)
- Sándor Lámfalussy Faculty of Economics: Friday, June 28, 2024, at 10:00 AM, Sándor Lámfalussy Faculty of Economics (103 graduates)
- Faculty of Forestry: Wednesday, July 10, 2024, at 10:00 AM, Sándor Lámfalussy Faculty of Economics (78 graduates)
Honoring Academic Achievement and Launching Future Success
The graduation ceremonies provide an opportunity for University of Sopron to recognize the outstanding achievements of its graduates and celebrate their contributions to the academic community. The university is confident that these graduates will go on to make significant contributions to their respective fields and communities.
Additional Information
For more detailed information about the graduation ceremonies, please visit the respective faculty websites.
Faculty of Pedagogy
Faculty of Wood Sciences and Creative Industries
The University of Sopron Ranks High in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2024
ugrás az oldal tetejére
The Times Higher Education (THE) has published the Impact Rankings 2024, which lists universities that excel in achieving multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. These institutions not only stand out in individual areas but also demonstrate a high level of excellence in their overall contribution to global sustainability. By contributing to the achievement of the SDGs in a number of areas, the participating universities also demonstrate their commitment to addressing the world's most pressing challenges, including environmental sustainability, social inclusion, economic growth, and the partnerships needed to achieve the goals.
In the 2024 overall Impact Rankings, the University of Sopron ranked a shared 4th place in Hungary and moved up to the 801-1000 placement range globally.
The 2024 Impact Rankings is the sixth edition of the ranking, which includes 2152 universities from 125 countries. The THE Impact Rankings provides an opportunity to shine a light on institutional activities that are not captured in other (traditional) rankings but that make a significant contribution to achieving a better and more sustainable future.
For the third consecutive year, the overall ranking is led by Western Sydney University in Australia. In second place are the University of Manchester in the UK and the University of Tasmania in Australia. The best institution from an emerging economy is once again Universiti Sains Malaysia, which finished 18th. In the top 100, the UK is the most represented nation with 25 institutions, followed by Australia with 12 and Canada with 11.
In Hungary, 11 institutions are again represented on the THE Impact Rankings 2024 list this year. The University of Sopron once again presented its performance in full sustainability terms, across all 17 SDGs.
In the case of the University of Sopron, the possibilities for contribution were examined in 179 indicators related to the SDGs, on the basis of which development goals were set for the future. In the evaluation, the points achieved are used to determine the overall ranking of universities that best perform their efforts for the Sustainable Development Goals, supported by supporting data. In addition to supporting the indicators, the method also works with other SDG-related scientometric data (number of publications, citations, etc.).
The University of Sopron's achievements in Hungary in 2024:
- 1st place in the following SDGs:
- World TOP200 field: SDG 15 - Terrestrial Ecosystem Protection (World 101-200 placement range, shared first place)
- World TOP300 field: SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production (World 201-300 placement range)
- 2nd place in the following SDGs:
- SDG 2 - Zero Hunger (World 301-400 placement range)
- SDG 13 - Climate Action (World 301-400 placement range)
- SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation (World 401-600 placement range, shared second place)
- 3rd place in the following SDGs:
- SDG 14 - Life Below Water (World 301-400 placement range)
- SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth (World 401-600 placement range, shared third place)
- SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities (World 601-800 placement range)
- SDG 1 - No Poverty (World 801-1000 placement range, shared third place)
- SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy (World 801+ placement range)
- SDG 5 - Gender Equality (World 1001+ placement range)
- 4th place in the following SDGs:
- SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (World 601-800 placement range)
- SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities (World 601-800 placement range)
- SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (World 801-1000 placement range, shared fourth place)
- 5th place in the following SDG:
- SDG 4 - Quality Education (World 1001-1500 placement range, shared fifth place)
- SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being (World 1001+ placement range, shared fifth place)
- 6th place in the following SDG:
- SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals (World 1001-1500 placement range, shared sixth place)
THE Impact Rankings recognizes the outstanding performance of universities based on their extensive impact on multiple dimensions of sustainable development. Their broad-based excellence underscores the importance of a holistic approach to global challenges and the critical role of the academy in promoting sustainable change.
The detailed list is available here:
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron at the 67th SWST Conference
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe 67th International Convention of the Society of Wood Science and Technology (SWST) was held from June 30 to July 5, 2024 in Portorož, Slovenia. This year's theme, "Advancing Regenerative Sustainability with Wood Science," focused on exploring innovative ways to utilize wood for a more sustainable future.
You can read a report about the participation of University of Sopron below:
"The 67th International Convention by Society of Wood Science & Technology (SWST) happened at Portoroz, Slovenia, between June 30 and July 5, 2024. Once again, this event presented an opportunity to outdoor some outputs from research works at the Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries of the University of Sopron. In attendance were Professor Robert Nemeth, and 2 PhD students: James Govina and David Takacs.
A total of 4 topics were presented under various categories with authorship including Drs Miklos Bak and Matyas Bader, and 4 other international PhD students: Haruna Seidu, Marwa Brougui, Noor Roziana Abdul Rahim, and Fath Alrharam Awad Younis. The research works and participation at the convention were sponsored by the TKP 2021-NKTA-43. Expectedly, the UniSopron research team also learned from other researchers, created and strengthened their network for future collaboration and professional development. The students are sincerely grateful to Professor Robert Nemeth and the TKP Project."
Report by James K. Govina.
University of Sopron Collaborates with Sapientia EMTE for Promotional and Final Exams
ugrás az oldal tetejéreIn July 2024, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania's Miercurea Ciuc campus witnessed a remarkable confluence of academic excellence and international collaboration. Representatives from the University of Sopron, Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles PhD, Dean of the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics, and Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA, Director of International Affairs were invited to contribute to the committe’s work during the assistant professor and associate professor promotional exams, as well as the finance and marketing final exams which underscored the ongoing partnership between the two universities.
Associate Professor Exam Committee for Dr. Benedek Nagy
Chaired by Dr. Ede Lázár from Sapientia-EMTE
This committee comprised a diverse group of academics:
Prof. Dr. Rozalia Gabor from George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Târgu Mureș
Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó from University of Sopron
Dr. Péter Emőke-Katalin from Sapientia-EMTE
Dr. Zoltán Zsolt Szakál from University of Debrecen
This committee's task was to evaluate the candidates' academic contributions, teaching capabilities, and research achievements, ensuring they meet the high standards required for the associate professorship.
Assistant Professor Exam Committee for Dr. Árpád Zoltán Fülöp
The Associate Professor Exam Committee was chaired by Prof. Dr. Zoltán Makó
The committee also included:
Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles, university professor from University of Sopron
Dr. Varga József, associate professor from Sapientia-EMTE
Dr. Nagy Benedek, assistant professor from Sapientia-EMTE
Dr. Illyés László, assistant professor from Sapientia-EMTE
Their role was to assess the qualifications and potential of candidates for the position of assistant professor, a crucial step in fostering new academic talent.
Final Exam Committees
The Marketing Final Exam Committee, chaired by Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó from University of Sopron, evaluated students having analysed vaious aspects of the field with the members of the committee: Dr. Attila Szőcs and Dr. Beáta Kádár from Sapientia-EMTE
The Applied Economics and Finance Final Exam Committee chaired by Prof. Dr. József Varga from Sapientia-EMTE had a long day with more than twenty students presenting a number of interesting topics to the committee members: Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles from University of Sopron and Dr. Bíborka Eszter Bíró from Sapientia-EMTE.
These committees ensured that the students' diploma theses met rigorous academic standards, covering a wide range of intriguing and valuable topics.
Strengthening the Partnership
The presence of Prof. Dr. Széles and Dr. habil. Szabó at these important academic events is a testament to the robust partnership between the University of Sopron and Sapientia EMTE. This collaboration was highlighted during last year's celebration of the 20th anniversary of Csíki Közgáz - Csikszereda Economic Education, where representatives from both institutions commemorated two decades of educational excellence and cooperation.
Read our article about last year’s exams here:
The events of July 5, 2024, at Sapientia EMTE's Miercurea Ciuc campus not only celebrated the academic achievements of its faculty and students but also reinforced the strong ties with the University of Sopron. The contributions of Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles PhD and Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA exemplify the spirit of academic excellence and international cooperation, paving the way for continued success and mutual growth in the years to come.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron Makes Significant Progress in Collaboration Discussions with Tunisia
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron initiated discussions regarding potential collaboration with Tunisian higher education institutions. Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA, Director of International Affairs, recently met with His Excellency Abdelkarim Hermi, Ambassador of Tunisia to Hungary, to explore a mutually beneficial partnership.
Enhancing Student and Faculty Mobility
The meeting highlighted the prospect of facilitating meetings between the University of Sopron and relevant Tunisian ministries. This paves the way for the establishment of formal agreements that would streamline collaboration and student exchange programs.
Joint Research Initiatives
A particularly exciting development is the potential for a collaborative research agreement between the University of Sopron's Faculty of Forestry and the Tabarka Forest and Pasture Institute (ISPT) in Tunisia. The successful existing collaboration between ISPT and the University of Arizona serves as a strong model for such a partnership.
Scholarship Opportunities
Discussions also explored the possibility of scholarship programs for Hungarian students to pursue studies or research in Tunisia. This initiative would provide valuable opportunities for Hungarian scholars to gain deeper expertise in areas aligned with Tunisian strengths. Conversely, scholarships for Tunisian students at the University of Sopron would further enrich the university's international student body and foster a vibrant exchange of ideas. The ongoing Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Program presents an additional avenue for attracting talented Tunisian students to Hungary.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe Cooperation of the University of Sopron, the Africa Foundation, and the University of Miskolc
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn July 8, 2024, the Africa Foundation, the University of Miskolc, and the University of Sopron signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement to deepen the African relations of Hungarian universities in the fields of education, research, and economic cooperation.
Leaders of the institutions and the foundation have agreed to work together on an exemplary cooperation model that can serve as a good practice in Hungary, Africa as well as in the European Union.
The Africa Foundation has been working in the field of international development and humanitarian aid for more than 22 years. Education plays a key role in the organization's activities. (
The two universities can thus cooperate with the foundation in the areas of student recruitment, international tenders, professional events and training.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron Climbs in QS Rankings Again, Secures a Spot Among the Best!
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron has improved its position from last year and is now ranked 11th in Hungary in the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Europe 2025 regional ranking.
The university is one of 15 Hungarian higher education institutions included in the European list, which now has a total of 684 participants. There are 133 universities represented from the Eastern European region, among which the University of Sopron is ranked 80th.
ETH Zurich is the best university in Europe, ahead of Imperial College London and the University of Oxford, which are ranked second and third, respectively. The TOP 10 also includes the University of Cambridge, UCL, the University of Edinburgh, the University of Manchester, King's College London, Université PSL and EPFL - École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne.
The QS ranking system takes into account academic and employer reputation, student numbers, role in international research networks, number of scientific publications and citations, number of international students, proportion of incoming and outgoing exchange students, sustainability and graduate employability with different weights.
