English language
internal defence
Date of the defence:
26. February 2025 at 11.00 a.m.
István Széchenyi Economics and Management Doctoral School
cordially invites you to an English language internal defense by the PhD applicant
The title of the dissertation:
Sustainable Leadership and Sustainability Performance
of the Readymade Garments (RMG) Industry in Bangladesh
Date of the defence:
26th February 2025 at 11:00 a.m.
University of Sopron Alexander Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics
Sopron, Erzsébet Str. 9. (Room 15.)
Chair of the Committee:
Dr. habil. László KOLOSZÁR PhD associate professor (SOE LKK)
Reviewers of the Committee:
Prof. Dr. Anna DUNAY PhD professor (NJE)
Dr. Nikoletta NÉMETH PhD associate professor (SOE LKK)
Supervisor of the applicant:
Dr. István BARTÓK PhD associate professor (SOE LKK)
Prof. Dr. Csilla OBÁDOVICS
head of the Doctoral School
Kapcsolódó elérhetőségek
Kapcsolódó tartalmak
- 2025.01.30. Internal defence – Dmitry Ganzha
- 2025.01.28. 11.00 Szóbeli szigorlat – Mudri György
- 2025.01.22. 14.00 Komplex vizsga - Hackl János
- 2025.01.22. 15.00 Complex exam – Mohammad Hani Khlefat
- 2025.01.07. 10.45 Komplex vizsga - Légrádi Miklós
- 2024.12.09. 14.00 óra Munkahelyi vita – Lenti Attila
- 2024.10.24. 11:00 Nyilvános védés –Szőke Tünde Mónika
- 2024.09.26. 10.00 Szóbeli szigorlat – Kőrösi-Szabó Tamás
- 2024.06.21. 14:00 Public defence –Mohamed El Merroun
- 2024.06.21. 11.00 óra Munkahelyi vita – Szőke Tünde Mónika