
Gyengénlátó Változat

2023.06.08. 12.00 Complex exam – Marjan Shirahmad


complex exam
by the PhD applicant

Date of the exam:
8th June 2023. at 12.00 a.m.


University of Sopron Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics  

István Széchenyi Economics and Management Doctoral School  

cordially invites you to a complex exam  

by the PhD applicant  




Date of the exam:  

8th June 2023. at 12.00 a.m.


The title of the research summary:  

The Effect of Customer Involvement, Engagement, Experience and Identification on Customer Behavioral Intentions in Sports Tourism Destination  


Supervisor of the applicant:  

Dr. habil Dávid PAÁR (SOE-LKK)  



UNIVERSITY OF SOPRON Alexander Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics   

Sopron, Erzsébet str. 9., Room 15.   


  Chair of the Committee:  

Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna SZÉLES professor (SOE LKK)  


Members of the committee:  

Dr. habil. László BALÁZS vice rector (DUE) 

Dr. István BARTÓK associate professor (SOE LKK)  



Prof. Dr. Csilla OBÁDOVICS 
head of the Doctoral School  


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