Within the evaluation criteria, the University of Sopron achieved the highest score in citations to scientific publications, ranking second in Hungary, but positioning itself in the European TOP 50% for all criteria! This is a particularly outstanding result for a so-called "small" university with less than 5,000 students.
In addition to the QS ranking, the University of Sopron also places a strong emphasis on sustainability world rankings, where it is among the best, such as the UI GreenMetric or THE Impact Rankings list.
According to Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián, Rector of the University of Sopron, the results of this year's European university competition also reflect the innovative and outstanding work carried out at the University of Sopron, which is why it is considered one of the institutions striving for continuous development and excellence at the world level. The University of Sopron aims to become a Central European innovation centre for ecotechnology, as one of the most sustainable universities in the world.
PhD Student Wins Best Presenter Award in Poland
ugrás az oldal tetejéreA PhD student, Frandy Efraim Fritz Karundeng, was awarded the best presenter at the 7th SSBRN Symposium 2024: USU Award in Lublin, Poland.
You can read his report below.
"Frandy Efraim Fritz Karundeng,
PhD student at István Széchenyi Economics and Management Doctoral School
Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics
University of Sopron
9th – 10th May, 2024
Awarded as the Best Presenter for delivering an emerging topic of Accounting Fraud at the International Symposium in Poland.
I am always excited to attend every symposium managed by the Social Science & Business Research Network (SSBRN). Luckily, this year, SSBRN organized The 7th SSBRN Symposium 2024: USU Award located in Europe by collaborating with Maria Currie-Skłodowska University, Poland. Coincidentally, I have also been studying in Europe, specifically at the University of Sopron, Hungary, so I would not neglect this chance.
Since I was a first-semester student at the Economics and Management Doctoral School, I got many valuable directions and intense assistance from my supervisor, Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Széles, PhD to conduct the research article. The title of our presented research article was “Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover: The Influence of CEOs’ Facial Masculinity and Religiosity on Financial Statement Fraud.” The article examined the determinants of fraudulent activities from different points of view, i.e., biological and psychological factors. In a nutshell, the results explained that the masculine-faced CEO tends to do accounting manipulation. Nevertheless, religiosity appeared to attenuate that probability.
Starting on May 9th, 2024, the symposium was opened by the Chairman of SSBRN, Prof. Dedhy Sulistiawan; subsequently, the four keynote speakers from different universities delivered their research articles. They were Prof. Mariusz Kicia from Maria Curie-Skłodowska University – Poland, Prof. Vasa László from Széchenyi Istvan University – Hungary, Prof. Khaira A. Fachrudin from Universitas Sumatera Utara – Indonesia, and Prof. Wiwiek R. Adawiyah from Universitas Jenderal Soedirman – Indonesia. Then, after lunch, 15 presenters from different universities and countries, e.g., Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Columbia, Malaysia, and Indonesia, presented their research articles. All research articles will be published in the affiliated journals. Ultimately, in the closing session, Prof. Mirela Panait from Romania announced that I was successfully endowed as the best presenter.
The next day, the host institution guided us on a stroll around Lublin. We were astonished by the city view, historical site, and local cuisine. After all, I had valuable experiences. Importantly, by meeting many superlative academics, I can broaden my networking and open opportunities for future collaborations, such as research and academic mobility."
„Bonus Bus Trip” to Balaton for International Students of the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreA lively day unfolded as international students of the University of Sopron embarked on the "Bonus Bus Trip" to the scenic Lake Balaton, visiting Tihany and Zamárdi. This excursion, organized to enrich the summer experience of our students, was filled with engaging activities and cultural discoveries.
The trip began at Lavender Tihany, a manufacture where lavender is transformed into cosmetics, food, and drinks. Students explored an exhibition showcasing the intricate process behind these products. The scent of lavender filled the air as they sampled various items, offering a unique taste of local culture.
Next, the group took a ferry to Szántód, enjoying the view of Lake Balaton and the dozens of sailing boats participating in Kékszalag, Europe's oldest and longest lake circumnavigation sailing race which is held on Lake Balaton annually.
In Zamárdi there was no pre-planned program, students were free to explore. They could go swimming, sunbathing, and enjoying the beach overall. The students embraced the chance to unwind by the lake, experiencing a favorite local activity.
Adding to the fun, students tried sajtos-tejfölös lángos, the most iconic Hungarian beach food. This deep-fried dough topped with sour cream offered an authentic taste of Hungarian cuisine.
This initiative highlights the University's dedication to enhancing the international student experience. By blending education with leisure and cultural immersion, the University fosters a welcoming and inclusive environment. Our semesterly bus trips provide enriching experiences for students who explore and embrace the opportunities offered by the University and its surrounding community.
SEN 2024 - The University of Sopron's Massive Year-Starting Party on September 6th!
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron Day is a meeting point not only for university students but also for the city's residents. It's an event where people from Sopron and other parts of the country can come together. SEN offers a diverse range of musical styles to suit all ages! In 2024, retro music and DJ sets will take turns, making dancing and partying a must.
University of Sopron has chosen Never Say Never as its partner to organize the University of Sopron Day this year. Never Say Never has a proven track record of creating fantastic atmospheres at their events, and they’ve already brought unforgettable experiences to the youth of Sopron and the university's students. On September 6th at SEN, visitors can expect an incredible atmosphere and amazing music.
The new location is Sopron's most party-friendly spot, Lővér Camping, full of memories from the VOLT Festival and SopronFest.
The location's unique atmosphere, combined with the proximity of nature, the green surroundings, and the festival vibe, guarantees an unforgettable experience. Attendees can look forward to a variety of additional programs and entertainment options.
The lineup is also very impressive, with popular artists and DJs such as KOZMIX, UFO, SZATMÁRI, KOÓSZ MILÁN, JAURI, BROOK, TONES, REIJO, GRANDPAN, and VENOM ensuring a great atmosphere.
The goal of the University of Sopron Day is to strengthen the sense of community and bring people together, regardless of whether they are university students, local residents, or visitors from other parts of the country.
Don't miss this unique opportunity to be a part of one of Sopron's biggest and most exciting events! Spend the evening with friends, family, and new acquaintances at Lővér Camping and enjoy the diverse programs that are guaranteed to make this year's University of Sopron Day unforgettable!
For discounted tickets, contact the Sopron Never Say Never team or click on the following link:
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron provides CEEPUS grants for students and academics from Ukraine
ugrás az oldal tetejéreStudents and academics of Ukrainian higher education institutions are welcome to apply for CEEPUS study and professional mobility at the University of Sopron.
Support within the Central European Exchange Programme has been initiated by the Hungarian National CEEPUS Office functioning within Tempus Public Foundation. Students may join courses offered for international students at as grantees for Student mobility (3-6 months) or Short Term Student mobility (1-2 months).
The call is continuously open until the deadline of 30 November 2024.
Details about eligibility and application procedure are described at:
For more information contact
Contact person at the University of Sopron: Ms. Márta Sándor
Email address:
New Beginning: Record Number of Students Start the Academic Year at the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron welcomed nearly 1500 first-year students to the start of the academic year. As per tradition, the ceremony opened with the procession of the university flag, led by the presidency, which this time was held at the GYIK Event House.
Following the joint singing of the national anthem, Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián, the rector of the institution, welcomed the freshmen. In his festive speech, he highlighted the unwavering popularity of the University of Sopron, thanks to which a record number of students are starting the academic year in the most loyal city this year.
Addressing the freshmen, he quoted Áron Szilágyi, a three-time Olympic champion:
„Talent is a double-edged sword. Those who are not diligent will not get there, those who are not willing to do the training work will not become Olympic champions. Even if you have talent, it is not a guarantee for anything, it is a trap."
Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián added: talent alone is not enough for success, in top-level sports, as well as in university life, diligence, perseverance, and hard work are what truly lead to progress.
Sándor Szentpéteri spoke about how the University of Sopron's forestry programs are playing a pivotal role in combating climate change. Through the Forestry Sectoral Knowledge Center, the university is effectively transferring knowledge to both students and industry professionals. This knowledge is being utilized to enhance agricultural vocational training and organize specialized forestry events.
Several faculty members were recognized for their outstanding contributions to the university. Dr. Gábor Kovács-Gombos, Dr. János Zoltán Gál, and Ákos Bálint Vörös were honored with prestigious awards. Kázmér Attila Tóth was appointed as an Honorary Associate Professor, and Prof. Dr. Béla Pukánszky received the esteemed Doctor Honoris Causa title.
The university also welcomed four new university professors: Dr. Bálint Heil, Dr. Zoltán Pásztory, Dr. Balázs Kósa, and Dr. László Molnár. Additionally, Dr. Balázs Kósa and Dr. Tamás Pirger were appointed as deputy deans.
To recognize academic excellence, National Higher Education Scholarships were awarded to 13 promising students. As one of the most anticipated and solemn moments of the opening ceremony of the academic year, the first-year Hungarian students took their oaths under the leadership of Dr. Enikő Pásztor, Vice Rector for Education, followed by the numerous foreign first-year students under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos, Vice Rector for Research and Foreign Affairs.
Then, according to tradition, the deans of the faculties greeted the representatives of the freshmen with a handshake, and Mátyás Jánosi, a certified forestry engineer student, and Filoména Simon, a graduated kindergarten teacher and current first-year forestry engineer student, also addressed their peers. In their speech, they expressed special thanks to the group leaders and Firma classmates who organized the successful freshman and bALEK week programs for them, thus helping them to integrate into university life.
As the closing chord of the event, Dr. Ciprián Farkas, mayor, welcomed the sworn-in students on behalf of the host city. The city's first man said in his greeting: „In Sopron, the opening of the academic year is always a celebration. It is a celebration for the first-year students who are now becoming citizens of the university and symbolically of Sopron, and it is a celebration for the families, as they know that their children will be graduates in a few years. In the words of István Széchenyi, „the power of a nation lies in the number of educated people."
Following the blessing of the academic year, Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián officially opened the 2024/2025 academic year of the University of Sopron.
Photo: Tamás Griechisch
Sopron TV report (in Hungarian):
ugrás az oldal tetejéreFestive atmosphere and a full house at the University of Sopron Day!
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron and the Never Say Never team jointly organized the University of Sopron Day (SEN) for the first time, which was a huge success.
The event, held at the Lővér Camping, attracted a full house with a fantastic atmosphere and a variety of programs. The musical lineup ranged from retro music to modern DJ sets, with popular performers such as KOZMIX, UFO, SZATMÁRI, KOÓSZ MILÁN, JAURI, BROOK, TONES, REIJO, GRANDPAN, and VENOM ensuring that no one stayed seated. By the time Kozmix took the stage after midnight, the atmosphere was at its peak, and the audience was raving to the greatest hits!
The event's special attractions, such as selfie boxes, were very popular, allowing participants to take creative photos of themselves and their friends. Many also joined the initiative to arrive in green clothing, symbolizing the university's environmentally conscious efforts – those who dressed this way were also rewarded with gifts.
Thank you to everyone who celebrated with us and started the academic year with us, contributing to making SEN an unforgettable event! We hope to see even more of you next year!
