
Gyengénlátó Változat

2023.10.19. 15.00 Internal defence – Wael Alasfar


English language
internal defence

Date of the defence:
19th October 2023 at 15.00 p.m.


István Széchenyi Economics and Management Doctoral School 

cordially invites you to an English language internal defense by the PhD applicant 




The title of the dissertation: 

The Impact of Supply Chain Management and Logistics on the Competitive Advantage and Organizational Performance 

(A Field Study in Tourism Organizations in Syria) 


Date of the defence: 

19th October 2023 at 15.00 p.m. 



University of Sopron Alexander Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics 

Sopron, Erzsébet Str. 9. (Room 15.) 



Chair of the Committee: 

Dr. habil. Balázs István TÓTH PhD associate professor (SOE LKK) 


Reviewers of the Committee: 

Dr. Balázs GYENGE PhD associate professor (METU) 

Dr. István BARTÓK PhD associate professor (SOE LKK) 


Supervisor of the applicant: 

Prof. Dr. Csilla OBÁDOVICS PhD 

Prof. Dr. László SZALAY DSc 


Prof. Dr. Csilla OBÁDOVICS
head of the Doctoral School

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