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The students of the University of Sopron went on a trip to the Fertő-Hanság National Park

The international students of the University of Sopron visited Fertő-Hanság National Park for the second time this year, on 15th of October. The trip was organized by the Faculty of Economics.


In March, they had the opportunity to see the awakening nature and this time, they could admire the autumn landscape and migrating birds. The park was introduced to students by environmental education specialist Krisztina Mészáros and nature conservation specialist Anikó Kurali. After a short walk we arrived to the spot of bird ringing where everything was prepared by the park staff and the students could admire the process and get information about the its aim. While the experts were ringing the birds, student could hear a presentation about the fauna of the park, the species and habits of migratory birds and last but not least about the difficulties caused by the drought.

Returning to the visitor centre in Lászlómajor, they saw an interactive exhibition, the purpose of which is to introduce the living world to visitors and after that, they walked around the paddocks to meet some farm animals up close.

Although the weather was not favourable, the trip was still a real experience for the students.


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