University of Sopron Deepens Its Cooperation with Shandong Jiaotong University
ugrás az oldal tetejéreAfter the first cooperation agreement, the University of Sopron has expanded its international ties by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Shandong Jiaotong University in China on the 12th of September, 2024.
The MoU outlines a comprehensive framework for collaboration between the two institutions, covering areas such as student and faculty exchange programs, joint research projects, and cultural exchanges, as well as the establishment of a Confucius Institute.
In addition to signing the MoU, the University of Sopron and Shandong Jiaotong University exchanged introductions of their institutions, faculties, and research areas. Shandong Jiaotong University also extended an invitation to the University of Sopron to participate in the China-CEEC Industry-Education Integration Dialogue and China-CEEC Education and Industry Cooperation and Exchange Conference in October.
Participants from the Shandong Jiaotong University, China:
- Weijin Kong: President of Shandong Jiaotong University
- Quingkai Zeng: Director of Strategic Planning & Discipline Construction Department, Shandong Jiaotong University
- Yu Ma: Director of International Office, Shandong Jiaotong University
- Wei Li: Dean of Automotive Engineering School, Shandong Jiaotong University
- Guangyuan Zhang: Dean of Information Science & Electrical Engineering School, Shandong Jiaotong University
- Tian Rui: Central and Eastern Europe - China Cooperation Development Association (In Hungary), representative
Participants from the University of Sopron, Hungary:
- Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos: Vice-rector for Research and Foreign Affairs
- Dr. habil. Kornél Czimber: Vice-dean for Research and Foreign Affairs at the Faculty of Forestry
- Katalin Linda Krajczár-Sári: Leading International Coordinator
- György Szili-Török: Head of Sales at the Innovation and Corporate Relations Office
- Endre Schiberna: Head of the Economics Department at the Forestry Research Institute
- Dr. Nóra Tünde Lange-Enyedi: Research Fellow at the Faculty of Forestry
The partnership between the University of Sopron and Shandong Jiaotong University is a strategic alliance that offers numerous benefits for both institutions and their respective communities.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreResearchers' Night at the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron invites everyone to experience the excitement of Researchers' Night with a variety of engaging programs on the 27th of September, 2024. This year's event offers a unique opportunity to delve into various scientific disciplines and learn more about the work of our researchers.
Event Highlights:
- Does Chemistry Work? Experience the exciting, surprising, and sometimes strange world of chemistry through the experiments of the Institute of Environmental and Natural Sciences. 19:00-19:30, 20:30-21:00, 1st floor lab, C building
- Laser Cutting Almost Anything: Discover the possibilities of laser cutting on wood and wood-based materials. 19:00-21:00, groundfloor, G building
- Browsing the Zoological Collection: Discover the history, educational role, and unique specimens of our zoological collection. 18:00-21:00, Ligneum basement
- Rodent Pests: Learn about the pests that damage trees and their habits. 18:00-21:00, Ligneum basement
- Paper Making: Explore the world of paper: its types, composition, and the ancient technique of papermaking. Try your hand at papermaking with pre-prepared pulp. 17:00-20:50, 4NT 102 (Vizes labor) in NRRC
- Treasures of the Museum Library: Join us for a guided tour and presentation in the university's Museum Library (in English). 20:00-20:30, Library
- Variety is the spice of life: Explore the fascinating world of economics through interactive and engaging tasks related to tourism, finance, HR, marketing, and more. 16:00-21:00, Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics
- Selmec Room: Objects that Tell Stories: Historical objects connected to the university's past tell tales of bygone eras, people, and events. 18:00-21:00, library
- Free Six-Month Library Membership: Sign up for a free six-month membership to the University of Sopron Central Library (for ages 12 and up). 18:00-21:00, 1st floor of the library
- Playful Technology, Technical Games: Explore the connection between play and technology through interactive tasks as part of the Benedek Faculty's Etom project. 18:00-19:00, groundfloor, room 2, B building
Fall Semester Welcome Day 2024 – A Joyful Afternoon In The Ligneum Event Center
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Below you can read the short reports of participants and access the complete album of pictures taken during the event.
This semester, the University of Sopron welcomes 56 new international students enrolled in full-time programs, further reflecting the global appeal of our institution.
These students come from 40+ different countries, with the largest groups hailing from Azerbaijan, Tunisia, as well as notable numbers from Nigeria, Algeria, Russia, Syria, Kazakhstan, and Sudan. This diversity underscores the increasing interest in the university from around the world, particularly from Eurasian countries, the Middle East, and North Africa.
Of these new arrivals, 33 are Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship recipients, 20 are self-funded students, and 3 hold FAO Scholarships. Additionally, 27 Erasmus+ students from various European countries will spend one or two semesters with us, further strengthening short-term mobility and intercultural exchange.
This highlights the university’s ongoing commitment to fostering international collaboration. The distribution of students across faculties, particularly the significant interest in the Faculty of Forestry and the Faculty of Economics, points to Sopron's appeal in fields like environmental science, economics, and international development. With a balanced mix of self-funded and scholarship students, Sopron continues to be an attractive destination for learners from across the globe. Currently, more than 150 international students are pursuing their studies here, reinforcing our institution’s growing international presence.
Mentor Network: Exploring Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreLast week, a group of enthusiastic new students embarked on a journey to explore a part of Sopron.
Below, you can find the report of Alex Morris, one of the Stipendium Hungaricum mentors who organised this programme:
"Last week we arranged a short visit to Amphitheatre (park on a hill in Sopron) and the Firewatch Tower in the old city of Sopron. The new students were excited to be part of this short visit, and we made in time to see the sunset. Pictures, talks and relaxing time was a part of it, as we settled down for a while in the park. On the way back, we took the way through the old city of Sopron to see the Firewatch Tower, Coronation Church and the Goat Church. One activity down for the International students, and more to come.
Morris Alex
SH Mentor @UniSopron"
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Professors of the University of Sopron at the Forefront of International Research
ugrás az oldal tetejéreProfessors from the University of Sopron working in engineering sciences have been ranked among the top 217,000 researchers worldwide in the 2024 Ioannidis science-metric ranking.
The ranking evaluates the citation indices of researchers from around the world using a unified methodology, covering a wide spectrum of scientific fields, from life sciences to social sciences. In the 2024 ranking, 385 Hungarian researchers were included in the Career-long Impact list, and 301 in the Single-year Impact list. These researchers have had a significant scientific impact in their fields and their work is recognized internationally.
University of Sopron professors who received the most citations in their entire careers:
217. Csaba Mátyás - University of Sopron, Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
345. László Tolvaj - University of Sopron, Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Single-year impact ranking 2024:
128. K.M. Faridul Hasan - Chemistry
166. Csaba Mátyás - University of Sopron, Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
206. Zoltán Pásztory - University of Sopron, Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
267. László Tolvaj - University of Sopron, Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
The international recognition and prestige of the Ioannidis ranking provide a significant advantage for both researchers and the university. For researchers, international attention can lead to new collaborative opportunities and research funding. The university's reputation is also growing, which contributes to increasing its scientific visibility and facilitates the development of international research collaborations, making the institution more attractive to both students and researchers.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreInternational Music Day and Naturally Music! Again!
ugrás az oldal tetejéreDear Music Lovers!
Dear Concert-Goers!
Following the success of last year’s season, the joint concert series of Sopron University and the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music continues at Ligneum. The essence of the "Naturally Music! Again!" program is to showcase the most talented students and successful chamber groups from the Academy, who are the stars of tomorrow, to the audience in Sopron.
This season brings new changes: concerts will now take place on Tuesday evenings instead of Wednesdays. Additionally, this subscription series will feature not only traditional classical music genres, but also performances by folk musicians from the Academy, as well as jazz and electronic music. We will also entertain the audience with surprise performances at some concerts, although we cannot reveal the details just yet. (Rest assured, we are preparing original and spectacular program elements!)
Subscriptions for the 5-concert series are available for purchase in the university’s webshop:
We also welcome the audience with occasional tickets (for remaining seats) for individual concerts—these can be purchased at Ligneum only before the concerts.
The program of "Naturally Music! Again!" includes:
2024.10.01. Tuesday 19:00
"WORLD MUSIC DAY" - Classical pieces performed by Trio Giocoso
2024.11.12. Tuesday 19:00
"BOURDON MUSIC" - A folk music evening with Bére Banda
2025.02.18. Tuesday 19:00
"CARNIVAL" - Featuring the tuba quartet from the Academy
2025.03.18. Tuesday 19:00
"RECYCLING" - Jazz standards and arrangements
2025.04.29. Tuesday 19:00
"MASTER AND STUDENTS" - Works by Messiaen and his students
The price for the 5-concert subscription is 12,000 HUF.
Single tickets are available for 3,000 HUF.
More details about the first concert:
A special highlight of the evening is that we will unveil the great secret and announce which musical piece will be the "Sound of Earth," awarding the winner of the Sopron University "Sound of Earth" composition contest with a well-deserved prize of 1,000,000 HUF.
All of this will be woven into a fantastic classical music concert, the detailed program of which can be found on the attached flyer.
We warmly welcome you (back)! Renew your subscription from last year or buy your first one this year to get involved!
ugrás az oldal tetejéreMentor Network: A Day of Nature
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn a crisp autumn morning, a group of international students from Sopron embarked on a memorable hike through the picturesque Hungarian countryside. The diverse group, representing various cultures and backgrounds, came together to explore the natural beauty of the region while fostering new friendships.
"It was a fun and chill way to spend a day outdoors," said Adriana Cristina Gazabon Rosado from Colombia. "The group was a mix of different cultures, languages, and backgrounds, which was one of the coolest parts of the day."
The hike also provided an opportunity for the students to connect on a personal level. They shared stories and discussed their lives at the university.
Ali Munavvar from the Maldives echoed these sentiments, expressing gratitude for the experience and the friendships formed. "It wasn't just a hike. It was a memory I will carry with me for years to come," he said.
Read the report of İdil Tanrıöver, a Turkish international student at the University of Sopron:
"We went on hiking on a beautiful Saturday as a group of international students in Sopron. It was a challenging hike where we hiked through hills and beautiful views. As a group, we got to know each other better and connected through conversations we had as we hiked along each other. Towards the end of the hike, we ate our snacks in the forest, relaxed a little, and talked about our lives in the university, and we also played a fun childhood game together as a group and shared laughs. We played our favorite songs as we were going down the hills, and we shared our cultures and songs with each other. We ended the hike with ice cream, everyone's favorite. In the end, it was a great day where we could move our bodies and socialize with new people."
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron’s Significant Leap Forward in International Subject Rankings!
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe Round University Rankings (RUR) evaluates the performance of the world's leading higher education institutions across six academic fields: humanities, life sciences, medical sciences, natural sciences, engineering and technology, and social sciences. All universities are assessed using the same 20 indicators and based on four key activity areas from the RUR World Rankings: teaching (40%), research (40%), international diversity (10%), and financial sustainability (10%). This year's ranking evaluated more than 1,000 universities.
On a global scale, University of Sopron (UoS) achieved its best performance in the humanities (ranked 453rd in the world, a 140-place improvement compared to 2023), followed by life sciences (604th globally, a 53-place improvement), engineering and technology (677th globally, a 188-place improvement), and social sciences (766th globally, a 204-place improvement).
