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About the Doctoral School

István Széchenyi Economics and Management Doctoral School



The Establishment of the Doctoral School

The Doctoral School was founded by the economist Prof. Dr. Erzsébet Gidai DSc, who also established the Faculty of Economics and who was the head of the doctoral school until her death in August 2008. The Plenum of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee at its regular meeting on July 6, 2001 approved the request for temporary accreditation in 2001/6/IX. s. approved with its decision. During the 2007 accreditation procedure, the Doctoral School was accredited. From 2008 to April 9, 2017, Prof. Dr. Csaba Székely DSc led the doctoral school, when he could no longer assume the leadership of the doctoral school due to his age of 70. From 2017 to August 15, 2020, Prof. Dr. Edit Éva Kiss DSc was the head of the doctoral school. 2020. from August 15, the rector of the university appointed Prof. Dr. Csilla Obádovics PhD as the head of the doctoral school. HAC No. 2022/9/V/1/2 dated November 18, 2022. based on its decision, it accredited the Doctoral School until November 18, 2027.

The purpose of doctoral education

Doctoral training is primarily the scientific preparation of future research and teaching professionals. In the training system, the acquisition of the knowledge and skills that are indispensable for the continuation of research activities at the international level is of particular importance. The training provides essential methodological and theoretical knowledge, enables the acquisition of comprehensive skills in a specialized field, and also includes individual research and the preparation of a dissertation.

The aim of the doctoral training is for the doctoral students to be able to plan and carry out primary and secondary research and analyze and synthesize the literature in order to continue their high-level scientific work. Another requirement is the acquisition and use of scientific methodological applications during research work, as well as publication in both Hungarian and foreign languages. The doctoral student must prove these skills and abilities by preparing and defending the dissertation.

Who are we waiting for?

We are waiting for lecturers and researchers who would like to continue their scientific work in one of the following areas:

  • Business Economics and Management;
  • Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development;
  • Finances;
  • International Economy and Management;
  • Marketing, and Tourism;
  • Relationships Between Socio-economic Inequalities.

The duration of the doctoral program is 4 years, which is divided into 2+2 years. In the first two years students have contact classes and they do research works. By the end of the fourth semester there is a comprehensive examination where students present their achievements and the future plans regarding the doctoral work. The last two years are about research work and the preparation of the dissertation (doctoral thesis). By the end of the fourth year the active student status will end. Within three years of the complex examination, the doctoral degree procedure must be initiated.

In addition to our doctoral training, we also welcome second-year students from the International Cross Border PhD Programs, who fulfil their first year of study at the University of Applied Sciences in Eisenstadt, Austria. This joint PhD program in International Economic Relations and Management takes place within the international cooperation framework.

In addition to the doctoral training, the task of our doctoral school is also to evaluate and carry out habilitation applications submitted to the University of Sopron in the field of science we represent.

The tuition fee is 2000 USD / semester.

The fee for the dissertation procedure is 2000 USD / semester.

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We are available by phone, in person or by e-mail at the following contacts:

Ildikó Petróné Tóth Coordinator
+36 99 518106

Prof. Dr. Csilla Obádovics Professor, Head of Doctoral School
+36 30 3855744

Prof. Dr. Csilla Obádovics PhD
Head of Doctoral School

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