Domestically, UoS is the 6th best university in the life sciences and humanities subject rankings. It ranks 8th in engineering and technology, and 9th among higher education institutions in the social sciences. UoS earned its highest scores in the key area of teaching. In the teaching dimension, it ranks 1st in engineering and technology (global top 33%), 3rd in humanities and life sciences (global top 18% and 39%, respectively), and 4th in social sciences (global top 46%). In the key area of financial sustainability, UoS ranks 2nd in humanities (global top 5%) and 5th in life sciences (global top 17%).
Important Links:
- RUR 2024 Humanities Subject Ranking
- RUR 2024 Life Sciences Subject Ranking
- RUR 2024 Social Sciences Subject Ranking
- RUR 2024 Engineering and Technology Subject Ranking
Building a Gingerbread University
ugrás az oldal tetejéreYesterday, a unique and festive event took place at the Ligeneum Event Center. Students, staff, and community members gathered to take part in the construction of a gingerbread replica of the main building of the University of Sopron. The evening was filled with excitement and laughter as the first pieces of this edible masterpiece came together. It's a project that is sure to delight and inspire all who see it.
This is an ongoing project that will continue next week, and we invite everyone to follow its progress. To stay informed about this and other exciting events, be sure to follow Ligneum on Instagram or Facebook.
University of Sopron and National University of Ucayali Sign MoU
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron is proud to announce the successful establishment of a cooperation with the National University of Ucayali (UNU). The Peruvian delegation, led by Rector Ing. Dr. Edgardo Leoncio Braúl Gomero and Academic Vice-Rector Julio Cesar Pastor Segura, arrived in Sopron on October 14 to sign the agreement with our university.
The cooperation agreement between the two institutions opens up opportunities for joint work in several areas. Particular attention is paid to Peruvian forestry research, in which the UNU has significant experience. Student and faculty exchange programs, as well as joint research projects, are also important elements of the cooperation.
The signed agreement opens a new chapter in the relationship between the two universities. Both parties are committed to promoting sustainable development and contributing to the dissemination of scientific knowledge through joint work.
We're looking forward to working with the UNU on exciting projects that will positively impact both our universities and the world.
I. Hungarian-African Rectors' Conference with the Participation of the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn October 16, 2024, the first Hungarian-African Rectors' Conference was held in Budapest, organized by the University of Sopron, the University of Miskolc, and the Hungarian Rectors' Conference.
Nearly 40 higher education representatives from Hungary and Africa committed to developing cooperation and bilateral relations. The presentations and discussions revealed that joint programs, mobility, and joint research and publications are the primary areas of potential connection for Hungary and the countries of the African continent.
The Rectors' Conference was part of the "Hungarian-Africa Week" event organized by the Africa Foundation. The University of Sopron and the University of Miskolc co-organized the Education and International Development Day on Wednesday. In his closing speech, Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos, Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs at the University of Sopron, spoke about deepening institutional relations and the role of personal connections, and emphasized the importance of supporting female researchers.
Campus Visit at the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe 2nd Hungary-Africa Week took place successfully between October 14th and 20th, 2024, at various locations across Hungary.
Highlighting their commitment, the University of Sopron welcomed a distinguished 15-member African delegation to its campus on October 18th.
The guests, representing the academic, educational, and business sectors, hailed from Uganda, Ghana, the Republic of Guinea, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Republic of the Congo. This visit provided a valuable opportunity to establish relationships with the companies, organizations, and higher education institutions represented by these esteemed African partners.
The delegation's day at the University of Sopron included insightful presentations showcasing the university's diverse research fields. Following a light lunch, the delegation participated in a guided tour of Sopron, allowing them to experience the city's rich history and culture firsthand.
By fostering these connections, the University of Sopron demonstrates its dedication to building strong and lasting partnerships with Africa.
For a Greener Tomorrow!
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUniversity of Sopron Signs Cooperation Agreement with Beijing Forestry University
ugrás az oldal tetejéreIn October 2024, the President of Beijing Forestry University (BFU), Li Zhaohu, met with Professor Dr. Attila Fábián, Rector of the University of Sopron, during his visit to Beijing. The meeting took place at the BFU campus and focused on fostering collaborative partnerships and enhancing disciplinary cooperation between the two institutions. The symposium was hosted by the Director of the International Exchange and Cooperation Office.
On behalf of BFU, President Li Zhaohu warmly welcomed Professor Dr. Attila Fábián and emphasized the significant alignment between the two universities' academic disciplines. He expressed hope for strengthened collaboration in various areas such as student exchanges, joint postgraduate programs, and international joint laboratories. Li also stressed the importance of working together to address global challenges such as climate change. He proposed that relevant departments from both universities establish communication promptly to facilitate substantive cooperation.
Beijing Forestry University, founded in 1902, has evolved into one of China’s most prestigious institutions. With a focus on sustainability and forestry research, BFU has earned widespread recognition both domestically and internationally. Guided by the motto, "Champion in Earth Stewardship and Leader in Forestry Education," BFU is known for producing leading experts in forestry and ecological research. Its faculty, comprising notable industry leaders and scholars, includes 16 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who continue to contribute significantly to global sustainable development efforts.
During the meeting, Presidents Li Zhaohu and Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián signed a memorandum of understanding to formalize cooperation between Beijing Forestry University and the University of Sopron. The event was attended by senior officials from the International Exchange and Cooperation Office, as well as heads of BFU's School of Forestry, School of Materials Science and Engineering, and faculty members from related disciplines, who provided overviews of their respective departments and programmes.
Original photos from BFU news.
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Mentor Network: Students Explore History and Nature at Fertőrákos Cave
ugrás az oldal tetejéreLast Saturday, thirty students embarked on a captivating journey to the famous Fertőrákos Cave, a historic limestone quarry and theater park just a bus ride away. Organized with the support of the University of Sopron, the trip offered students the chance to immerse themselves in local culture, history, and stunning natural beauty.
The day was filled with exploration and learning, made possible by the university’s sponsorship covering all ticket expenses. Accompanied by mentors, students ventured through the ancient stone halls, learning about the quarry’s history as an ancient sea bed, which over millions of years transformed into unique limestone formations.
In Their Own Words: Reflections from Students
“It was an amazing and exciting trip to the cave. I am so thankful to the mentors who guided us to and from the site, and above all the University of Sopron for sponsoring our tickets. Such events are important as we don’t only get to know new areas around us but also strengthen the bond amongst us (students) and the University at large. I can sincerely say, it was a memorable experience. I will be more excited if we continue to get more of the same. Warm greetings to you, our beloved mentor!”
– Kishaija Noel (Uganda)
“Visiting the Fertőrákos Cave Theater and Quarry Thematic Park is an experience that combines nature, history, and culture in an unforgettable setting. Walking through its stone halls feels like stepping into another era. There are plenty of fascinating details about the area’s limestone formations. I was amazed by knowing that it was a former sea territory.”
– Adriana Cristina Gazabón Rosado (Colombia)
The trip left a lasting impact on students, enhancing their appreciation for local heritage and building a sense of community. It’s these shared experiences that make student life at the University of Sopron rich and memorable.
Interested in joining us on future adventures? Stay tuned for more outings that promise exploration, discovery, and lasting memories.
University of Sopron’s Leadership Strengthens Relations at the 6th China-CEEC Local Leaders’ Meeting
ugrás az oldal tetejéreJinan, China – October 15–18, 2024
Representatives from the University of Sopron in Hungary, Alpár Tibor László, Vice-Rector of the University, and Szili-Török György, Director of the Innovation Center, actively participated in the Sixth China-CEEC Local Leaders' Meeting, held in Yantai and in Jinan, Shandong Province, China. This event, running from October 15th to 18th, underscored the growing importance of collaborative ties between China and Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs), reinforcing the strategic, diplomatic, and academic partnerships in the region.
The annual China-CEEC Local Leaders’ Meeting, convening high-ranking officials, academic leaders, and industry representatives, aims to strengthen cooperation and foster innovation across diverse sectors.
The China-Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) Cooperation Mechanism
Established in 2012, the China-CEEC Cooperation Mechanism has held nine summits, creating a comprehensive cooperation framework covering over 20 areas, including trade, economy, culture, education, and subnational cooperation. This partnership currently includes China and 14 Central and Eastern European countries.
In April 2023, Shandong Province assumed the presidency of the alliance, aiming to enhance practical cooperation and friendly exchanges between China and the CEECs, thereby revitalizing the cooperation mechanism.
The University of Sopron was recently welcomed as a new member of the Council, and all members received commemorative plaques during the event, marking a significant step in strengthening ties within this collaborative framework.
University of Sopron’s Role and Objectives
Representing Hungary’s University of Sopron, Vice-Rector Alpár Tibor László and Innovation Center Director Szili-Török György shared their perspectives on educational collaboration and technological advancement. Their participation underscores the University’s dedication to furthering academic and research initiatives that align with the goals of the China-CEEC platform. Alpár and Szili-Török engaged in discussions with various leaders on potential joint programs, exchange initiatives, and innovation projects, envisioning collaborative efforts that span fields such as sustainable development, digital transformation, and climate-friendly technologies. Study trips were also scheduled to Luli Wood Co. (OSB and furniture production), Jingbo Wood-based Materials Co., LTD. (Chambroad – Timber) and Shangdong Academy of Forestry.
Pumpkin Carving Night at the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn October 30th, Ligneum transformed into a spooky and thrilling setting for the highly anticipated Pumpkin Carving Night. Despite the eerie ambiance, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement and joy, thanks to the lively participation of all attendees. Organized by the Student Government of the Faculty of Pedagogy, the event exceeded all expectations, drawing a large crowd eager to showcase their creativity and Halloween spirit.
The evening kicked off at 6 PM and stretched until 10 PM, offering a variety of activities that kept everyone engaged. Attendees arrived in fantastic costumes, bringing along their best pumpkin carving ideas. The creativity on display was astounding, with participants crafting intricate and imaginative designs.
Adding an extra layer of excitement were the treasure hunt and the university quiz, which offered teams the chance to earn additional points. These challenges not only tested participants' knowledge and teamwork but also added a playful competitive spirit to the night. Among the teams were two international groups, with "The Boo Crew" earning a well-deserved second place.
The event’s success was evident in the vibrant energy that filled Ligneum, and the organizers expressed their gratitude for the incredible turnout. To ensure the memories of this spooky yet delightful night are preserved, a photo gallery has been compiled, capturing some of the best moments.
Check out the gallery below to relive the highlights of Pumpkin Carving Night!
ugrás az oldal tetejéreInternational Students Uncover Mysteries in "Sopron Witch Chronicles" Investigation Game
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn October 31, as part of our Halloween celebrations, international students dived into the intriguing world of the "Sopron Witch Chronicles," an immersive investigation game that proved both entertaining and educational. This unique event, crafted to delight thrill-seekers, offered participants the chance to uncover hidden legends and lesser-known spots within Sopron that even locals may not know about.
Teams of students embraced the role of investigators, unraveling clues and piecing together the stories behind Sopron’s mysterious past. The game brought laughter, excitement, and a sense of adventure, as well as an official keepsake: each participant received a "Private Detective" qualification and a small memento to commemorate the experience.
Participants left not only with newfound knowledge about the city's hidden lore but also with memories of a Halloween well-spent.
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The University of Sopron brings us closer to "net zero" goals
ugrás az oldal tetejéreFrom October 28 to November 1, 2024, the "Capacity-Building Workshop on Sustainable Smart Cities" was held in Seoul, Republic of Korea. The Korean Development Institute (KDI) invited the University of Sopron as the only higher education institution to the conference.
The University of Sopron contributes to the monitoring of the health status of the ecosystem and biodiversity through its nature-based, digital innovations. It provides support for sustainable environmental decisions, border protection, and environmental monitoring.
During the South Korean trip, the delegation from the University of Sopron also visited Kyonggi University, where they presented President Prof. Dr. Youn Kou Lee with the invitation letter from Rector Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián."
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron organised a chocolate tasting for its international students at Harrer Chocolate Factory on 9 November 2024. The event was organised in two sessions - one in the morning and one in the afternoon - since there were so many applicants to split up into two groups.
Check the summary written by a student of the Faculty of Pedagogy:
"Today, the 9th of November, we enjoyed a wonderful visit to Harrer, a chocolate factory in Sopron, thanks to a trip organized by the University of Sopron. We began with a cheerful walk from the dormitory, sharing laughter along the way. At the factory, we watched an interesting video about cacao’s journey from places like Madagascar. As a kind welcome, we received delicious chocolate samples. We then got to watch the workers making chocolates and cakes, which was both fun and fascinating. Afterward, we tasted fruits dipped in a chocolate fountain and tried over twenty chocolate flavors, including coffee, strawberry, and caramel. We’re deeply grateful to the university, Harrer’s warm staff, and our guides for such a memorable, chocolate-filled day."
Radhoine AOUNI (Tunisia)
University of Sopron Welcomes Record-High New Students with 1,423 Trees in the Forest of Loyalty
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron has a unique tradition of planting trees in the "Forest of Loyalty" to mark each new academic year. This annual event, which started in 2021 in collaboration with TAEG Forestry Company, plants a tree for each new student enrolled at the university, symbolizing their commitment to both the environment and their educational journey.
This September, a record-breaking 1,423 students, including international attendees, began their studies at the University of Sopron. Reflecting this number, 1,423 trees were planted, adding to the university's growing commitment to sustainability. The ceremonial planting, held on November 12, was opened by students from the Forestry and Wood Engineering faculties, with TAEG's CEO emphasizing the significance of students leaving a lasting mark through their participation.
Representatives of the university highlighted the importance of tree planting as both an environmental and educational act, connecting students to a legacy of environmental stewardship. They expressed pride in Sopron's growing role in increasing forested areas in Hungary and working toward becoming the country’s first carbon-positive university. This meaningful tradition has also become a way for students—Hungarian and international alike—to contribute to a greener future while forging lifelong connections to nature and their community.
Watch the video below for news coverage of the tree-planting ceremony (in Hungarian):
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron at the International Coordinators' Meeting
ugrás az oldal tetejéreFrom November 11th to 13th, the International Coordinators' Meeting in Hungary brought together over 200 participants from various higher education institutions to share best practices and insights on internationalization.
The University of Sopron was represented by Csilla Csipkó and Márta Sándor from the Centre of International Affairs, who actively contributed to discussions on mobility programs such as CEEPUS, Erasmus+, and the Pannónia Scholarship Programme. As part of the university’s broader commitment to fostering international partnerships, their participation emphasized Sopron's innovative approaches to student integration, digital transformation, and academic cooperation.
During the three-day event, Sopron’s delegates engaged with leading experts in higher education. These exchanges not only deepened professional relationships but also inspired new strategies to enhance Sopron’s international initiatives.
The event featured presentations on internationalization practices, roundtable discussions on institutional effectiveness, and networking opportunities on program-specific topics. While valuable insights were shared by other institutions, Sopron’s representatives contributed perspectives that align with the university’s ambition in academic collaboration, particularly in the fields of forestry, wood and creative industries, economics, and pedagogy.
The University of Sopron remains committed to advancing its internationalization agenda by learning from and contributing to national and global best practices.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOur partner, the Vietnam National University of Forestry celebrates its 60th anniversary
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron also participated in the international conference and celebration held on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the founding of its Vietnamese partner university.
The University of Sopron was represented by Prof. Dr. Róbert Németh, who delivered the festive greeting video message from Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián, rector of the University of Sopron.
The relationship between the two universities dates back to the mid-2000s. The cooperation has become increasingly intense, with several projects, faculty, researcher, and student exchanges taking place to this day (e.g., Erasmus KA107). The challenges posed by climate change are global in scale, and sharing acquired experiences is of great importance in the fields of forest and wood management as well.
At the international conference, "Carbon Benefits Linked To Sustainable Forest Management" preceding the celebration, research of the University of Sopron, related to hardwood trees and their studies and utilization was also presented.
Stipendium Hungaricum Welcome Event 2024
ugrás az oldal tetejéreFind the report of Tito Kibet, our student at MSc in Environmental Engineering about the Stipendium Hungaricum Welcome Event below:
"On October 16, 2024, I had the distinct honor of attending the Stipendium Hungaricum Welcome Event at the Danubius Hotel Helia in Budapest. This event served not only as a warm welcome for new and existing scholarship holders but also celebrated the achievements of exemplary students, like myself, who were nominated for awards by their host institutions. I was accompanied by my mentor, Aaron, and two new students, Alfiya and Adrianna. Their presence made the experience even more enriching as we navigated this significant occasion together, forging new connections and sharing our unique backgrounds.
Event Overview
The event commenced with registration and welcome coffee at 10:00 AM, setting a congenial tone for the day. As I entered the elegant lobby of the hotel, the warm ambiance was enhanced by the scent of freshly brewed coffee and pastries. Attendees were greeted with an array of refreshments, including flaky croissants, savory pastries, and aromatic coffee. This initial hour created an inviting atmosphere that encouraged mingling and networking.
I took this opportunity to engage in enlightening discussions with fellow students from various countries. The diversity of backgrounds and cultures represented at the event was astonishing, with peers from continents including Asia, Africa, Europe, and beyond. I learned about their academic pursuits, cultural traditions, and personal experiences in Hungary. This exchange laid the groundwork for meaningful relationships that I hope to continue throughout my studies.
At 11:00 AM, the program officially began with welcome speeches from several distinguished guests. The opening address was delivered by Miklós Lengyel, the Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. His speech emphasized the importance of academic collaboration and cultural exchange facilitated by the Stipendium Hungaricum program. He passionately spoke about how this scholarship not only supports education but also fosters international relationships that broaden our global perspectives. His remarks deeply resonated with me, igniting a sense of pride in being part of such a transformative initiative.
Following him, Richárd Bodrogi, General Director of the Tempus Public Foundation, spoke passionately about the achievements of the Stipendium Hungaricum program and its significant impact on the lives of students. He highlighted inspiring success stories from previous scholarship holders, which served as a testament to the program's effectiveness. His insights into the program's goals and the importance of community engagement reinforced my commitment to making the most of this opportunity. The third speaker, Meray Al Khawajah, a scholarship holder from Semmelweis University, shared her inspiring journey and the transformative experiences she has had through the program. Her narrative motivated all attendees to embrace their international experiences fully and to explore every opportunity for personal and professional growth.
Recognition of Excellence
A pivotal moment of the day was the Stipendium Hungaricum Student Excellence Award Ceremony, held from 11:40 AM to 12:20 PM. I felt an overwhelming sense of pride and gratitude when my name was announced as one of the award recipients representing Sopron University. As I walked up to the stage, the applause from my peers and faculty members filled me with immense joy. Accepting this honor in front of esteemed guests and fellow scholars was both humbling and exhilarating. This recognition is a testament to the supportive environment fostered by the Stipendium Hungaricum community and the dedication of both students and faculty in achieving academic excellence.
Receiving this award serves as a significant motivation for me in my career and future endeavors. It reaffirms my dedication to my field of study and inspires me to continue pursuing excellence in my academic journey. I extend my heartfelt thanks to the Tempus Public Foundation for sponsoring me and making this opportunity possible. Their support has not only provided me with financial assistance but has also empowered me to realize my academic dreams.
The event, which celebrated the achievements of excellent students while welcoming new ones, is a brilliant initiative that fosters a sense of community and encourages high standards among scholars. It highlights the importance of recognizing hard work and dedication while also integrating newcomers into the vibrant Stipendium Hungaricum family.
After the award ceremony, we participated in a group photo session at 12:20 PM, which was a joyous occasion capturing the achievements of all awardees. The photo session was an opportunity to commemorate our shared accomplishments and showcase the diversity among scholarship holders. Following this, I took numerous pictures and videos with other award recipients, documenting our shared accomplishments and the friendships we were beginning to form. These images will serve as lasting memories of this important milestone in our academic journeys.
Networking and Cultural Exchange
Following the photo session, a delicious lunch was served from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM, featuring an array of amazing food delicacies that highlighted Hungarian cuisine. The meal included traditional dishes such as goulash, stuffed cabbage, and a variety of fresh salads, accompanied by freshly baked bread. The exquisite desserts, including chimney cake and strudel, provided a delightful conclusion to the dining experience. This meal not only delighted our taste buds but also provided another wonderful opportunity for networking.
During lunch, I engaged in meaningful conversations with other award recipients, faculty members, and event organizers. We shared ideas about our respective fields of study, explored potential collaborative projects, and discussed our experiences living and studying in Hungary. This exchange of ideas was invigorating and emphasized the sense of community that the Stipendium Hungaricum program promotes. I also appreciated the effort the organizers put into ensuring that our dietary preferences were accommodated, showcasing their commitment to inclusivity.
The host institution efficiently planned our trip to and from the event by purchasing tickets, which made our journey smooth and hassle-free. Their attention to detail ensured that we could focus on enjoying the event and engaging with our peers. The organization of the event, from logistics to execution, was commendable and reflects the high standards set by the Stipendium Hungaricum program.
The afternoon sessions focused on cultural exchange and learning through two Intercultural Workshops and performances of Hungarian folk dance. The first workshop encouraged participants to share their personal stories and experiences related to cultural diversity and communication. This interactive session allowed us to appreciate our different backgrounds and the unique perspectives each of us brings to the program. I found it enlightening to hear how various cultural backgrounds influence our approaches to education and collaboration.
The Hungarian folk dance show that followed was both entertaining and educational. Dancers showcased traditional Hungarian dances, and attendees were invited to participate. I joined in the dance, and it was a joyous experience that fostered camaraderie among students, breaking down cultural barriers through movement and music. The rhythm and energy of the performances captivated everyone in the room, creating a lively atmosphere that encouraged participation and enjoyment.
Following a coffee break at 2:45 PM, where attendees enjoyed more refreshments and snacks, we transitioned into the second round of workshops and performances. This time, the focus shifted to culinary traditions. Participants had the opportunity to learn about Hungarian dishes and even participate in a small cooking demonstration. It was fascinating to see how food serves as a bridge between cultures, and I enjoyed sampling unfamiliar dishes. These culinary experiences not only tantalized my taste buds but also provided insights into Hungarian hospitality and traditions.
Personal Impact
The event was more than just a formal gathering; it was an enriching experience that deepened my connection to the Stipendium Hungaricum community. Accompanied by Aaron, Alfiya, and Adrianna, I felt a sense of solidarity as we navigated our new environment together. The interactions I had with fellow students helped me appreciate the diverse backgrounds and talents represented within the program.
Receiving the Student Excellence Award has motivated me to continue striving for academic excellence and to give back to the Stipendium Hungaricum community. It serves as a reminder of the hard work I have put into my studies in Environmental Engineering and my commitment to making a positive impact in both my home country of Kenya and Hungary. As I look toward the future, I have aspirations to pursue a PhD in my field. Therefore, I kindly plead for continued support and funding from the foundation to help me achieve this goal. The opportunity to further my studies would allow me to contribute more significantly to environmental solutions both locally and globally.
The event reaffirmed my belief in the power of international collaboration and cultural exchange, reinforcing my desire to be an ambassador for the program. I am eager to share the knowledge and experiences I gain in Hungary with my community back in Kenya and to foster greater understanding between our cultures.
Suggestions for Improvement
While the event was a resounding success, I believe a few enhancements could further enrich future editions:
- Increased student-led sessions: Incorporating more interactive workshops led by students could foster deeper connections and provide opportunities for knowledge sharing.
- Showcasing student research: A segment dedicated to showcasing current research or projects by students could inspire collaboration and innovation within the community.
- Expanded cultural activities: Including more diverse cultural performances or activities could highlight the rich tapestry of traditions represented by the students.
- Feedback opportunities: Providing an immediate feedback mechanism during the event could help organizers gauge the experience in real-time and adjust accordingly.
The Stipendium Hungaricum Welcome Event 2024 was a beautifully organized and inspiring occasion that highlighted the essence of the program. From the insightful speeches to the recognition of academic excellence and the vibrant cultural exchanges, the event encapsulated the spirit of unity and collaboration that defines the Stipendium Hungaricum experience.
I left the event feeling invigorated, more connected to my peers, and deeply motivated to contribute positively to the program's legacy. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Tempus Public Foundation and all the organizers for creating such a memorable and impactful experience.
Photos and Videos
For those interested in viewing the photos and videos captured during the event, please follow the link below:
Stipendium Hungaricum Welcome Event 2024 - Photos and Video"
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe Visit of Students of University of Sopron to the Venice Biennale
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe Venice International Art Exhibition (La Biennale di Venezia) is one of the world's most prestigious contemporary art events, held biennially in Venice, Italy. First organized in 1895 in the Giardini, which still serves as one of its primary venues, the exhibition has grown in stature and popularity, attracting an increasing number of nations eager to showcase their artists in Venice, a European capital of art. Since the 2000s, more than eighty countries have regularly participated.
At the Biennale, countries traditionally present their artists in national pavilions, with the cultural government of each nation selecting participants through a competitive process. Since the 1990s, a distinguished curator has also been invited to highlight contemporary art trends in the central pavilion. In addition to the biennial visual arts exhibitions, the Biennale has featured a regular architectural exhibition since 1980, exploring architectural trends.
This year, students from Sopron University had the opportunity to attend this grand event. A total of 96 students spent four days in the city of lagoons, where they visited not only the two primary Biennale venues (Arsenale and Giardini) but also the gallery of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia, which houses masterpieces of Venetian painting. Venice itself is a living museum; among its 118 churches, many preserve works by some of Europe’s most renowned painters. Its luxurious palaces, built on piles using unique techniques, and its narrow alleyways reflect a medieval city layout.
The students were guided through the architectural and artistic wonders by lecturers Balázs Kósa and Gabriella Uhl, who conducted tours of the Biennale and the city. Besides the main Biennale venues, numerous national pavilions were set up at various city locations. These temporary exhibition spaces offered glimpses into Venice’s hidden but extraordinary architectural treasures. Students explored intricately carved wooden stucco ceilings and labyrinthine storage spaces, gaining a deeper understanding of the city’s cultural heritage.
During the six-month duration of the Venice International Art Exhibition, millions of visitors are drawn to this unique event. Sopron University students had the chance to experience the lively atmosphere and unparalleled artistic experiences that the Biennale offers.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreWe were happy to invite you - our international students, their mentors and other Hungarian students to our traditional End-of-term International Cultural Event.
Delegation from Kosovo Visits the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn November 22, 2024, representatives from the University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj, Kosovo, visited our university:
- Prof. Dr. Agron Bajraktari, Rector of the University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj,
- Lect. Kushtrim Cukaj, Vice-Rector for International Relations,
- Lect. Bujar Jashari, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Wood Technology (USAF).
During their visit, they signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Rector of the University of Sopron, Professor Dr. Attila Fábián, as part of the framework for effective collaboration between the two institutions.
Throughout the day, the delegation held discussions with the leadership of the Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industry and participated in the university's commemorative event as well.
Diplomats from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Hungary visited our university
ugrás az oldal tetejéreRepresentatives of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands visited the University of Sopron yesterday to discuss possibilities in collaboration and cooperation. Mrs. Yvette Szepesi, first counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission and Éva Szabó, lead council on trade were received by Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos, vice-rector of International Relations and Research and Ms. Csilla Csipkó coordinator of international affairs.
The University of Sopron could be a valuable partner for Universities in the Netherlands given its unique set of programmes offered by the University of Sopron is an attractive point for those students who wish to specialise in certain areas. The Botanical Garden the University is nestled in is also quite charming and perfect for those who wish for a calm and quiet environment for learning.
The visit signifies a positive step towards building stronger academic ties between The Kingdom of Netherlands and Hungary.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreA New Way of Support for Our Current Students: StudentHelp
ugrás az oldal tetejéreDear Students of the University of Sopron!
Let us introduce you to our new service for current students and freshmen as well!
Welcome to the University of Sopron!
StudentHelp is here for international students like you, ready to support you with all kinds of everyday questions and issues.
Whether it’s navigating a new city or understanding local customs, we’ve got your back! Reach out if you need help with things like:
- Finding your way around Sopron
- Accessing medical care
- Mental health support
- Getting matched with a mentor or buddy
- Assistance with interpreting for official matters
- Sorting out personal admin stuff
- Volunteer opportunities
- Help with CVs and work rules in Hungary
- Learning about Hungarian holidays and traditions
- Or even if you’re just feeling a bit lonely and need someone to chat with!
Our mentor team:
Erzsébet Szaniszló - mentor coordinator
Welcome to our university community! My name is Elisabeth, and I work at the International Office. I am here to support you in solving your everyday problems and help you integrate into both university life and the life of our city.
If you encounter any difficulties – whether it's healthcare matters, interpreting challenges, or simply feeling lost in a new environment – please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can contact me and our mentor student via email – me and our mentor will be happy to assist you.
Remember, you are not alone – we are here to support you every step of the way!
Looking forward to meeting you!
Balázs Frantal - mentor student
My name is Balázs Frantal and I am currently studying Wildlife Management Engineering at the University of Sopron. I have an interest in learning about different cultures, which has inspired me to travel and led me to study abroad extensively. I enjoy meeting people from all walks of life and sharing experiences that broaden perspectives. In my spare time, I enjoy hiking, listening to podcasts, reading and exploring new cuisines. My goal is to continue to grow as an individual while helping others navigate cultural exchange. I am open to new experiences and enjoy working as part of a team.
Just write us an email at !
Let Sopron be your home away from home!
The University of Sopron Earns Gold Recognition Again in 2024, Among the World's Best!
ugrás az oldal tetejéreIn 2024, the University of Sopron ranked as the 3rd greenest university in Hungary and 110th worldwide on the prestigious UI GreenMetric environmental and sustainability ranking, improving its position by 20 places compared to last year.
With a remarkable score of 8,430 points, the University entered the global top 10% among 1,477 institutions from more than 95 countries. This reinforced its Gold Cluster classification (scores between 7,501–10,000), an elite category achieved by only 21% of universities worldwide.
The university's outstanding placement is partly attributed to its unique expertise in the sustainable management and utilization of forest-based resources, which serves as the foundation of a sustainable, forest-based economy. In addition to its natural sciences, climate adaptation, and technical research, the University integrates sustainability into diverse fields such as creative industries, environmental education, pedagogy, economics, and social sciences.
Key Focus of the 2024 UI GreenMetric Evaluation
The 2024 ranking emphasized universities' efforts aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), assessing their implementation of sustainability programs and policies. Among the 13 Hungarian institutions, the University of Sopron achieved:
- 1st place nationally in "Transportation" and "Water Management."
- 2nd place in "Energy and Climate Change."
- 4th place in "Education and Research" related to sustainability.
On a European scale, the University advanced into the top 50, achieving 36th place out of 340 participating institutions.
The Scope and Rigors of the 2024 Ranking
The UI GreenMetric World University Ranking was launched in 2010 by Universitas Indonesia (UI) to evaluate sustainability efforts on university campuses. Now globally recognized, the ranking has grown by 20% in 2024, featuring 1,477 universities from 95+ countries. The top three institutions for 2024 are:
- Wageningen University & Research (Netherlands)
- Nottingham Trent University (UK)
- University of Groningen (Netherlands)
The 2024 survey assessed 89 indicators across six dimensions: infrastructure, energy, waste, water, transportation, and education. This year, the evaluation criteria became stricter, requiring universities to detail:
- Green spaces, renewable energy usage, and waste streams.
- Carbon footprint reduction initiatives.
- The role of ICT (Information and Communication Technology).
- Sustainability governance structures and “green jobs” for graduates.
University of Sopron’s Achievements in Numbers
The University excelled particularly in "Energy and Climate Change" and "Infrastructure" due to targeted developments. Its 2024 score of 8,430 points represents 84.3% of the total achievable score, marking a 38.55% improvement since 2020. Compared to 2020, the university has climbed 480 places globally.
A Message from the Rector
Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián, Rector of the University of Sopron, highlighted:
"Through its sustainability efforts, our university is building both its future and its legacy. Our goal is to cultivate a university culture where sustainability is a priority. Such practices can extend beyond higher education to other sectors and society at large. As Hungary's first carbon-positive 'Green University,' we are fully committed to initiatives that promote economic, social, and environmental sustainability. This is the spirit behind our motto, 'Naturally with You!' (Természetesen Veled!)."
Unified Green Efforts
The university's achievement reflects the collective efforts of its four faculties, scientific institutes, and entire organizational structure in line with the “Green University” concept, showcased on its dedicated website:
Green University Website
For further details:
ugrás az oldal tetejéreChristmas Trip: Spending together a wonderful time of the year
ugrás az oldal tetejéreOn December 6th, the International Office of the University organized an advent bus trip for international students. The itinerary included Gloggnitz – the Maria Schutz Basilica – and the Johannesbachklamm Advent Market.
Eighty students participated in the trip, mostly international, though a few Hungarian students also managed to join the bus.
We visited the Lindt chocolate factory outlet, where participants could watch a film about the manufacturing process and purchase products at discounted prices.
The next stop was the picturesque Maria Schutz Basilica, located at the foot of the Semmering Pass. Behind the altar of the basilica flows a miraculous spring.
The final destination was one of Austria’s most unique Christmas markets, set in the Johannesbachklamm gorge. In the heart of nature, the Advent market features Austria’s largest Christmas tree, decorated anew every year.
The purpose of the trip was to provide students with a meaningful way to spend their free time while supporting their integration and well-being. Tour guides shared stories about the history, characteristics, and interesting facts of the region. Spending Advent in such a beautiful and special natural setting was a truly memorable experience for the students.
Outstanding Success of the Stipendium Hungaricum at the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreNearly a thousand international students applied to the University of Sopron within the framework of the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship program. Compared to last year, this represents a 300-student increase. The success of the University of Sopron is demonstrated by the fact that students from 33 countries are currently studying at this significant university in the western part of the country.
Budi Mulyana, an Indonesian PhD student, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation in January at the Roth Gyula Doctoral School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences at the University of Sopron. The specialist obtained his forestry undergraduate degree from the Faculty of Forestry at the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) in 2002. He continued his studies with an Indonesian government scholarship in an environmental science master's program. Currently, he works as a lecturer and member of the forest planning laboratory at the Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. He won the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship in 2021. After three and a half years, he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation in Sopron.
"I traveled thousands of miles from Indonesia to Hungary to pursue doctoral studies in forestry at the University of Sopron. I am researching the carbon dynamics of forests and energy plantations. At the Faculty of Forestry of the University of Sopron, I found incredibly good supervisors who supported me in completing my PhD thesis on 'Carbon dynamics of poplar and black locust plantations under different management strategies' at a high level," said the Indonesian specialist.
The newly graduated student emphasized that, thanks to the University of Sopron's faculty, he was able to research a topic that is highly relevant today, such as the capacity of tree plantations and forests to absorb carbon dioxide emissions from the atmosphere.
The Hungarian support provided to Indonesian students and the good relationship is also indicated by the fact that representatives of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Hungary attended the public defense: Mr. Yudhi Gunawan, Deputy Head of the Information and Cultural Department, and Mr. Agung Prabowo, Secretary of the Ambassador.
The Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Program was founded by the Hungarian Government in 2013, and the University of Sopron has been offering its English-language programs to international students since 2016. The application period for students for the 2025/2026 academic year closed on January 15, 2025. Within this framework, 447 applicants listed the University of Sopron as their first choice, while the number of second-choice applicants was 536.
These figures not only prove the university's attractiveness and international reputation but also the success of its strategic goals. The significant increase in the total number of applicants is clear evidence that the University of Sopron is a demanded and dynamically developing institution within the framework of the Stipendium Hungaricum program.
The most applications for the university's 12 English-language programs came from the following countries: Morocco, Pakistan, Nigeria, Rwanda, Ghana. In terms of programs, the Educational Science master's program of the Benedek Elek Faculty of Education was the most popular among applicants. For the Lámfalussy Sándor Faculty of Economics, the Business Administration and Management bachelor's program, for the Faculty of Engineering in Wood Science and Creative Industries, the Timber Industry Engineering master's program, and for the Faculty of Forestry, the Environmental Engineering master's program received the most applications. Currently, 81 scholarship holders from 33 countries are studying at the university within the framework of the Stipendium Hungaricum program. The Tempus Public Foundation's Board of Trustees will make a decision on awarding scholarships for the 2025/2026 academic year in June 2025.
This remarkable result positions the institution in an outstanding place on the global educational map. The University of Sopron proves, both domestically and internationally, that quality education, research and development, and commitment to a sustainable future create real value.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron Advances Sustainability with the 'Sound of Earth' Implementation Program
ugrás az oldal tetejéreAs we embark on 2025 with renewed energy, the University of Sopron remains committed to its "Green University" vision, guided by the principles of sustainability. Our institution takes great pride in the progress we have made, particularly with the launch of the trademark-protected "Sound of Earth University of Sopron" (SOE-MP) Sustainability Implementation Program in 2024.
This comprehensive initiative provides a structured and system-oriented framework for advancing sustainability in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through carefully designed work packages, activity areas, and systemic elements, the SOE-MP ensures the continuous improvement of sustainability-related performance across the university.
The 'Sound of Earth' Program: A Collaborative Effort
Sustainability at the University of Sopron is a shared responsibility. Whether through daily habits, academic pursuits, research projects, or campus activities, every member of our university community plays a role in fostering a sustainable future. The SOE-MP serves as our “Sustainability Code,” guiding us toward more responsible and environmentally conscious operations.
One of the essential elements of the SOE-MP is the "University as a Living Lab Concept". This approach promotes the multifunctional use of green and built university spaces to support sustainability initiatives. Students, faculty, researchers, and staff are encouraged to experiment with new ideas in real-world settings, gaining valuable insights through practical implementation and feedback loops. The balance between theoretical knowledge and practical execution remains a key focus throughout the program.
The key areas of action within the individual SOE–MP work packages are the followings: Partnership, Planet, People, Well-being, Peace.
Discover More
We invite you to explore the details of the 'Sound of Earth' Implementation Program and its impact on our university. For an in-depth analysis, refer to the Hungarian publication:
Fábián A., Lakatos F., Elekné F. V., Őrsi Á., Náhlik A. és Polgár A. (2024): A Soproni Egyetem alkalmazott fenntarthatósági modellje. Erdészettudományi Közlemények, 14(1): 5-6. DOI: 10.17164/EK.2024.03
Additionally, stay updated on our sustainability efforts through the University of Sopron Green University website.
Join us in shaping a more sustainable future at the University of Sopron!
For a Greener Tomorrow – The University of Sopron's Growth in Corporate and Scientific Partnerships
ugrás az oldal tetejéreFocusing on innovation in forestry, wood industry, and international climate research, the University of Sopron is actively developing its partnerships. The university’s research also contributes to the European Union’s vision of ensuring sustainable prosperity. Through its strong economic and scientific collaborations, the University of Sopron plays a key role both nationally and internationally.
As Hungary’s first climate-positive university, the University of Sopron places great emphasis on climate change research and is dedicated to building a sustainable future. In this spirit, collaboration began this year with the Institute of Geophysics and Space Science of the HUN-REN Hungarian Research Network (HUN-REN FI) to align research efforts in forestry, earth sciences, and space sciences. Plans related to remote sensing and space weather were also presented by experts at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). The January meeting between Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián, Rector of the University of Sopron, and Prof. Dr. Charaf Hassan, Rector of BME, aimed to renew existing cooperation platforms. The professional discussions also covered geobioinformatics, a field synthesizing geomatics, biology, and informatics, which is uniquely available in Hungary only at the University of Sopron.
The university’s research aligns with the European Commission’s "Competitiveness Compass" strategy. Innovation, decarbonization, and digital transition—key concepts of this strategy—are also fundamental to the daily work at Hungary’s westernmost higher education institution, according to Szabolcs Bokodi, strategic expert at the University of Sopron.
This strategic approach has also attracted interest from the KÉSZ Group, a construction-focused corporate group, which approached the university with a proposal for collaboration. In January, the 40-year-old company and the Faculty of Wood and Creative Industries held a joint professional day. Key topics included the impact of climate change on the supply of wood raw materials, the resulting shifts in the wood industry, the use of natural insulation materials, and the adoption of wood-based construction materials.
In another wood industry-related initiative, experts from Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU) and the Wood K Plus research center recently visited the University of Sopron. Strengthening ties with leading Austrian research institutions, educational establishments, and top companies remains a priority for the university. This effort also led to a strategic discussion with Esterhazy Betriebe AG in January.
Climate change impacts, carbon footprint assessment, and biomonitoring systems are key areas where the University of Sopron and its international partners can achieve significant global scientific advancements, emphasized Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián. The rector also highlighted that the university’s network of partnerships now extends beyond Europe to several African countries and the Far East. This expansion not only strengthens the university’s international presence but also creates valuable economic opportunities for Hungary.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreUnversity of Sopron strengthens partnership with INTI International University in Malaysia
ugrás az oldal tetejéreProf. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos, Vice Rector of Research and International Relations at the University of Sopron, recently visited INTI International University in Malaysia, where he met with Professor Joseph Lee Yu Kuang, Ph.D., Vice Chancellor.
The University of Sopron and INTI International University share a strong and well-established partnership, collaborating on co-hosted conferences and joint research initiatives.
The primary focus areas of this collaboration include:
- Sustainability Transition
- Innovation Ecosystems
- Digital Solutions
in Tourism and International Economics.
During their meeting, Prof. Dr. Lakatos and Prof. Lee engaged in a productive discussion on further strengthening the ties between the two institutions. Both leaders expressed enthusiasm for expanding joint academic and research opportunities, ensuring a future of continued collaboration and innovation.
As the University of Sopron continues to build its global academic network, partnerships like these play a crucial role in fostering cross-border knowledge exchange and impactful research. We look forward to more fruitful cooperation between our institutions in the years to come.
ugrás az oldal tetejére
New Pedagogical Methodology Center at the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe Faculty of Pedagogy at the University of Sopron has established the Brunszvik Teréz Methodological Center for the Carpathian Basin.
Countess Teréz Brunszvik, born in 1775, was the founder of the first kindergarten in Hungary and a prominent figure in Hungarian child and women's education. In her honor, the University of Sopron is offering a series of professional and scientific programs this year as part of the Brunszvik 250 Jubilee Memorial Year. In a formal announcement, Dr. László Varga, the dean of the faculty, declared the establishment of the Brunszvik Teréz Methodological Center for the Carpathian Basin within the Benedek Elek Faculty of Pedagogy.
The center aims to strengthen research, development, and innovation collaboration in the field of education across the Carpathian Basin. It seeks to foster a shared discourse on educational sciences and operate a research-based creative workshop with a focus on pedagogy, psychology, innovation, and methodology. Additionally, the center intends to facilitate the rapid integration of the latest scientific findings into pedagogy, maintaining continuous dialogue between educational science and pedagogical practice. It will operate alongside and complement the Humanities Research Center of the Benedek Elek Faculty of Pedagogy. The center's director will always be the acting dean of the faculty.
The center is structured around interdisciplinary workshops, each led by experts in their respective fields. The workshops include:
- Sustainability and Environmental Protection
- Health and Lifestyle
- National Education and Folklore
- Digital Culture
- EduCasus
- Museum and Art Pedagogy
- Play Pedagogy
The faculty hopes the methodological center will gain momentum and that additional workshops will join in the future. The Benedek Faculty welcomes the participation of public education and higher education institutions from across the Carpathian Basin.
The 6th International Week will take place from April 22-25, 2025, featuring several connections to the Brunszvik 250 Memorial Year. On April 24, the Benedek Elek Faculty of Pedagogy will organize the Trends & Dimensions in Early Childhood Education – International Symposium, focusing on early childhood education. An English-language volume of studies based on the symposium will also be published later this year.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreAlumnus Wins Prestigious Red Dot Award at Stockholm Design Week
ugrás az oldal tetejéreWe are proud to announce that Máté Horváth, a former student of the Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries, has been honored with the prestigious Red Dot Award at Stockholm Design Week!
Máté completed both his BSc and MSc degrees in Industrial Product and Design Engineering at our university, and his latest success is attributed to his innovative chair design, which has earned him yet another well-deserved recognition in the field of design.
As the founder of Forms Design, Máté Horváth personally presents the Stretch chair, a unique blend of functionality, aesthetics, and emotional impact. Its form reflects the opposing forces of stability and uncertainty in the modern world, while maintaining a harmonious balance between them. The chair combines traditional woodworking techniques with a seat surface made from recycled PET bottles, making it both sustainable and highly adaptable.
Being selected for the Greenhouse section is a prestigious recognition, as participants are carefully chosen by a professional jury based on strict criteria. Forms Design's presence in this exclusive segment marks another milestone for Hungarian design on the international stage. The Stretch chair debuts here for the first time before a broad audience, opening a new chapter in the brand’s history.
For aspiring designers inspired by Máté’s achievements, we offer exciting opportunities to follow in his footsteps! Our MSc in Industrial Product Design Engineering and MSc in Eco-Design Engineering programs are available for the upcoming September intake. These programs provide cutting-edge knowledge and practical experience to help students excel in the ever-evolving world of design and engineering.
Apply Here! |
Source of photos: Embassy of Hungary, Stockholm / Ungerns Ambassad, Stockholm
Spring Semester Welcome Day 2025
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The Role of the University of Sopron in the VisegradFund Project – The Researchers Met in Krakow
ugrás az oldal tetejére5 international universities are collaborating on the research into the utilization of logging residues generated during timber harvesting. At the Krakow meeting, the University of Sopron was represented by Dr. Katalin Szakálosné Mátyás, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Forestry.
In the VisegradFund international project, alongside the Faculty of Forestry at the University of Sopron, the participating institutions include the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, the University of Agriculture in Krakow, the Czech University of Life Sciences, and the Technical University in Zvolen. The joint research aims to explore the possibilities of utilizing residues as a conserved fossil fuel substitute („Logging Residue Torrefaction and Pressure Agglomeration as a Method to Conserve Fossil Fuels” (Project ID 24242)).
Thanks to the participation of the University of Sopron, white locust wood samples from the Iván forest section of the Lowland Forestry Unit of the Tanulmányi Erdőgazdasági Zrt. have been included in the research. The preparation of the wood chips in the laboratory is currently taking place in Prague, while torrefaction is being conducted in Zvolen. According to the project schedule, in February, the participants reviewed the progress of the research, outlined the next tasks and their timeline, and planned the preparation of publications, a scientific monograph, and the upcoming workshop programs.
In addition to discussions, participants visited laboratories dedicated to renewable energy utilization (Laboratory of Biofuel Production Technology and Quality Assessment) and a waste processing and recovery plant (Thermal Waste Processing Plant in Krakow, also known as Eco-incinerator Krakow). As part of the cultural program, they also had the opportunity to explore historical remains of Krakow’s underground old town at the „Rynek Underground” museum.
The University of Sopron and Its Scientific Partners Researched Ancient Processes in Thermal Waters
ugrás az oldal tetejéreTwo researchers from the University of Sopron and their scientific partners have made a internationally significant discovery regarding the development of carbonate structures (stromatolites) formed by microbes. Their finding were published in the renowned scientific journal, the Scientific Reports. The new research could contribute to a better understanding of carbonate structures formed in Earth’s geological past and help uncover modern correlations of similar processes. Experts from the University of Sopron collaborated on this project with researchers from the HUN-REN Research Centre For Astronomy and Earth Sciences and the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE).
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Figure 1: As the 79.2°C thermal water reaches the surface, white calcium carbonate precipitates, forming a substrate on which lush, layered red and green biofilms—woven bacterial mats—develop (Illustration by Judit Makk). |
The stromatolites are layered carbonate formations created by photosynthesizing cyanobacteria. With a history dating back to more than 3.5 billion years, they are among the oldest fossils on Earth. These organisms formed vast colonies in the shallow waters of ancient oceans and seas, playing a crucial role in increasing the oxygen content of the Earth’s atmosphere round 2.2 billion years ago during the Archean Eon. It is of great scientific interest, from both ecological and evolutionary perspectives, to understand the formation of these unique carbonate structures. However, their study is challenging, as the number of actively developing stromatolites has significantly declined in modern times.
Two members of the Functional Genomics and Bioinformatics Group operating at the University of Sopron, Dr. Nóra Tünde Lange-Enyedi and Prof. Dr. György Sipos collaborated with researchers from the Eötvös Loránd University and the Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of the HUN-REN Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences. During the study of the Köröm thermal well in Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén County, they observed biogenic structures, whose composition resembles that of the ancient stromatolites. In the thermal well’s environment, they examined 3-5 cm thick, red and green, layered, carbonate-rich biofilms (Figure 1), and they found that the mats made by bacteria can grow even under unfavourable conditions, such as low organic matter content, temperature of 79.2°C, high salinity, and significant arsenic concentration. They found a correlation between the composition of bacterial communities, physicochemical properties, and the process of limestone precipitation. For the first time, they describe the similarity between the structure of the currently living and developing red biofilm and the fossilized stromatolites (Figure 2).
Application Period for International Students is Open at the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreDear Prospective Student!
We are excited to announce that applications for the Bachelor, Master, and PhD programmes at the University of Sopron for the September 2025 intake are now open!
Apply now and begin your journey in Economics, Pedagogy, Forestry, or Wood Engineering at a Green University in the heart of Europe.
Study Programmes Available:
Bachelor’s Programmes:
BSc in Sustainable Wood Engineering Technology / Timber Industry Engineering
BSc in International Business Economics
BSc in Business Administration and Management
Master’s Programmes:
MSc in Geobioinformatics
MA in Educational Science
MSc in International Economy and Business
MSc in Environmental Engineering
MSc in Nature Conservation Engineering
MSc in Sustainable Wood Engineering Technology / Timber Industry Engineering
MSc in Business Informatics
MSc in Eco-Designer
MSc in Industrial Product Design Engineering
MSc in Used Furniture Designer
Doctoral Programmes (PhD):
PhD in Economics and Management
PhD in Forestry and Wildlife Management
PhD in Wood Sciences and Technologies
Click [here] for our step-by-step application guide and take the first step toward an exciting academic journey!
Check out what some of our students say about studying here:
If you are still uncertain about the process, you can raise your questions anytime at
ugrás az oldal tetejéreStudy at the Forefront of the World: Scholarship Opportunity at Fudan University in China!
ugrás az oldal tetejéreWould you like to pursue your Master's or PhD studies at one of the world's most prestigious universities? Are you ready to explore China's fascinating culture while earning a globally competitive degree? Then this is your chance!
Fudan University – one of China's most renowned higher education institutions – offers a unique scholarship program specifically for the graduating students of the University of Sopron. As part of this cooperation, students of the University of Sopron receive priority during the admission process and have access to multiple scholarship opportunities.
Discover what it's like to study at one of the world's TOP universities! Shanghai, Fudan's world-class programs, and a once-in-a-lifetime experience await you. Watch the video to get a glimpse of the life on the Fudan University’s campus!
What does the program offer?
The pilot program aims to attract talented students, primarily from STEM+ fields (such as natural sciences, engineering, and computer science), though students from other disciplines are also welcome to apply. The available programs include courses taught in both English and Chinese.
Why should you apply?
- Priority admission consideration for University of Sopron students.
- An internationally recognized degree.
- A once-in-a-lifetime experience in one of the world's oldest cultures.
The application process is as follows:
- Read the informational materials!
- List of English-taught Master’s and PhD programs - Att.1 Fudan English-taught Master and PhD Program List.xls
- Nomination form – Att. 4 Nomination Form – Fudan postgrad programs for int’l students 2025.xlsx
- Application form – Att. 5 Application Form – Fudan postgrad programs for int’s students 2025.docx
- 2. Basic requirements
- Non-Chinese citizens with a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree
- Meeting the language requirements
- Prepare your documentations and submit it to the Dean’s Office of your faculty no later than 20 March!
- Completed documents: 1.b and 1.c
- Official transcript of your most recent completed semester
- Other documents, which may strengthen your application (e.g. competition results, publications, etc.)
- 4. The University of Sopron will nominate the students after the faculty-level evaluation.
- 5. The Fudan University will review the applications and contact the students.
Don't miss out on this exceptional opportunity! Immerse yourself in both science and culture, and build your international career at Fudan University!
ugrás az oldal tetejéreRepresentatives of the Embassy of the United States visited the University of Sopron
ugrás az oldal tetejéreThe University of Sopron had the pleasure of welcoming a delegation from the Embassy of the United States of America.
Luke Thompson, Director, Regional Hub Office – Environment, Science, Technology and Health, Tibor Kovács, Science and Health Specialist, and Anett Zellei, Regional Environmental and Scientific Affairs Specialist, were received by Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos, Vice-Rector of International Relations and Research, and Csilla Csipkó, Coordinator of International Affairs. The visit marks an exciting opportunity to strengthen academic and scientific cooperation between the University of Sopron and U.S. institutions. Special attention was given to potential collaborations in the fields of climate change and research on invasive species—both of which are priority areas where shared expertise and joint projects could create real impact.
Following the official meeting, the participants enjoyed a lunch, and participated on a guided tour of the University’s Botanical Garden. This unique natural setting, paired with the University of Sopron’s commitment to sustainability and environmental research, offers a perfect backdrop for innovative scientific collaborations.
We look forward to building a strong and lasting partnership and are excited about the many opportunities for collaboration ahead.
ugrás az oldal tetejéreDonate Blood, Save Three Lives!
ugrás az oldal tetejéreDear Everyone,
We warmly invite you to the Spring Blood Donation Event of the University of Sopron, which will take place on March 12, 2025 (Wednesday).
📍 Location: Old Dormitory - Ötöd Erdő Klub room (Sopron, Ady Endre Street 5.)
⏰ Time: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Why is blood donation important?
A single blood donation typically yields three different blood products — red blood cell concentrate, plasma, and platelet concentrate — which can help treat three different patients. For example: red blood cells are often used for patients undergoing surgery or those with anemia, while plasma helps treat burn victims and patients with immune deficiencies. That’s why we say one donor can save three lives! Our university hosts this event twice a year, and we hope our community will come together once again to support this vital cause!
First time donating? Don't worry! Blood donation is a quick and safe process, supervised by qualified doctors and nurses right here at the university. Anyone who is healthy, between 18 and 65 years old, and weighs at least 50 kg is eligible to donate. If it’s your first time, feel free to ask any questions on-site — our team is happy to help!
Please bring the following documents with you:
· Personal identification card (ID)
· Address card
· TAJ card (or your insurance number if you don’t have a TAJ card)
For international students, please bring:
· The document proving your Hungarian address
· Passport
· Hungarian TAJ card or a valid EU health insurance certificate
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